生成樹(spanning tree)是包含圖中全部頂點及圖中部分邊的一棵樹。最小生成樹是其所含邊的權值之和小於等於圖的任意其餘生成樹的邊的權值之和的生成樹git
if (data[scan].compareTo(data[scan + 1]) < 0)
When removing an element from a binary search tree, we must always ______________________. A . make sure that the new tree is a binary search tree B . build a new tree C . find its inorder successor D . remove all of its children E . An element should never be removed from a binary search tree.
In a balanced binary search tree, adding an element always requires approximately O(log2 n) steps. A . true B . false
Chase the wind and touch the sky,A stars light shines on long after it dies,In the night,Live everyday as if it's your last.堅持下去,加油!測試
代碼行數(新增/累積) | 博客量(新增/累積) | 學習時間(新增/累積) | 重要成長 | |
目標 | 5000行 | 30篇 | 400小時 | |
第一週 | 188 | 1/1 | 25 | 算法分析 |
第二週 | 70/258 | 1/2 | 15/40 | 《構建之法》7-9章 |
第三週 | 474/732 | 1/3 | 20/60 | 查找和排序 |
第四五六週 | 1313/2045 | 4/7 | 12/72 | 棧和隊列 |
第七週 | 890/2935 | 1/8 | 14/86 | 樹 |
第八週 | 913/3848 | 1/9 | 20/106 | 二叉查找樹 |
第九周 | 890/3738 | 1/10 | 13/119 | 堆 |
第十週 | 637/4374 | 2/12 | 18/137 | 圖 |
第十一週 |
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