Unity週記: 2020.12.07-12.20

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Devlog 2: Game architecture with ScriptableObjects | Open Projects
    2. First look at Unity 2020.2’s features | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    3. Unity 2020.2 is now availableBilibili官中
    4. Developing synthetic-aided computer vision algorithms | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    5. Training & deploying AI for industrial robotics | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    6. Furioos: Web streaming for real-time 3D | Unite Now 2020Biliibili
    7. Navigating Monetization in iOS 14 | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    8. How Unity Reflect is transforming the AEC industryBilibili
    9. Using HDRP in an FPS project | Prototype SeriesBilibili
    10. Artist workflows with Maya and Unity | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    11. Leveraging Unity in the new age of digital twins | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    12. Neonverse lessons and best practices | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    13. Behind the Game: Little Orpheus | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    14. Little Orpheus Tech Talk: Developing for Apple Arcade | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    15. 5 tips for writing better code in Unity | Unite Now 2020
    16. Using Magic Leap with AR Foundation | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    17. Capturing profiler stats at runtime | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    18. Key AI-assisted artistry features within ArtEngine | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    19. Adding features to native apps with Unity as a Library | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    20. Shader Graph: Create for both URP and HDRP | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    21. World premiere: Unity FormaBilibili
    22. The Journey: Ep. 5 | Open Projects
  1. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. How the Game Growth program accelerates your game
    2. Find best-in-class third-party products with the Unity Verified Solutions Partner (VSP) program
    3. Building virtual worlds with Virbela and Agora
    4. Pixyz 2020.2 – Advanced optimization for all
    5. Breakout assets of 2020
    6. Unity 2020.2 TECH Stream is now available for download
    7. Automate your playtesting: Create Virtual Players for Game Simulation
    8. Thank you for joining us on Unite Now – we’ll see you in 2021
    9. The tools and tech behind the Game Growth program
    10. Introducing Unity Forma: Reimagine marketing with real-time 3D
    11. Unity Awards 2020: Voting is open
  1. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
    1. ECS的核心概念
    2. 幫助開發者得到成功,Unity新產品介紹 — ArtEngine、Plastic SCM、Backtrace
    3. Unity 2020.2 技術更迭版正式上線,帶來革新式的使用體驗
    4. Unity收購以色列人工智能3D掃描公司RestAR,助力數字營銷
    5. 社區教程上新 | C#中級編程
    6. 《盜墓筆記》使用的這套技術,讓美術能夠在場景中任意使用燈光
    7. 今日直播 | 手把手教你使用ArtEngine製做PBR材質
    8. Unity深度參與計算機領域的年終盛典,CECC 2020強勢來襲!
    9. 如何使用ArtEngine製做苔蘚樹皮材質?成片效果不要太贊
    10. 來學習最容易混淆的設計模式(C#)
    11. Unity 2020.2 beta 速度快到飛起,要歸功於這個團隊
    12. 實現一站式無代碼開發,輕鬆創做高質量的AR、MR應用
    13. 震撼首發!Unity專爲汽車和零售業打造的實時3D營銷內容創做工具Forma
    14. 社區教程上新 | C#初級編程
    15. 攬獲18項全球級別電影節提名的實時渲染短片,《Windup》的製做幕後
    16. 破解技術難題,Unity官方性能優化和企業服務是如何工做的?
    17. 西山居資深引擎開發工程師:《劍網3:指尖江湖》角色逼真擺動效果如何實現?
    18. 卓越職場®|Unity蟬聯2020年大中華區最佳職場!
  1. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. Unity 2020.2正式上線
    2. Unity社區教程|C#中級編程
    3. 利用Addressable+CCD實現資源預下載
    4. 教程|Unity 2020.1中光照貼圖的建立方法
    5. Unity Reflect爲AEC行業帶來變革
    6. 基於Addressable和CCD的資源更新流程
    7. Unity社區教程|C#初級編程