\[ R(t) = A+tD \]
\[ (X-C)^2=r^2 \]
\[ (A+tD-C)^2=r^2 \]
而後經過判別式:\[\Delta=4[(A-C) \cdot D]^2 - 4(A-C)^2+r^2\]來判斷是否相交。this
\[ N=\frac{P-C}{||P-C||} \]spa
bool Sphere::intersectLocal( const ray& r, isect& i ) const { // YOUR CODE HERE: // 光線與球面相交 // Add sphere intersection code here. Vec3d A = r.getPosition(); Vec3d D = r.getDirection(); Vec3d C= Vec3<double>(); double _r = 1.0; double a = D.length2(); double b = 2 * (A - C) * D; double c = (A - C).length2() - _r; double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c; // it currently ignores all spheres and just return false. if (delta >= 0) { double t1 = (-b + sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a); double t2 = (-b - sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a); if (t1 <= RAY_EPSILON) return false; else { double t; if (t2 <= RAY_EPSILON) { t = t1; i.outsideTheObject = false; } else { t = t2; i.outsideTheObject = true; } // 焦點設置 i.obj = this; i.setT(t); Vec3d P = r.at(t); Vec3d Normal = P; if (D*Normal > 0) Normal = -Normal; Normal.normalize(); i.setN(Normal); return true; } } return false; }
\[ R(t) = A+tD \]
\[ N(p-p_1)=0 \]
\[ t=\frac{N\cdot p_1 - N \cdot A}{n\cdot D} \]
// Calculates and returns the normal of the triangle too. bool TrimeshFace::intersectLocal(const ray& r, isect& i) const { // YOUR CODE HERE: // Add triangle intersection code here. // it currently ignores all triangles and just return false. // // Note that you are only intersecting a single triangle, and the vertices // of the triangle are supplied to you by the trimesh class. // // You should retrieve the vertices using code like this: // // const Vec3d& a = parent->vertices[ids[0]]; // const Vec3d& b = parent->vertices[ids[1]]; // const Vec3d& c = parent->vertices[ids[2]]; const Vec3d& a = parent->vertices[ids[0]]; const Vec3d& b = parent->vertices[ids[1]]; const Vec3d& c = parent->vertices[ids[2]]; Vec3d edge1 = b - a; Vec3d edge2 = c - a; // 計算平面法向量 Vec3d nor = edge1 ^ edge2; nor.normalize(); // 判斷是否與平面平行 float x = nor * r.getDirection(); if (x == 0) return false; // Ax + By + Cz = d float d = nor * a; float t = (d - nor * r.getPosition()) / x; if (t <= RAY_EPSILON) return false; Vec3d intersection_point = r.at(t); Vec3d edge3 = intersection_point - a; // 同向法判斷是否在平面內 if (((b - a) ^ (intersection_point - a)) * nor <= 0) return false; else if (((c - b) ^ (intersection_point - b)) * nor <= 0) return false; else if (((a - c) ^ (intersection_point - c)) * nor <= 0) return false; else { //交點設置 i.obj = this; i.setT(t); i.setN(nor); return true; } }
\[ A_{j}^{d i s t}=\min \left\{1, \frac{1}{a_{j}+b_{j} r_{j}+c_{j} r_{j}^{2}}\right\} \]code
double PointLight::distanceAttenuation( const Vec3d& P ) const { // You'll need to modify this method to attenuate the intensity // of the light based on the distance between the source and the // point P. For now, we assume no attenuation and just return 1.0 Vec3d d = P - position; double r = d.length(); //距離 return min(1.0, 1.0 / (constantTerm + linearTerm * r + quadraticTerm * r*r)); // return 1.0; }
double DirectionalLight::distanceAttenuation( const Vec3d& P ) const { // distance to light is infinite, so f(di) goes to 0. Return 1. return 1.0; }
Vec3d PointLight::shadowAttenuation(const Vec3d& P) const { // YOUR CODE HERE: // You should implement shadow-handling code here. Vec3d d = getDirection(P); isect i; ray shadowRay(P, d); if (this->getScene()->intersect(shadowRay, i)) { double tLight = (P - position).length(); if (i.t < tLight) return Vec3d(0, 0, 0); else return Vec3d(1, 1, 1); } return Vec3d(1,1,1); }
Vec3d DirectionalLight::shadowAttenuation( const Vec3d& P ) const { // YOUR CODE HERE: Vec3d d = getDirection(P); isect i; ray shadowRay(P, d); if (this->getScene()->intersect(shadowRay, i)) { return Vec3d(0, 0, 0); } // You should implement shadow-handling code here. return Vec3d(1,1,1); }
\[ I=I_ak_a + I_lk_d(L \cdot N)+k_s\sum_{i=1}^{m}[I_{pi}(R \cdot V)^n] \]
在washington CSE 457的課件中給出的公式爲
\[ l_{\text {direct }}=k_{e}+k_{e} I_{L s}+\sum_{f} A_{j}^{\text {shadow}} A_{j}^{\text {dist}} I_{L j} B_{j}\left[k_{d}\left(\mathbf{N} \cdot \mathbf{L}_{j}\right)+k_{s}\left(\mathbf{N} \cdot \mathbf{H}_{j}\right)^{n_{s}}\right] \]
\[ I_{d}=I_{p} K_{d} *(L \cdot N) \]
\[ I_{s}=k_{s} I_{p}(R \cdot V)^{n} \]
// Apply the Phong model to this point on the surface of the object, returning // the color of that point. Vec3d Material::shade( Scene *scene, const ray& r, const isect& i ) const { // YOUR CODE HERE // For now, this method just returns the diffuse color of the object. // This gives a single matte color for every distinct surface in the // scene, and that's it. Simple, but enough to get you started. // (It's also inconsistent with the Phong model...) // Your mission is to fill in this method with the rest of the phong // shading model, including the contributions of all the light sources. // You will need to call both distanceAttenuation() and shadowAttenuation() // somewhere in your code in order to compute shadows and light falloff. if( debugMode ) std::cout << "Debugging the Phong code (or lack thereof...)" << std::endl; Vec3d pos = r.at(i.t); Vec3d N = i.N; N.normalize(); Vec3d Ip, L, H, Atten; Vec3d shadow = ke(i) + prod(scene->ambient(), ka(i)); for (vector<Light*>::const_iterator litr = scene->beginLights(); litr != scene->endLights(); ++litr) { Light* pLight = *litr; Ip = pLight->getColor(pos); L = pLight->getDirection(pos); H = -r.getDirection() + L; H.normalize(); Atten = pLight->distanceAttenuation(pos)*pLight->shadowAttenuation(pos); shadow += prod(Atten, prod(Ip, kd(i)*(L*N) + ks(i)*pow(H*N, 256))); } return shadow; }
\[ R=2(V\cdot N)N-V \]
爲何是這樣呢?首先來看\(V\cdot N\),這裏N是交點處的法向量,而且是單位向量,那個即視線在法向量上的投影,再乘法向量的兩倍,獲得的是平行四邊形的對角線,減去V即是反射後的光線的方向。
\[ \begin{array}{l}{\eta=\frac{\eta_{i}}{\eta_{t}}} \\ \eta_{i} \sin \theta_{i}=\eta_{t} \sin \theta_{t} \\ {\cos \theta_{i}=\mathbf{N} \cdot \mathbf{V}} \\ {\cos \theta_{t}=\sqrt{1-\eta^{2}\left(1-\cos ^{2} \theta_{i}\right)}} \\ {\mathbf{T}=\left(\eta \cos \theta_{i}-\cos \theta_{t}\right) \mathbf{N}-\eta \mathbf{V}}\end{array} \]
// Do recursive ray tracing! You'll want to insert a lot of code here // (or places called from here) to handle reflection, refraction, etc etc. Vec3d RayTracer::traceRay( const ray& r, const Vec3d& thresh, int depth ) { isect i; if( scene->intersect( r, i ) && depth >= 0) { const Material& m = i.getMaterial(); //計算光源直射 Vec3d I = m.shade(scene, r, i); //計算反射遞歸 Vec3d Q = r.at(i.t); Vec3d R = r.getDirection() - 2 * (r.getDirection()*i.N)*i.N; R.normalize(); I += prod(m.kr(i), traceRay(ray(Q, R), thresh, depth - 1)); //計算折射遞歸 double cosThetaI = -i.N*r.getDirection(); double eta = (i.outsideTheObject) ? 1.0003 / m.index(i) : m.index(i) / 1.0003; if (eta*eta*(1 - cosThetaI * cosThetaI) < 1) { double cosThetaT = sqrt(1 - eta * eta*(1 - cosThetaI * cosThetaI)); Vec3d T = (eta*cosThetaI - cosThetaT)*i.N - eta * r.getDirection(); T.normalize(); I += prod(m.kt(i), traceRay(ray(Q, -T), thresh, depth - 1)); } return I; // An intersection occured! We've got work to do. For now, // this code gets the material for the surface that was intersected, // and asks that material to provide a color for the ray. // This is a great place to insert code for recursive ray tracing. // Instead of just returning the result of shade(), add some // more steps: add in the contributions from reflected and refracted // rays. //const Material& m = i.getMaterial(); //return m.shade(scene, r, i); } else { // No intersection. This ray travels to infinity, so we color // it according to the background color, which in this (simple) case // is just black. return Vec3d( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); } }
到這裏,光線追蹤也就差很少介紹完了,這一系列博客也算是收尾了。那天在課上聽其餘同窗展現的的時候,說是個人世界有部分的開源源碼,裏面有一個能夠實現光追的接口,有興趣的小夥伴能夠去康康,彷佛那個僅僅實現光追還沒法達到很好的效果,還要加上路線追蹤,emmmmm。。。。期末考完有空了我再去康康,明早圖形學考試祝我好運 orz