中把ros log的級別設爲debug,最簡單的就是把SVO_DEBUG_STREAM(x)
FrameHandlerMono::FrameHandlerMono(vk::AbstractCamera* cam) : FrameHandlerBase(), //基類 cam_(cam), //相機模型 reprojector_(cam_, map_), depth_filter_(NULL) { initialize(); } void FrameHandlerMono::initialize() { //fast feature detector feature_detection::DetectorPtr feature_detector( new feature_detection::FastDetector( cam_->width(), cam_->height(), Config::gridSize(), Config::nPyrLevels())); // DepthFilter::callback_t depth_filter_cb = boost::bind( &MapPointCandidates::newCandidatePoint, &map_.point_candidates_, _1, _2); //深度濾波線程 // 構造函數 DepthFilter(feature_detection::DetectorPtr feature_detector, callback_t seed_converged_cb); depth_filter_ = new DepthFilter(feature_detector, depth_filter_cb); depth_filter_->startThread(); }
void FrameHandlerMono::addImage(const cv::Mat& img, const double timestamp) { // some cleanup from last iteration, can't do before because of visualization core_kfs_.clear(); overlap_kfs_.clear(); // create new frame new_frame_.reset(new Frame(cam_, img.clone(), timestamp)); // process frame UpdateResult res = RESULT_FAILURE; if(stage_ == STAGE_DEFAULT_FRAME) res = processFrame(); else if(stage_ == STAGE_SECOND_FRAME) //足夠的視差 res = processSecondFrame(); else if(stage_ == STAGE_FIRST_FRAME) //有足夠的特徵點就夠 res = processFirstFrame(); else if(stage_ == STAGE_RELOCALIZING) res = relocalizeFrame(SE3(Matrix3d::Identity(), Vector3d::Zero()), map_.getClosestKeyframe(last_frame_)); // set last frame last_frame_ = new_frame_; new_frame_.reset(); }
FrameHandlerBase::UpdateResult FrameHandlerMono::processFrame() { // Set initial pose TODO use prior //使用上一時刻的pose做爲初始值 new_frame_->T_f_w_ = last_frame_->T_f_w_; // sparse image align // frame -- last frame,初始的估計 SparseImgAlign img_align(Config::kltMaxLevel(), Config::kltMinLevel(), 30, SparseImgAlign::GaussNewton, false, false); size_t img_align_n_tracked = img_align.run(last_frame_, new_frame_); // map reprojection & feature alignment //frame -- map,優化點的位置,增長frame中的點,跟orbslam中的投影localmap類似 reprojector_.reprojectMap(new_frame_, overlap_kfs_); const size_t repr_n_new_references = reprojector_.n_matches_; const size_t repr_n_mps = reprojector_.n_trials_; if(repr_n_new_references < Config::qualityMinFts()) { new_frame_->T_f_w_ = last_frame_->T_f_w_; // reset to avoid crazy pose jumps tracking_quality_ = TRACKING_INSUFFICIENT; return RESULT_FAILURE; } // pose optimization // pose的優化 pose_optimizer::optimizeGaussNewton( Config::poseOptimThresh(), Config::poseOptimNumIter(), false, new_frame_, sfba_thresh, sfba_error_init, sfba_error_final, sfba_n_edges_final); if(sfba_n_edges_final < 20) return RESULT_FAILURE; // structure optimization //點的優化 optimizeStructure(new_frame_, Config::structureOptimMaxPts(), Config::structureOptimNumIter()); // select keyframe core_kfs_.insert(new_frame_); setTrackingQuality(sfba_n_edges_final); if(tracking_quality_ == TRACKING_INSUFFICIENT) { new_frame_->T_f_w_ = last_frame_->T_f_w_; // reset to avoid crazy pose jumps return RESULT_FAILURE; } double depth_mean, depth_min; frame_utils::getSceneDepth(*new_frame_, depth_mean, depth_min); if(!needNewKf(depth_mean) || tracking_quality_ == TRACKING_BAD) { depth_filter_->addFrame(new_frame_); return RESULT_NO_KEYFRAME; } new_frame_->setKeyframe(); // new keyframe selected for(Features::iterator it=new_frame_->fts_.begin(); it!=new_frame_->fts_.end(); ++it) if((*it)->point != NULL) (*it)->point->addFrameRef(*it); //維護point看到的frame map_.point_candidates_.addCandidatePointToFrame(new_frame_); // optional bundle adjustment #ifdef USE_BUNDLE_ADJUSTMENT if(Config::lobaNumIter() > 0) { SVO_START_TIMER("local_ba"); setCoreKfs(Config::coreNKfs()); size_t loba_n_erredges_init, loba_n_erredges_fin; double loba_err_init, loba_err_fin; ba::localBA(new_frame_.get(), &core_kfs_, &map_, loba_n_erredges_init, loba_n_erredges_fin, loba_err_init, loba_err_fin); SVO_STOP_TIMER("local_ba"); SVO_LOG4(loba_n_erredges_init, loba_n_erredges_fin, loba_err_init, loba_err_fin); SVO_DEBUG_STREAM("Local BA:\t RemovedEdges {"<<loba_n_erredges_init<<", "<<loba_n_erredges_fin<<"} \t " "Error {"<<loba_err_init<<", "<<loba_err_fin<<"}"); } #endif // init new depth-filters depth_filter_->addKeyframe(new_frame_, depth_mean, 0.5*depth_min); // if limited number of keyframes, remove the one furthest apart if(Config::maxNKfs() > 2 && map_.size() >= Config::maxNKfs()) { FramePtr furthest_frame = map_.getFurthestKeyframe(new_frame_->pos()); depth_filter_->removeKeyframe(furthest_frame); // TODO this interrupts the mapper thread, maybe we can solve this better map_.safeDeleteFrame(furthest_frame); } // add keyframe to map map_.addKeyframe(new_frame_); return RESULT_IS_KEYFRAME; }
FrameHandlerMono::UpdateResult FrameHandlerMono::relocalizeFrame( const SE3& T_cur_ref, FramePtr ref_keyframe) { SVO_WARN_STREAM_THROTTLE(1.0, "Relocalizing frame"); if(ref_keyframe == nullptr) { SVO_INFO_STREAM("No reference keyframe."); return RESULT_FAILURE; } SparseImgAlign img_align(Config::kltMaxLevel(), Config::kltMinLevel(), 30, SparseImgAlign::GaussNewton, false, false); size_t img_align_n_tracked = img_align.run(ref_keyframe, new_frame_); if(img_align_n_tracked > 30) { SE3 T_f_w_last = last_frame_->T_f_w_; last_frame_ = ref_keyframe; FrameHandlerMono::UpdateResult res = processFrame(); if(res != RESULT_FAILURE) { stage_ = STAGE_DEFAULT_FRAME; SVO_INFO_STREAM("Relocalization successful."); } else new_frame_->T_f_w_ = T_f_w_last; // reset to last well localized pose return res; } return RESULT_FAILURE; }
計算第k幀和第k−1幀中的特徵點對的patch的灰度差, 點是上一時刻已經知道深度的點作投影,使用的是\(4\times4\)的patch,由於是跟上一幀進行對比,沒有作affine transformation(仿射變換的)函數
使用inverse compositional,在最小二乘法中保持jacobian在更新的過程當中保持不變,減小計算量優化
jacobian計算的過程當中,reference patch \(I_{k-1}(u_i)\)和point \(p_i\)是保持不變的。因此計算的雅可比是不變的this
class SparseImgAlign : public vk::NLLSSolver<6, SE3> //優化變量是6個自由度,se3空間表示的 { public: //計算不變的jacobian,和上一幀特徵點對應的patch void precomputeReferencePatches() { Matrix<double,2,6> frame_jac; // Frame::jacobian_xyz2uv(xyz_ref, frame_jac); // cache the jacobian jacobian_cache_.col(feature_counter*patch_area_ + pixel_counter) = (dx*frame_jac.row(0) + dy*frame_jac.row(1))*(focal_length / (1<<level_)); } double computeResiduals(const SE3& T_cur_from_ref,bool linearize_system, bool compute_weight_scale) { const Vector6d J(jacobian_cache_.col(feature_counter*patch_area_ + pixel_counter)); //權重的設置 ,核函數 `robust_cost.h` float weight = 1.0; if (use_weights_) { weight = weight_function_->value(res / scale_); } if (linearize_system) { // compute Jacobian, weighted Hessian and weighted "steepest descend images" (times error) const Vector6d J( jacobian_cache_.col( feature_counter * patch_area_ + pixel_counter)); H_.noalias() += J * J.transpose() * weight; Jres_.noalias() -= J * res * weight; if (display_) resimg_.at<float>((int) v_cur + y - patch_halfsize_, (int) u_cur + x - patch_halfsize_) = res / 255.0; } } int solve() { x_ = H_.ldlt().solve(Jres_); if((bool) std::isnan((double) x_[0])) return 0; return 1; } //更新是在右邊,而且是負的 void update(const ModelType& T_curold_from_ref, ModelType& T_curnew_from_ref) { T_curnew_from_ref = T_curold_from_ref * SE3::exp(-x_); } };
void Reprojector::reprojectMap(FramePtr frame, std::vector<std::pair<FramePtr, std::size_t> >& overlap_kfs) { //grid的順序還作了一次隨機的排序,數目是有要求的max_n_kfs,時間限制,實時性 resetGrid(); // Identify those Keyframes which share a common field of view. //pair中的double是幀與幀之間的距離關係 list < pair<FramePtr, double> > close_kfs; map_.getCloseKeyframes(frame, close_kfs); // Sort KFs with overlap according to their closeness close_kfs.sort( boost::bind(&std::pair<FramePtr, double>::second, _1) < boost::bind(&std::pair<FramePtr, double>::second, _2)); // Reproject all mappoints of the closest N kfs with overlap. We only store // in which grid cell the points fall. size_t n = 0; overlap_kfs.reserve(options_.max_n_kfs); for (auto it_frame = close_kfs.begin(), ite_frame = close_kfs.end(); it_frame != ite_frame && n < options_.max_n_kfs; ++it_frame, ++n) { FramePtr ref_frame = it_frame->first; overlap_kfs.push_back(pair<FramePtr, size_t>(ref_frame, 0)); // Try to reproject each mappoint that the other KF observes for (auto it_ftr = ref_frame->fts_.begin(), ite_ftr = ref_frame->fts_.end(); it_ftr != ite_ftr; ++it_ftr) { // check if the feature has a mappoint assigned //對應的深度要是已知的 if ((*it_ftr)->point == NULL) continue; // make sure we project a point only once if ((*it_ftr)->point->last_projected_kf_id_ == frame->id_) continue; (*it_ftr)->point->last_projected_kf_id_ = frame->id_; //改變grid變量 ,加入cell if (reprojectPoint(frame, (*it_ftr)->point)) overlap_kfs.back().second++; } } // Now project all point candidates // boost::unique_lock < boost::mutex > lock(map_.point_candidates_.mut_); auto it = map_.point_candidates_.candidates_.begin(); while (it != map_.point_candidates_.candidates_.end()) { if (!reprojectPoint(frame, it->first)) { it->first->n_failed_reproj_ += 3; if (it->first->n_failed_reproj_ > 30) { map_.point_candidates_.deleteCandidate(*it); it = map_.point_candidates_.candidates_.erase(it); continue; } } ++it; } // Now we go through each grid cell and select one point to match. // At the end, we should have at maximum one reprojected point per cell. for (size_t i = 0; i < grid_.cells.size(); ++i) { // we prefer good quality points over unkown quality (more likely to match) // and unknown quality over candidates (position not optimized) if (reprojectCell(*grid_.cells.at(grid_.cell_order[i]), frame)) ++n_matches_; if (n_matches_ > (size_t) Config::maxFts()) break; } }
bool Reprojector::reprojectCell(Cell& cell, FramePtr frame) { cell.sort(boost::bind(&Reprojector::pointQualityComparator, _1, _2)); Cell::iterator it=cell.begin(); while(it!=cell.end()) { ++n_trials_; if(it->pt->type_ == Point::TYPE_DELETED) { it = cell.erase(it); continue; } bool found_match = true; if(options_.find_match_direct) //優化點的座標 found_match = matcher_.findMatchDirect(*it->pt, *frame, it->px); if(!found_match) { it->pt->n_failed_reproj_++; if(it->pt->type_ == Point::TYPE_UNKNOWN && it->pt->n_failed_reproj_ > 15) map_.safeDeletePoint(it->pt); if(it->pt->type_ == Point::TYPE_CANDIDATE && it->pt->n_failed_reproj_ > 30) map_.point_candidates_.deleteCandidatePoint(it->pt); it = cell.erase(it); continue; } it->pt->n_succeeded_reproj_++; if(it->pt->type_ == Point::TYPE_UNKNOWN && it->pt->n_succeeded_reproj_ > 10) it->pt->type_ = Point::TYPE_GOOD; Feature* new_feature = new Feature(frame.get(), it->px, matcher_.search_level_); // frame->addFeature(new_feature); // Here we add a reference in the feature to the 3D point, the other way // round is only done if this frame is selected as keyframe. new_feature->point = it->pt; if(matcher_.ref_ftr_->type == Feature::EDGELET) { new_feature->type = Feature::EDGELET; new_feature->grad = matcher_.A_cur_ref_*matcher_.ref_ftr_->grad; new_feature->grad.normalize(); } // If the keyframe is selected and we reproject the rest, we don't have to // check this point anymore. it = cell.erase(it); // Maximum one point per cell. return true; } return false; }
bool Matcher::findMatchDirect( const Point& pt, const Frame& cur_frame, Vector2d& px_cur) { //看到point的有最小的角度frame if(!pt.getCloseViewObs(cur_frame.pos(), ref_ftr_)) return false; // warp affine warp::getWarpMatrixAffine( *ref_ftr_->frame->cam_, *cur_frame.cam_, ref_ftr_->px, ref_ftr_->f, (ref_ftr_->frame->pos() - pt.pos_).norm(), cur_frame.T_f_w_ * ref_ftr_->frame->T_f_w_.inverse(), ref_ftr_->level, A_cur_ref_); search_level_ = warp::getBestSearchLevel(A_cur_ref_, Config::nPyrLevels()-1); warp::warpAffine(A_cur_ref_, ref_ftr_->frame->img_pyr_[ref_ftr_->level], ref_ftr_->px, ref_ftr_->level, search_level_, halfpatch_size_+1, patch_with_border_); createPatchFromPatchWithBorder(); // px_cur should be set Vector2d px_scaled(px_cur/(1<<search_level_)); bool success = false; if(ref_ftr_->type == Feature::EDGELET) { Vector2d dir_cur(A_cur_ref_*ref_ftr_->grad); dir_cur.normalize(); success = feature_alignment::align1D( cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_], dir_cur.cast<float>(), patch_with_border_, patch_, options_.align_max_iter, px_scaled, h_inv_); } else { success = feature_alignment::align2D( cur_frame.img_pyr_[search_level_], patch_with_border_, patch_, options_.align_max_iter, px_scaled); } }
void optimizeGaussNewton( const double reproj_thresh, const size_t n_iter, const bool verbose, FramePtr& frame, double& estimated_scale, double& error_init, double& error_final, size_t& num_obs) { for(size_t iter=0; iter<n_iter; iter++) { // overwrite scale if(iter == 5) scale = 0.85/frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2(); b.setZero(); A.setZero(); double new_chi2(0.0); // compute residual for(auto it=frame->fts_.begin(); it!=frame->fts_.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->point == NULL) continue; Matrix26d J; Vector3d xyz_f(frame->T_f_w_ * (*it)->point->pos_); Frame::jacobian_xyz2uv(xyz_f, J); //residual 是特徵點的u,v座標 Vector2d e = vk::project2d((*it)->f) - vk::project2d(xyz_f); double sqrt_inv_cov = 1.0 / (1<<(*it)->level); e *= sqrt_inv_cov; if(iter == 0) chi2_vec_init.push_back(e.squaredNorm()); // just for debug J *= sqrt_inv_cov; double weight = weight_function.value(e.norm()/scale); A.noalias() += J.transpose()*J*weight; b.noalias() -= J.transpose()*e*weight; new_chi2 += e.squaredNorm()*weight; } // solve linear system const Vector6d dT(A.ldlt().solve(b)); // check if error increased if((iter > 0 && new_chi2 > chi2) || (bool) std::isnan((double)dT[0])) { if(verbose) std::cout << "it " << iter << "\t FAILURE \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2 << std::endl; frame->T_f_w_ = T_old; // roll-back break; } // update the model SE3 T_new = SE3::exp(dT)*frame->T_f_w_; T_old = frame->T_f_w_; frame->T_f_w_ = T_new; chi2 = new_chi2; if(verbose) std::cout << "it " << iter << "\t Success \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2 << "\t norm(dT) = " << vk::norm_max(dT) << std::endl; // stop when converged if(vk::norm_max(dT) <= EPS) break; } }
void FrameHandlerBase::optimizeStructure( FramePtr frame, size_t max_n_pts, int max_iter) { deque<Point*> pts; for(Features::iterator it=frame->fts_.begin(); it!=frame->fts_.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->point != NULL) pts.push_back((*it)->point); } max_n_pts = min(max_n_pts, pts.size()); nth_element(pts.begin(), pts.begin() + max_n_pts, pts.end(), ptLastOptimComparator); for(deque<Point*>::iterator it=pts.begin(); it!=pts.begin()+max_n_pts; ++it) { (*it)->optimize(max_iter); (*it)->last_structure_optim_ = frame->id_; } }
void Point::optimize(const size_t n_iter) { for(size_t i=0; i<n_iter; i++) { A.setZero(); b.setZero(); double new_chi2 = 0.0; // compute residuals for(auto it=obs_.begin(); it!=obs_.end(); ++it) { Matrix23d J; const Vector3d p_in_f((*it)->frame->T_f_w_ * pos_); Point::jacobian_xyz2uv(p_in_f, (*it)->frame->T_f_w_.rotation_matrix(), J); const Vector2d e(vk::project2d((*it)->f) - vk::project2d(p_in_f)); new_chi2 += e.squaredNorm(); A.noalias() += J.transpose() * J; b.noalias() -= J.transpose() * e; } // solve linear system const Vector3d dp(A.ldlt().solve(b)); // update the model Vector3d new_point = pos_ + dp; } }
\[ p(x/Z,\pi) = \pi N(x/Z,\tau^2) + (1-\pi) U(x/z_{min},z_{max}) \]
\[ argmax _{Z,\pi}p(Z,\pi/x_1,...,x_N)\]
\[p(Z,\pi|x_1,...,x_N) \propto p(Z,\pi)\prod \limits_{n} p(x_n|Z,\pi) \]
\[q(Z,\pi|a_n,b_n,\mu_n,\sigma_n)\triangleq Beta(\pi|a_n,b_n)\cdot N(Z|\mu_n,\sigma_n).\]
\[q(Z,\pi|a_n,b_n,\mu_n,\sigma_n)\approx p(x_n|Z,\pi)q(Z,\pi|a_{n-1},b_{n-1},\mu_{n-1},\sigma_{n-1})\]
void DepthFilter::initializeSeeds(FramePtr frame) { Features new_features; feature_detector_->setExistingFeatures(frame->fts_); feature_detector_->detect(frame.get(), frame->img_pyr_, Config::triangMinCornerScore(), new_features); // initialize a seed for every new feature seeds_updating_halt_ = true; lock_t lock(seeds_mut_); // by locking the updateSeeds function stops ++Seed::batch_counter; std::for_each(new_features.begin(), new_features.end(), [&](Feature* ftr) { seeds_.push_back(Seed(ftr, new_keyframe_mean_depth_, new_keyframe_min_depth_)); }); if (options_.verbose) SVO_INFO_STREAM( "DepthFilter: Initialized "<<new_features.size()<<" new seeds"); seeds_updating_halt_ = false; }
void DepthFilter::updateSeeds(FramePtr frame) { } void DepthFilter::updateSeed(const float x, const float tau2, Seed* seed) { // 合成正態分佈的標準差 float norm_scale = sqrt(seed->sigma2 + tau2); if(std::isnan(norm_scale)) return; // 正態分佈 boost::math::normal_distribution<float> nd(seed->mu, norm_scale); // 公式(19) float s2 = 1./(1./seed->sigma2 + 1./tau2); // 公式(20)計算m. float m = s2*(seed->mu/seed->sigma2 + x/tau2); // 公式(21)計算C1. float C1 = seed->a/(seed->a+seed->b) * boost::math::pdf(nd, x); // 公式(22)計算C2。 float C2 = seed->b/(seed->a+seed->b) * 1./seed->z_range; // 機率密度函數歸一化 float normalization_constant = C1 + C2; C1 /= normalization_constant; C2 /= normalization_constant; // 公式(25) float f = C1*(seed->a+1.)/(seed->a+seed->b+1.) + C2*seed->a/(seed->a+seed->b+1.); // 公式(26) float e = C1*(seed->a+1.)*(seed->a+2.)/((seed->a+seed->b+1.)*(seed->a+seed->b+2.)) + C2*seed->a*(seed->a+1.0f)/((seed->a+seed->b+1.0f)*(seed->a+seed->b+2.0f)); // update parameters. // 公式(23) float mu_new = C1*m+C2*seed->mu; // 公式(24)變形 seed->sigma2 = C1*(s2 + m*m) + C2*(seed->sigma2 + seed->mu*seed->mu) - mu_new*mu_new; seed->mu = mu_new; // 公式(25)(26)聯立求a' seed->a = (e-f)/(f-e/f); // 公式(25)求b' seed->b = seed->a*(1.0f-f)/f; }