1 #ifndef ASTARPATHFINDING_H 2 #define ASTARPATHFINDING_H 3 4 #include <queue>//爲了使用優先級隊列priority_queue 5 #include <stack> 6 #include <vector> 7 8 //迷宮地圖中節點類型標記 9 enum{ 10 NODE_EMPTY,//能夠經過的節點 11 NODE_OBSTACLE,//障礙物,不可經過 12 NODE_PATH//路徑上的點 13 }; 14 15 //記錄路徑上的點的座標 16 typedef struct tagpathNode{ 17 int x,y; 18 }PathNode; 19 20 //節點數據結構定義 21 typedef struct tagNode{ 22 int x,y;//當前點在迷宮中的位置座標 23 int g;//起始點到當前點實際代價 24 int h;//當前節點到目標節點最佳路徑的估計代價 25 int f;//估計函數:f = g + h。 26 struct tagNode *father;//指向其父節點的指針 27 }Node; 28 29 //定義STL優先隊列的排序方式 30 class HeapCompare_f{ 31 public: 32 bool operator()(Node* x,Node* y) const 33 { 34 return x->f > y->f;//依據估價函數進行排序:升序排列 35 } 36 }; 37 38 //迷宮尋路:A*算法 39 class AStarPathFinding{ 40 public: 41 42 private: 43 char *m_mapFileName;//存儲地圖信息的文件名 44 int m_rows,m_cols;//迷宮的高度和寬度 45 int **m_maze;//迷宮佈局 46 int m_startX,m_startY;//起始點座標 47 int m_endX,m_endY;//目標點座標 48 int dx[8],dy[8];//8個子節點移動方向:上、下、左、右、左上、右上、右下、左下 49 50 Node *startNode,*endNode;//起始節點和目標節點 51 int **m_path;//記錄路徑信息 52 int m_steps;//搜索所花費的總步數 53 54 //OPEN表:採用C++ STL中vector實現優先級隊列功能 55 //注意:存儲的是Node*指針 56 std::vector<Node*> OPENTable; 57 //CLOSED表:存儲的也是Node*指針 58 std::vector<Node*> CLOSEDTable; 59 60 public: 61 //構造函數 62 AStarPathFinding(char* mapFileName); 63 ~AStarPathFinding();//析構函數 64 void init();//初始化 65 //讀取地圖信息 66 bool readMap(); 67 //尋路主函數 68 bool pathFinding(); 69 //產生路徑信息 70 void generatePath(); 71 //打印路徑信息 72 void printPath(); 73 //估計當前點到目標點的距離:曼哈頓距離 74 int judge(int x,int y); 75 //判斷某一節點是否合法 76 bool isIllegle(int x,int y); 77 }; 78 79 #endif
1 #include "AStarPathFinding.h" 2 3 #include <iostream> 4 #include <cstdio> 5 #include <cmath> 6 #include <string> 7 #include <fstream> 8 9 using namespace std; 10 11 const int MaxDistance = 9999; 12 13 AStarPathFinding::AStarPathFinding(char* mapFileName) 14 :m_steps(0) 15 { 16 m_mapFileName = (char *)malloc((strlen(mapFileName) + 1) * sizeof(char)); 17 strcpy(m_mapFileName,mapFileName); 18 } 19 20 AStarPathFinding::~AStarPathFinding() 21 { 22 free(m_mapFileName); 23 24 //千萬不能有這句代碼,由於startNode已加入OPEN表,會在釋放OPEN表 25 //的時候釋放,不然會形成重複釋放,出現bug 26 //delete startNode; 27 delete endNode; 28 29 ////釋放迷宮佈局數組:注意多維數組空間釋放 30 for (int i = 0;i < m_rows;++i) 31 { 32 delete[] m_maze[i]; 33 } 34 delete[] m_maze; 35 36 for (int i = 0;i < m_rows;++i) 37 { 38 delete[] m_path[i]; 39 } 40 delete[] m_path; 41 42 //釋放OPEN表以及CLOSED表內存空間 43 vector<Node*>::iterator iter; 44 for (iter = OPENTable.begin();iter != OPENTable.end();++iter) 45 { 46 delete (*iter); 47 } 48 OPENTable.clear(); 49 50 vector<Node*>::iterator iter2; 51 for (iter2 = CLOSEDTable.begin();iter2 != CLOSEDTable.end();++iter2) 52 { 53 delete (*iter2); 54 } 55 CLOSEDTable.clear(); 56 } 57 58 void AStarPathFinding::init() 59 { 60 dx[0] =dx[4] = dx[5] = -1; 61 dx[1] =dx[3] = 0; 62 dx[2] =dx[6] = dx[7] = 1; 63 64 dy[3] = dy[4] = dy[7] = -1; 65 dy[0] =dy[2] = 0; 66 dy[1] =dy[5] = dy[6] = 1; 67 68 readMap(); 69 70 //分配空間 71 m_path = new int *[m_rows]; 72 for (int i = 0;i < m_rows;++i) 73 { 74 m_path[i] = new int[m_cols]; 75 } 76 77 startNode = new Node; 78 startNode->x = m_startX; 79 startNode->y = m_startY; 80 startNode->g = 0; 81 startNode->h = judge(startNode->x,startNode->y); 82 startNode->f = startNode->g + startNode->h; 83 startNode->father = NULL; 84 85 endNode = new Node; 86 endNode->x = m_endX; 87 endNode->y = m_endY; 88 endNode->father = NULL; 89 } 90 91 bool AStarPathFinding::pathFinding() 92 { 93 //判斷起始點和目標點是不是同一點 94 if (m_startX == m_endX && m_startY == m_endY) 95 { 96 cout << "WARNNING : The start point is the same as th destination " << endl; 97 return true; 98 } 99 100 OPENTable.push_back(startNode);//起始點裝入OPEN表 101 102 //對vector中元素進行排序:將最後一個元素加入本來已序的heap內 103 push_heap(OPENTable.begin(),OPENTable.end(),HeapCompare_f()); 104 105 Node *tempNode = new Node; 106 107 //開始遍歷 108 for (;;) 109 { 110 if (OPENTable.empty())//判斷OPEN表是否爲空 111 { 112 cout << "ERROR : unable to find the destination" << endl; 113 return false; 114 } 115 116 tempNode = OPENTable.front();//注意:OPEN表爲空會致使未定義行爲 117 ++m_steps; 118 //將第一個元素移到最後,並將剩餘區間從新排序,組成新的heap 119 pop_heap(OPENTable.begin(),OPENTable.end(),HeapCompare_f()); 120 OPENTable.pop_back();//刪除最後一個元素 121 122 //判斷是否已經搜尋到目標節點 123 if (tempNode->x == m_endX && tempNode->y == m_endY) 124 { 125 cout << "OK : success to find the destination" << endl; 126 endNode->g = tempNode->g; 127 endNode->h = tempNode->h; 128 endNode->f = tempNode->f; 129 endNode->father = tempNode->father; 130 131 generatePath(); 132 133 return true; 134 } 135 136 for (int i = 0;i < 8;++i)//針對每一個子節點 137 { 138 int nextX = tempNode->x + dx[i]; 139 int nextY = tempNode->y + dy[i]; 140 if (isIllegle(nextX,nextY)) 141 { 142 //注意:障礙物角落不能直接經過 143 if (1 == *(*(m_maze + tempNode->x) + nextY) || 144 1 == *(*(m_maze + nextX) + tempNode->y)) 145 { 146 continue; 147 } 148 //計算此子節點的g值 149 int newGVal; 150 if (!dx[i] && !dy[i])//位於對角線上 151 { 152 newGVal = tempNode->g + 14; 153 } 154 else 155 newGVal = tempNode->g + 10; 156 157 //搜索OPEN表,判斷此點是否在OPEN表中 158 vector<Node*>::iterator OPENTableResult; 159 for (OPENTableResult = OPENTable.begin(); 160 OPENTableResult != OPENTable.end();++OPENTableResult) 161 { 162 if ((*OPENTableResult)->x == nextX && 163 (*OPENTableResult)->y == nextY) 164 { 165 break; 166 } 167 } 168 169 //此子節點已經存在於OPEN表中 170 if (OPENTableResult != OPENTable.end()) 171 { 172 //OPEN表中節點的g值已是最優的,則跳過此節點 173 if ((*OPENTableResult)->g <= newGVal) 174 { 175 continue; 176 } 177 } 178 179 //搜索CLOSED表,判斷此節點是否已經存在於其中 180 vector<Node*>::iterator CLOSEDTableResult; 181 for (CLOSEDTableResult = CLOSEDTable.begin(); 182 CLOSEDTableResult != CLOSEDTable.end();++CLOSEDTableResult) 183 { 184 if ((*CLOSEDTableResult)->x == nextX && 185 (*CLOSEDTableResult)->y == nextY) 186 { 187 break; 188 } 189 } 190 191 //此節點已經存在於CLOSED表中 192 if (CLOSEDTableResult != CLOSEDTable.end()) 193 { 194 //CLOSED表中的節點已是最優的,則跳過 195 if ((*CLOSEDTableResult)->g <= newGVal) 196 { 197 continue; 198 } 199 } 200 201 //此節點是迄今爲止的最優節點 202 Node *bestNode = new Node; 203 bestNode->x = nextX; 204 bestNode->y = nextY; 205 bestNode->father = tempNode; 206 bestNode->g = newGVal; 207 bestNode->h = judge(nextX,nextY); 208 bestNode->f = bestNode->g + bestNode->h; 209 210 //若是已經存在於CLOSED表中,將其移除 211 if (CLOSEDTableResult != CLOSEDTable.end()) 212 { 213 delete (*CLOSEDTableResult); 214 CLOSEDTable.erase(CLOSEDTableResult); 215 } 216 217 //若是已經存在於OPEN表,更新 218 if (OPENTableResult != OPENTable.end()) 219 { 220 delete (*OPENTableResult); 221 OPENTable.erase(OPENTableResult); 222 223 //從新建堆,實現排序。注意不能用sort_heap,由於若是容器爲空的話會出現bug 224 make_heap(OPENTable.begin(),OPENTable.end(),HeapCompare_f()); 225 } 226 227 OPENTable.push_back(bestNode);//將最優節點放入OPEN表 228 229 push_heap(OPENTable.begin(),OPENTable.end(),HeapCompare_f());//從新排序 230 } 231 } 232 233 CLOSEDTable.push_back(tempNode); 234 } 235 236 return false; 237 } 238 239 void AStarPathFinding::generatePath() 240 { 241 242 Node *nodeChild = endNode; 243 Node *nodeParent = endNode->father; 244 do 245 { 246 *(*(m_path + nodeChild->x) + nodeChild->y) = NODE_PATH;//標記爲路徑上的點 247 nodeChild = nodeParent; 248 nodeParent = nodeParent->father; 249 } while (nodeChild != startNode); 250 251 *(*(m_path + startNode->x) + startNode->y) = NODE_PATH;//標記爲路徑上的點 252 } 253 254 void AStarPathFinding::printPath() 255 { 256 cout << "The path is " << endl; 257 for (int i = 0;i < m_rows;++i) 258 { 259 for (int j = 0;j < m_cols;++j) 260 { 261 if (NODE_PATH == *(*(m_path + i) + j)) 262 { 263 cout << "# "; 264 } 265 else 266 cout << *(*(m_maze + i) + j) << " "; 267 } 268 cout << endl; 269 } 270 271 cout << "搜索總步數:" << m_steps << endl; 272 } 273 274 bool AStarPathFinding::readMap() 275 { 276 //從文本文件讀取迷宮佈局信息 277 ifstream mapFileStream(m_mapFileName); 278 if (!mapFileStream) 279 { 280 cerr << "ERROR : unable to open map file" << endl; 281 return false; 282 } 283 284 mapFileStream >> m_rows >> m_cols; 285 286 //多維數組空間分配 287 m_maze = new int *[m_rows]; 288 for (int i = 0;i < m_rows;++i) 289 { 290 m_maze[i] = new int[m_cols]; 291 } 292 293 mapFileStream >> m_startX >> m_startY; 294 mapFileStream >> m_endX >> m_endY; 295 296 for (int i = 0;i < m_rows;++i) 297 { 298 for (int j = 0;j < m_cols;++j) 299 { 300 mapFileStream >> *(*(m_maze + i) + j); 301 } 302 } 303 304 return true; 305 } 306 307 int AStarPathFinding::judge(int x, int y) 308 { 309 return (10 * (abs(m_endX - x) + abs(m_endY - y))); 310 } 311 312 bool AStarPathFinding::isIllegle(int x, int y) 313 { 314 if (x >= 0 && x < m_rows && 315 y >= 0 && y < m_cols && 316 *(*(m_maze + x) + y) == 0) 317 return true; 318 else 319 return false; 320 } 321 322 int main() 323 { 324 AStarPathFinding astar("map.txt"); 325 astar.init(); 326 astar.pathFinding(); 327 astar.generatePath(); 328 astar.printPath(); 329 return 0; 330 }
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g++ AStarPathFinding.cpp函數