ROS Kinetic Code API

ROS Kinetic Code API

Move Group Interface

MoveIt! ROS

This API is meant for advanced developers. Most users should use the Move Group interface (above).html

  • Planning - The planning components in MoveIt! ROS, especially the planning scene, kinematics and monitors
  • Move Group - The move_group_node
  • Perception - The perception components in MoveIt! ROS
  • Robot Interaction - The Interactivity components in MoveIt! ROS

MoveIt! Core

This API is meant for advanced developers. Most users should use the Move Group interface (above).node

  • Core - The core components in MoveIt! for kinematics, planning scene, constraints, motion planning, collision checking and plugin interfaces

MoveIt! OMPL Interface

This API is meant for advanced developers. Most users should use the Move Group interface (above).git
