
0X10 General reject/通常拒絕
0x11 Service not supported/服務不被支持
0x12 Sub Function not Supported/子功能不被支持
0x13 Incorrect message length or invalid format/指令錯誤(報文長度錯誤)
0x14 Response too long/響應時間過長
0x21 Busy repeat request/請求太頻繁
0x22 Conditions not correct/條件不具有
0x24 Request sequence error/請求順序錯誤
0x26 Failure prevents execution of requested action/失敗阻止執行請求的操做
0x31 Request out of range/請求超出範圍
0x33 Security access denied/安全訪問被拒絕
0x35 Key Invalid/無效的密鑰
0x36 Exceed number of attempts/嘗試次數過多
0x37 Required time delay not expired/要求延時時間未到達
0X38-4F Reserved by Extended Data Link Security Document/
0X70 Upload/Download not accepted/沒法上傳/下載
0X71 Transfer data suspended/傳輸數據已中止
0X72 General programming failure/編程失敗
0X73 Wrong Block Sequence Counter/錯誤的塊數據
0x78 Request correctly received - response pending/正在執行,請等待
0x7E Subfunction not supported in active DIA session/當前會話不支持的子功能
0x7F Service not supported in active DIA session/當前會話不支持的功能編程
