使用的SVM regression, RBF kernel. 用 grid search 設定 hpyer parameter. 使用了17個feature:markdown
<http://www.quest.dcs.shef.ac.uk/quest_files/features_blackbox_baseline_17> number of tokens in the source sentence number of tokens in the target sentence average source token length LM probability of source sentence LM probability of target sentence number of occurrences of the target word within the target hypothesis (averaged for all words in the hypothesis - type/token ratio) average number of translations per source word in the sentence (as given by IBM 1 table thresholded such that prob(t|s) > 0.2) average number of translations per source word in the sentence (as given by IBM 1 table thresholded such that prob(t|s) > 0.01) weighted by the inverse frequency of each word in the source corpus percentage of unigrams in quartile 1 of frequency (lower frequency words) in a corpus of the source language (SMT training corpus) percentage of unigrams in quartile 4 of frequency (higher frequency words) in a corpus of the source language percentage of bigrams in quartile 1 of frequency of source words in a corpus of the source language percentage of bigrams in quartile 4 of frequency of source words in a corpus of the source language percentage of trigrams in quartile 1 of frequency of source words in a corpus of the source language percentage of trigrams in quartile 4 of frequency of source words in a corpus of the source language percentage of unigrams in the source sentence seen in a corpus (SMT training corpus) number of punctuation marks in the source sentence number of punctuation marks in the target sentence
翻譯評價任務有3個: Task 1 是句子級別的; Task 2 是單詞級別的; Task 3 是文檔級別的。
下邊是全部參賽(評測任務)的小組,這裏只關注句子級別(Task 2)的。ide
ID | Tasks | Participating team | Paper |
DCU-SHEFF | 2 | Dublin City University, Ireland and University of Sheffield, UK | Logachevaet al., 2015 |
HDCL | 2 | Heidelberg University, Germany | Kreutzer et al., 2015 |
LORIA | 1 | Lorraine Laboratory of Research in Computer Science and its Applications,France | Langlois, 2015 |
RTM-DCU | 1,2,3 | Dublin City University, Ireland | Bicici et al., 2015 |
SAU-KERC | 2 | Shenyang Aerospace University, China | Shang et al., 2015 |
SHEFF-NN | 1,2 | University of Sheffield Team 1, UK | Shah et al., 2015 |
UAlacant | 2 | Alicant University, Spain | Esplà-Gomis et al., 2015a |
UGENT | 1,2 | Ghent University, Belgium | Tezcan et al., 2015 |
USAAR-USHEF | 3 | University of Sheffield, UK and Saarland University, Germany | Scarton et al.,2015a |
USHEF | 3 | University of Sheffield, UK | Scarton et al., 2015a |
HIDDEN | 3 | Undisclose |
評測的結果有兩種,HTER 和 ranking。HTER (Human-targeted Translation Error Rate) 越小越好。評價指標是 MAE 和 RMSE。(經過計算 ranking 是將翻譯的句子從好到壞排序,不考慮。)優化
ID | System | MAE↓ | RMSE↓ |
RTM-DCU | RTM-FS+PLS-SVR | 13.25 | 17.48 |
LORIA | 17+LSI+MT+FILTRE | 13.34 | 17.35 |
RTM-DCU | RTM-FS-SVR | 13.35 | 17.68 |
LORIA | 17+LSI+MT | 13.42 | 17.45 |
UGENT-LT3 | SCATE-SVM | 13.71 | 17.45 |
UGENT-LT3 | SCATE-SVM-single | 13.76 | 17.79 |
SHEF | SVM | 13.83 | 18.01 |
Baseline | SVM | 14.82 | 19.13 |
SHEF | GP | 15.16 | 18.97 |
能夠看出 RTM-DCU 和 LORIA 兩組的效果最好, 後邊就分析這兩組的工做spa
全部論文都在這裏: http://www.statmt.org/wmt15/W...翻譯
實際上就是一個Transductive Learning和Active Learning的組合,優化特徵選擇。code