In computer graphics, ray tracing is a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects. The technique is capable of producing a very high degree of visual realism, usually higher than that of typical scanline rendering methods, but at a greater computational cost. ——wikipedia
光線追蹤 Ray Tracing
是一種渲染算法,準確地說它應該叫路徑追蹤 Path Tracing
。它經過追蹤入射到人眼或者攝像機的光線來決定這道光線經過的像素點是什麼顏色。與光柵化 rasterization
下節開始將會介紹如何從零開始實現一個光線追蹤渲染器。看過 'Ray Tracing In The Weekend'
a.ppm文件內容: P3 400 300 255 149 192 255 149 192 255 149 191 255 149 191 255 149 191 255 148 191 255 148 191 255 148 191 255 148 191 255 148 191 255 ......
是全部PNM圖像的頭,第二行400 300
下面的代碼可以寫出一個ppm圖像,其中 Color
#include "ppm.h" using namespace std; int WriteRGBImg(const char* path, int nx, int ny, Color *pix) { std::ofstream fout(path); fout << "P3\n" << nx << " " << ny << "\n255\n"; for (int i = 0; i < nx * ny; ++i) { fout << (int) pix[i][0] << "\t" << (int) pix[i][1] << "\t" << (int) pix[i][2] << "\n"; } fout.flush(); return 0; }
<center>圖1.1 寫入ppm文件代碼圖</center>ide
/** * Common 3-d vector definition */ class Vector3 { public: Vector3() = default; Vector3(double a, double b, double c); double e[3]; inline double& operator[](int i) { return e[i]; } inline Vector3& operator=(const Vector3& vec); inline Vector3 operator-() const; friend inline Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& vec1, const Vector3& vec2); friend inline Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& vec1, const Vector3& vec2); inline Vector3 operator*(double k) const; inline Vector3 operator*(const Vector3& vec); inline Vector3 operator/(double k) const; inline Vector3 operator/(const Vector3& vec); inline Vector3& operator+=(const Vector3& vec); inline Vector3& operator-=(const Vector3& vec); inline Vector3& operator*=(double k); inline Vector3& operator/=(double k); inline double Dot(const Vector3 &vec) const; inline Vector3 Cross(const Vector3 &vec) const; inline Vector3 UnitVector(); inline double Length() const; inline bool operator!=(const Vector3& v); inline bool Parallel(const Vector3 &v) const; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector3& v); };
<center>圖2.1 vector3定義代碼</center>spa
Vector3 p{0, 0, 0};
上面的代碼表示一個在(0, 0, 0)的點。
l = A + k·B
/* * described by P = A + k·B * P is any point on the ray. * A is the origin point. B is the direction. */ class Ray { public: Ray() = default; Ray(const Vector3& A, const Vector3& B) : A(A), B(B) { } Ray(const Vector3& A, const Vector3& B, const Ray& previous): Ray(A, B) { refracted = previous.refracted; } Vector3 Origin() const { return A; } Vector3 Direction() const { return B; } Vector3 P(double k) const { return A + B * k; } Vector3 operator[](double k) const { return P(k); } bool refracted = false; protected: Vector3 A, B; };
<center>圖2.3 光線定義代碼</center>
class Sphere : public Object { public: Sphere(Vector3 center, double radius, const Material& m) : center(center), radius(radius), Object(m) { } bool IsHit(const Ray& r, double minT, double maxT, HitRecord& hitRec) override; Vector3 Center() { return center; } double Radius() { return radius; } protected: Vector3 center; double radius; };
/** * stores information about at which point a ray hits * an object and what the t-param is in the ray. */ struct HitRecord { HitRecord() = default; HitRecord( double t, const Vector3& p, const Vector3 normal, const Material& m ) : t(t), p(p), normal(normal), scatterInfos(scatterInfos) { } double t; Vector3 p, normal; std::vector<ScatterInfo> scatterInfos; }; /** * common object definition. */ class Object { public: Object(const Material& m): material(m) { } // decide whether the ray r hits this object. virtual bool IsHit(const Ray& r, double minT, double maxT, HitRecord& hitRec) = 0; const Material& material; };
描述了光線與物體交點的位置、切面的法向量以及下一步可能會衍生的多條光線及其佔比。多條光線可能比較難以理解,想象一個玻璃材質的物體,來自某個交點的光線多是折射出來的光線,也多是外界反射的光線,這兩種光線疊加在一塊兒。物體中包含了一個 Material
類成員,表示這個物體表面的材質。材質將會在 3.3 小節詳細描述。
我也考慮將物體羣繼承自物體,由於一條光線與物體羣只會有至多一個交點,這與單個物體的行爲是一致的。而且我但願多個物體能夠組合爲一個物體,好比玻璃泡能夠由一個相對摺射率爲n的玻璃球和一個相對摺射路爲1/n的玻璃球組合而成。可是這裏咱們更傾向於將物體羣理解成物體的集合,它承擔着相對於物體而言更多的職責,包括根據材質計算光線的下一步走向,若是但願將 Object 組合在一塊兒,能夠將。
class Objects { public: virtual bool IsHit(const Ray& r, double minT, double maxT, HitRecord& hitRec); void Add(Object* hittable) { objects.push_back(hittable); } void Release() { for (auto* p: objects) delete p; } protected: std::vector<Object*> objects; };
渲染 render
class Material { public: virtual bool Scatter( const Ray &r, HitRecord &hr) const { hr.scatterInfos = {}; }; };
漫反射材質的某個點反射進入攝像機的光線來自多個無規律的方向。所以咱們以交點爲起點的單位法向量終點爲圓心,做一個半徑爲1的圓,並在園內隨機取一點 P
圖3.1 漫反射材質示意圖
class Lambertian : public Material { public: Lambertian(const Vector3& attenuation) : attenuation(attenuation) { } bool Scatter( const Ray& r, HitRecord& hr) const override; protected: Vector3 attenuation; }; Vector3 RandomUnitVector() { Vector3 p; do { p = 2.f * Vector3((double) drand48(), (double) drand48(), (double) drand48()) - Vector3(1, 1, 1); } while (p.Length() >= 1); return p; } bool Lambertian::Scatter(const Ray &r, HitRecord &hr) const { Vector3 dir = hr.normal + RandomUnitVector(); hr.scatterInfos.push_back({ attenuation, Ray(hr.p, dir) }); return true; }
咱們使用 drand48()
做爲隨機數生成器,不一樣的隨機數序列會有不一樣的效果, drand48()
是unix平臺會提供的快速隨機數實現,它可以生成0-1之間的雙精度浮點數。 Windows 平臺上可能沒有定義,直接引用下面的頭文件便可:
/** * drand48.h */ #include <stdlib.h> #define m 0x100000000LL #define c 0xB16 #define a 0x5DEECE66DLL static unsigned long long seed = 1; double drand48(void) { seed = (a * seed + c) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; unsigned int x = seed >> 16; return ((double)x / (double)m); } void srand48(unsigned int i) { seed = (((long long int)i) << 16) | rand(); }