Unity週記: 2021.07.19-07.25

  1. 前言
    1. 本週推薦的文章是:三七研發,這款被稱做「目前最原汁原味的」《斗羅大陸》3D手遊都用到了哪些 Unity 技術?
    2. 另外推薦一下Arm Mali GPU Training這個系列
  2. YouTube - Unity
    1. Creator Spotlight: Card Shark by Nerial | Devolver Digital
    2. Mich-L: a MWU short animated film
    3. Creator Spotlight: Boomerang X by DANG! | Devolver Digital
    4. Creator Spotlight: Death’s Door by Acid Nerve | Devolver Digital
    5. How to import BIM 360 models to Unity Reflect Review
    6. How to import Navisworks models to Unity Reflect Review
    7. How to import Rhino models to Unity Reflect Review
    8. How to manage seats in Unity Reflect Review
    9. How to download and install Unity Reflect Review
    10. How to view models in high definition with Unity Reflect Review
    11. How to add and view annotations in Unity Reflect Review
    12. How to conduct design reviews with multiuser collaboration in Unity Reflect Review
    13. How to quickly share your projects Unity Reflect Review
    14. How to conduct sun studies in Unity Reflect Review
    15. How to filter objects and view BIM metadata in Unity Reflect Review
    16. Creator Spotlight: Death’s Door by Acid Nerve | Devolver Digital
  3. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. Providing economic opportunity to underrepresented youth through gaming
    2. SpeedTree® creator Interactive Data Visualization, Inc. (IDV) joins Unity
    3. Unity宣佈收購SpeedTree®開發商Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.(IDV)
    4. Make in-car games and XR experiences with holoride Elastic SDK
  4. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
    1. 大智老師帶你玩轉Timeline & Cinemachine,拿來吧你
    2. Unity宣佈收購SpeedTree®開發商IDV,強化美術創做流程和環境搭建功能
    3. 三七研發,這款被稱做「目前最原汁原味的」《斗羅大陸》3D手遊都用到了哪些 Unity 技術?
    4. Unity 亮相第七屆中國工程建設行業互聯網大會
    5. Unity集訓營一週年,「人生贏家」校友齊聚
    6. 當Unity技術開放日趕上ChinaJoy,Unity開發者的知識盛宴就在今夏
    7. Unity 技術開放日 | 絕對乾貨 - 基於Unity probe的大世界GI方案
    8. 助你快速打造即時遊戲體驗,Unity最新Auto Streaming技術已開放使用
    9. Unity 受邀參與工程建設行業頂級年度盛會
  5. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. 三七研發,這款被稱做「目前最原汁原味的」《斗羅大陸》3D手遊都用到了哪些Unity技術
    2. 「Unity教程」Adjust上手指南
    3. Unity 2021.2技術更迭版,UI Toolkit大更新
    4. Unity 技術開放日 | 絕對乾貨 - 基於Unity probe的大世界GI方案
    5. 助你快速打造即時遊戲體驗,Unity最新Auto Streaming技術已開放使用
  6. Arm Mali GPU Training
    1. Arm Mali GPU Training Series Ep 1.1 : Introduction to mobile systems
    2. Arm Mali GPU Training Series Ep 1.2 : The rendering pipeline
    3. Arm Mali GPU Training Series Ep 1.3 : GPU architecture
    4. Arm Mali GPU Training Series Ep 1.4 : Hardware shader cores
    5. Arm Mali GPU Training Series Ep 2.1 : The Mali GPU family
    6. Arm Mali GPU Training Series Ep 2.2 : Best practice principles