1. YouTube - Unity
a. Simulate your Game with Device Simulator in Unity! (Tutorial) (YouTube)
b. Asset Management with FBX Exporter, ProBuilder, and PolyBrush | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube)
c. Faster level design iteration with ProBuilder and Polybrush | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube) (Bilibili)
d. Build better AAA mobile games with Adaptive Performance | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube) (Bilibili)
e. Start making money from your mobile game | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube)
f. Camera Stacking in Unity with URP! (Tutorial) (YouTube)
g. Creating Character Animations in Unity! (Tutorial) (YouTube)
h. Blending gameplay & storytelling w/ Timeline: Cutscenes & game graphics | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube)
i. How real-time 3D is transforming global industries (YouTube)
j. Getting started with the Particle System | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube) (Bilibili)
k. Improving visual fidelity get up to speed with HDRP | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube) (Bilibili)
l. How hyper casuals took over the world | Unite Now 2020 (YouTube)
2. Unity Technologies Blog
a. Unity Hackweek 2020 – in it together, no matter where we are
b. Need to deliver an animated ad campaign lightning fast? Just make it in Unity
c. Connect and learn at GDC Summer
3. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
a. 經過shader和C#交互實現液體效果
b. 從3A級寫實到二次元開放世界,這些遊戲爲什麼能更聚焦創意
c. CJ報道 | 來認識一下這些閃閃發光的獨立遊戲創做者們
d. 18款遊戲大做燃爆2020 ChinaJoy,Unity「多維蟲洞」展臺全場吸睛
e. 30多家大廠高薪工做、行業最強Unity人才、數十家知名高校…全在這了
f. Unity社區直播 | 實時3D敘事教程
B站 8月6日 - 9月3日 每週四晚八點 講師:M_Studio
g. 如何實現更高效的場景工做流?可編程對象不能錯過
h. Unity 2020.1 現已正式上線
i. 倒計時3天 | Mega Bundle 超級資源包低至1折
j. 從看動畫到「玩」動畫,Unity帶你進入《超級無敵掌門狗》的世界
4. Bilibili - Unity官方
a. 獨立遊戲製做人專訪 《幸福勇者》
b. 獨立遊戲製做人專訪 《超級巴基球》《永進》
c. 小團隊,大力量! 今年ChinaJoy來看看這些Made with Unity獨立遊戲做品
d. 18個Made with Unity爆款新遊引爆ChinaJoy 2020
e. Unity社區直播 UUG線上系列 高清渲染管線(HDRP)實戰指南
f. Bolt可視化編程工具系列教程 - 05.HUD-得到鑰匙開門
g. Bolt可視化編程工具系列教程 - 04.場景加載-數據保存
h. Unity本年度首個TECH stream版本2020.1正式上線
i. Bolt可視化編程工具系列教程 - 03.跳躍-地面檢測-動畫-Gizmos