Solidworks to Urdf to Sdf

. The urdf using tree form that does not support parallel robots (close loop robots). oop

. The sdf using graph form that is more advanced.插件

. Using Solidworks (edition>2013) and ros tool 'SolidWorks to URDF exporter' plugin can generate urdf.orm

* solidworks版本要新,example用的2016年的xml

* 裝配時不能有任何close loop joint,有close loop joints要拆散成open loopci

* 基本的參數,如link,joint,inertial能夠自動生成element

. 若是有close loop joints, 能夠在轉換成sdf後,手動修改xml文件it

. URDF to SDF:gz sdf -p ./name.urdf > ./name.sdfio




* solidworks裝配件中,全部部件都必須是最低層次的parts,不能是低一層的裝配件dva

* solidworks的close loop robot,首先正常裝配,而且調整到合適的位置

* 其次,拆散配合,使close loop robot變成合適的open loop robot

* 使用 'SolidWorks to URDF exporter' 插件,按GUI步驟導出urdf,稍加修改就能夠在rviz中檢查

* URDF to SDF:gz sdf -p ./name.urdf > ./name.sdf

* 下面就是修改SDF文件,添加joints,恢復成close loop robot.

* Each element on SDF is defined with respect to a specific reference frame:

  • Links are defined on the parent model's frame
  • Joints are defined on the child link's frame

SDF中的joint pose若是和reference frame重合(offset爲0),則<pose></pose>能夠省略不寫。

不然,offset joint pose 須要顯式的寫出。

* offset joint pose能夠在solidworks中測量。注意,測量joints點相對於child link's frame. 測量前能夠鎖定全部活動部件。

* joints 根據須要再設置limits


