Unity週記: 2020.07.12-07.18

  1. 前言
    1. 本週沒有什麼值得關注的文章
    2. 周初有一個谷歌的遊戲開發者峯會,內容和Unity關係也不大,惟一有點用的講演 Optimize your graphics with Android GPU Inspector frame profiler,也不算新鮮了
  2. YouTube - Unity
    1. Unity Reflect Review: Collaborative design reviews
  3. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. Unity Reflect Review adds annotations and improved visual fidelity
    2. Optimize your mobile game performance: Get expert tips on physics, UI, and audio settings
    3. ML-Agents plays DodgeBall
  4. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
    1. 課程試聽 | Unity技術大咖帶你全方位打造沉浸式 FPS 遊戲
    2. Unity 2021.2技術更迭版,UI Toolkit大更新
    3. 線上遊戲更新再也不難,8 分鐘教你用雲端資源分發(CCD)部署遊戲內容
    4. Unity小劇場 | 今天你雲辦公了嗎?
    5. Unity大咖做客 | 知乎大V「放牛的星星」,是這麼作性能優化的
    6. 擎動賦能跨端遊戲創做力,Unity即將亮相2021年ChinaJoy BTOB展區
    7. 3.8億人次線上觀看,這屆世界人工智能大會虛擬會場也遊戲化了?
    8. 虛擬偶像文化盛行,新技術如何賦能創做者打開數字創意邊界
    9. Unity官方暑期教師培訓正式開班
  5. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. [Unity教程] - 在高清渲染管線 (HDRP)中使用光線追蹤
    2. 擎動賦能跨端遊戲創做力,Unity即將亮相2021年ChinaJoy BTOB展區
    3. [Unity教程]-Starter Assets 輕量的角色控制器
    4. Unity大咖做客 | 知乎大V「放牛的星星」,是這麼作性能優化的
    5. 全平臺超3.8億人次線上觀看,這屆世界人工智能大會虛擬會場也遊戲化了?
    6. [Unity教程]-Roll-a-Ball教程(八)構建遊
    7. 虛擬偶像文化盛行,新技術如何賦能創做者打開數字創意邊界
  6. Google for Games Developer Summit
    1. Welcome and mobile Keynote
    2. Introducing the Android Game Development Kit
    3. Android Game Development Extension for Visual Studio
    4. Help your players spend less time waiting and more time playing
    5. C/C++ libraries for Android games
    6. Plan and optimize your game for success on Google Play
    7. Optimize your graphics with Android GPU Inspector frame profiler
    8. Improve your store listing quality
    9. Android 12 game mode APIs
    10. Enhance your game with UX
    11. Introducing the Play Integrity API
    12. Learn about your audience: Mobile gamer insights
    13. Optimizing games for Chrome OS
    14. All about battle passes: Insights and learnings from top mobile game developers
    15. Developer journey from PC/console to mobile