Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties Setting default log level to "WARN". To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). 18/04/25 18:27:06 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Original Data +----+----------+--------+ |col1| date|quantity| +----+----------+--------+ | b|2016-09-10| 1| | a|2016-09-11| 2| | b|2016-09-14| 6| | a|2016-09-16| 1| | b|2016-09-17| 4| | a|2016-09-20| 2| +----+----------+--------+ After mark interval date +----+----------+--------+----+------------------------------------------------+ |col1|date |quantity|diff|next_dates | +----+----------+--------+----+------------------------------------------------+ |a |2016-09-11|2 |5 |[2016-09-12, 2016-09-13, 2016-09-14, 2016-09-15]| |a |2016-09-16|1 |4 |[2016-09-17, 2016-09-18, 2016-09-19] | |b |2016-09-10|1 |4 |[2016-09-11, 2016-09-12, 2016-09-13] | |b |2016-09-14|6 |3 |[2016-09-15, 2016-09-16] | +----+----------+--------+----+------------------------------------------------+ convert every list to rows +----+----------+--------+----+------------------------------------------------+ |col1|date |quantity|diff|next_dates | +----+----------+--------+----+------------------------------------------------+ |a |2016-09-12|0 |5 |[2016-09-12, 2016-09-13, 2016-09-14, 2016-09-15]| |a |2016-09-13|0 |5 |[2016-09-12, 2016-09-13, 2016-09-14, 2016-09-15]| |a |2016-09-14|0 |5 |[2016-09-12, 2016-09-13, 2016-09-14, 2016-09-15]| |a |2016-09-15|0 |5 |[2016-09-12, 2016-09-13, 2016-09-14, 2016-09-15]| |a |2016-09-17|0 |4 |[2016-09-17, 2016-09-18, 2016-09-19] | |a |2016-09-18|0 |4 |[2016-09-17, 2016-09-18, 2016-09-19] | |a |2016-09-19|0 |4 |[2016-09-17, 2016-09-18, 2016-09-19] | |b |2016-09-11|0 |4 |[2016-09-11, 2016-09-12, 2016-09-13] | |b |2016-09-12|0 |4 |[2016-09-11, 2016-09-12, 2016-09-13] | |b |2016-09-13|0 |4 |[2016-09-11, 2016-09-12, 2016-09-13] | |b |2016-09-15|0 |3 |[2016-09-15, 2016-09-16] | |b |2016-09-16|0 |3 |[2016-09-15, 2016-09-16] | +----+----------+--------+----+------------------------------------------------+ union missing date into original data +----+----------+--------+ |col1| date|quantity| +----+----------+--------+ | a|2016-09-11| 2| | a|2016-09-12| 0| | a|2016-09-13| 0| | a|2016-09-14| 0| | a|2016-09-15| 0| | a|2016-09-16| 1| | a|2016-09-17| 0| | a|2016-09-18| 0| | a|2016-09-19| 0| | a|2016-09-20| 2| | b|2016-09-10| 1| | b|2016-09-11| 0| | b|2016-09-12| 0| | b|2016-09-13| 0| | b|2016-09-14| 6| | b|2016-09-15| 0| | b|2016-09-16| 0| | b|2016-09-17| 4| +----+----------+--------+ Compare to original data +----+----------+--------+ |col1| date|quantity| +----+----------+--------+ | a|2016-09-11| 2| | a|2016-09-16| 1| | a|2016-09-20| 2| | b|2016-09-10| 1| | b|2016-09-14| 6| | b|2016-09-17| 4| +----+----------+--------+ Process finished with exit code 0
if __name__ == '__main__': conf = SparkConf() sparkSession = SparkSession.builder.appName("Test PredictionTool").config(conf=conf).getOrCreate() sc = sparkSession.sparkContext sc.setLogLevel("ERROR") dfp = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['2016-09-10 00:00:00', '2016-09-11 00:00:00', '2016-09-14 00:00:00', '2016-09-16 00:00:00', '2016-09-17 00:00:00', '2016-09-20 00:00:00'], 'quantity': [1, 2, 6, 1, 4, 2], 'col1': ['b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a']}) df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(dfp) df = df.withColumn('date', to_date('date')) df = df.withColumn('quantity', df['quantity'].cast('Int')) print "Original Data" df.show() def udf_s_e(start, excludedDiff): # type: (datetime.datetime, int) -> list dtFormatter = start date_list = [] for i in range(excludedDiff - 1): date_list.append(dtFormatter + datetime.timedelta(days=i+1)) return date_list fill_dates = udf(udf_s_e, ArrayType(DateType())) w = Window.orderBy("col1", "date") # df = df.groupBy('col1') tempDf = df.withColumn("diff", datediff(lead("date", 1).over(w), "date"))\ .filter("diff > 1") tempDf = tempDf.withColumn("next_dates", fill_dates("date", "diff")) print "After mark interval date" tempDf.show(truncate=False) tempDf = tempDf\ .withColumn("quantity", functions.lit("0"))\ .withColumn("date", functions.explode("next_dates")) print "convert every list to rows" tempDf.show(truncate=False) result = df.union(tempDf.select("col1", "date", "quantity")).orderBy("date") print "union missing date into original data" result.sort(['col1', 'date']).show() print "Compare to original data" df.sort(['col1', 'date']).show() exit(0)