Unity週記: 2020.10.12-10.18

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Open Projects: The Journey - Ep. 1
    2. FPS Wall Run Prototype In Unity (Bilibili)
  2. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. How Sounds Hannam used Unity to turn a complex cultural space into an interactive 3D environment
    2. How the Query system in Unity MARS does procedural layout
    3. The makers of Skeleton Crew reveal details of upcoming beta in exclusive Creator Spotlight session
    4. Introducing the Game Growth program
    5. New Unity Educators Live sessions announced: How emerging tech is transforming learning
    6. How an AI-assisted workflow fast-tracks material creation
  3. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
    1. ECS入門之Hello World
    2. Unity 廣告服務登頂遊戲行業三巨頭塔尖!最新AppsFlyer《廣告平臺綜合表現報告》出爐
    3. 輕鬆觸達更多海外玩家,Azur Games成功的祕訣是什麼?
    4. 明天啓動 | Unity 將出席AI先行者線上峯會,共話前沿科技
    5. 首屆 Made with Unity 中國榜單年度優秀做品徵集,正式開啓!
    6. 今日直播 | 搞不定3D地形的,快進來~
    7. 創做升級,Unity幫助本田輕鬆實現概念可視化
    8. 今晚截止 | Mega Bundle 超級資源包低至1折
    9. 這場在Unity編輯器中潤色的末日大戰,你猜誰贏?
    10. Unity 2020.2 beta 現已開放
  4. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. 使用Unity分發平臺(UDP)將遊戲分發到Android商店(教程)
    2. Plastic for Unity插件(Gluon模式)指南
    3. Plastic for Unity插件(Developer模式)指南
    4. Unity有你成功建立和運營遊戲所需的一切
    5. Unity讓夢想成真