

頂點照明渲染路徑細節 Vertex Lit Rendering Path Detailschrome

正向渲染路徑細節 Forward Rendering Path Details緩存

延遲光照渲染路徑的細節 Deferred Lighting Rendering Path Detailscookie





頂點照明渲染路徑細節 Vertex Lit Rendering Path Detailsless


Vertex Lit path generally renders each object in one pass, with lighting from all lights calculated at object vertices.ide


It's the fastest rendering path and has widest hardware support (however, keep in mind: it does not work on consoles).測試


Since all lighting is calculated at vertex level, this rendering path does not support most of per-pixel effects: shadows, normal mapping, light cookies, highly detailed specular highlights are not supported.


正向渲染路徑細節 Forward Rendering Path Details

Forward Rendering path renders each object in one or more passes, depending on lights that affect the object. Lights themselves are also treated differently by Forward Rendering, depending on their settings and intensity.


Implementation Details 實現細節

In Forward Rendering, some number of brightest lights that affect each object are rendered in fully per-pixel lit mode. Then, up to 4 point lights are calculated per-vertex. The other lights are computed as Spherical Harmonics (SH), which is much faster but is only an approximation. Whether a light will be per-pixel light or not is dependent on this:

在正向渲染中,影響物體的最亮的幾個光源使用逐像素光照模式。接下來,最多有4個點光源會以逐頂點渲染的方式被計算。其餘光源將以球面調和(Spherical Harmonics)的方式進行計算,球面調和技術計算很快但只能獲得近似值。根據如下的規則判斷一個光源是否爲逐像素光源:

  • Lights that have their Render Mode set to Not Important are always per-vertex or SH. 
    渲染模式被設置爲不重要(Not Important)的光源以逐頂點或球面調和的方式進行計算
  • Brightest directional light is always per-pixel. 
  • Lights that have their Render Mode set to Important are always per-pixel. 
  • If the above results in less lights than current Pixel Light Count Quality Setting, then more lights are rendered per-pixel, in order of decreasing brightness. 
    如根據以上規則獲得的像素光源數量小於質量設置中的像素光源數量(Pixel Light Count),爲了減小亮度,會有更多的光源以逐像素的方式進行渲染

Rendering of each object happens as follows:


  • Base Pass applies one per-pixel directional light and all per-vertex/SH lights. 
  • Other per-pixel lights are rendered in additional passes, one pass for each light. 

For example, if there is some object that's affected by a number of lights (a circle in a picture below, affected by lights A to H):



Let's assume lights A to H have the same color & intensity, all all of them have Auto rendering mode, so they would be sorted in exactly this order for this object. The brightest lights will be rendered in per-pixel lit mode (A to D), then up to 4 lights in per-vertex lit mode (D to G), and finally the rest of lights in SH (G to H):



Note that light groups overlap; for example last per-pixel light blends into per-vertex lit mode so there are less "light popping" as objects and lights move around.


Base Pass 基本通道

Base pass renders object with one per-pixel directional light and all SH lights. This pass also adds any lightmaps, ambient and emissive lighting from the shader. Directional light rendered in this pass can have Shadows. Note that Lightmapped objects do not get illumination from SH lights.


Additional Passes 附加通道

Additional passes are rendered for each additional per-pixel light that affect this object. Lights in these passes can't have shadows (so in result, Forward Rendering supports one directional light with shadows).


Performance Considerations 性能注意事項

Spherical Harmonics lights are very fast to render. They have a tiny cost on the CPU, and are actually free for the GPU to apply (that is, base pass always computes SH lighting; but due to the way SH lights work, the cost is exactly the same no matter how many SH lights are there).


The downsides of SH lights are:


  • They are computed at object's vertices, not pixels. This means they do not support light Cookies or normal maps. 
  • SH lighting is very low frequency. You can't have sharp lighting transitions with SH lights. They are also only affecting the diffuse lighting (too low frequency for specular highlights). 
  • SH lighting is is not local; point or spot SH lights close to some surface will "look wrong". 

In summary, SH lights are often good enough for small dynamic objects.


延遲光照渲染路徑的細節 Deferred Lighting Rendering Path Details

Deferred Lighting is rendering path with the most lighting and shadow fidelity:


  • There's no limit how many lights can affect any object. 
  • All lights are evaluated per-pixel. Which means that they all interact properly with normal maps etc. 
  • All lights can have Cookies. 
  • All lights can have Shadows. 

Deferred Lighting's advantages 延遲光照的優勢:

  • Lighting cost is proportional to light size on screen. Does not matter how many objects it shines on. Small lights = cheap! 
    光照的開銷與屏幕的光線尺寸成正比,不用擔憂光線所照射的物品的數量,少許光線 等價於 廉價的花費
  • Consistency. All lighting for all lights is computed per-pixel; there are no lighting computations that break down on large triangles etc. 

Disadvantages 缺點:

  • No real anti-aliasing support. 
  • Deferred Lighting can't handle semi-transparent objects. Those are rendered using Forward Rendering. 
  • Limited lighting model support (Blinn-Phong). All lighting is computed the same way; you can't have drastically different lighting models on different objects. 
  • No support for "receive shadows" flag and limited support light Culling Masks. 

Requirements for Deferred Lighting 延時光照的需求

  • Requires Unity Pro
  • Graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 (or later), support for Depth render textures and two-sided stencil buffer. Most graphics cards made after 2004 support it: GeForce FX and later, Radeon X1300 and later, Intel 965 / GMA X3100 and later. 
    顯示卡支持Shader Model 3.0(或更高),深度紋理渲染和雙面模板緩衝特性。許多2004年後的顯卡都支持:如Geforce Fx或更高,Radeon X1300或更高 Intel 965/ GMA X3100 或更高
  • Currently does not work on mobile platforms. 

Performance Considerations 性能注意事項

Cost of realtime lights in Deferred Lighting is proportional to number of pixels the light shines on; and not dependent on scene complexity. So small point or spot lights are very cheap to render. Point or spot lights that are fully or partially occluded by some scene objects get their pixels skipped on the GPU, so they are even cheaper.


Of course, lights with shadows are much more expensive than lights without shadows. In Deferred Lighting, shadow casters still need to be rendered once or more for each shadow-casting light. And the lighting shader that applies shadows is also more expensive than one without shadows.


Implementation Details 實現細節

When Deferred Lighting is used, rendering process in Unity happens like this:


  1. Base Pass: objects are rendered, producing screen-space buffers with depth, normals, and specular power. 
  2. Lighting pass: lighting is computed using the previous buffers. Lighting is computed into another screen-space buffer. 
  3. Final pass: objects are rendered again. They fetch computed lighting, combine it with color textures and add any ambient/emissive lighting. 

Objects with shaders that can't handle Deferred Lighting are rendered after this process is done, using RenderTech-ForwardRendering path.


Base Pass 基本渲染階段

Base pass renders each object once. View space normals and specular power are rendered into single ARGB32 Render Texture (normals in RGB channels, specular power in A). If platform & hardware supports reading Z buffer as a texture, then depth is not explicitly rendered. If Z buffer can't be accessed as a texture, then depth is rendered in additional rendering pass, using shader replacement.


Result of the base pass is Z buffer filled with scene contents and Render Texture with normals & specular power.


Lighting Pass 光照渲染階段

Lighting pass computes lighting based on depth, normals and specular power. Lighting is computed in screen space, so it's independent of scene complexity. Lighting buffer is single ARGB32 Render Texture, with diffuse lighting in RGB channels and monochrome specular lighting in A channel. Lighting values are encoded using logarithmic encoding to provide extended dynamic range than usually possible with ARGB32 texture.


Lighting model is fixed to Blinn-Phong.


Point and Spot lights that do not cross camera's near plane are rendered as 3D shapes, with Z buffer test against scene enabled. This makes partially or fully occluded Point and Spot lights very cheap to render. Directional lights and Point/Spot lights that cross the near plane are rendered as fullscreen quads.

不能跨越臨近平面的點光源和聚光燈光源被做爲帶有開啓測試場景的Z緩衝3D形狀渲染,這部分和徹底屏蔽的點光源和聚光燈光源能夠很是廉價的渲染。 跨越臨近區域的平行光或者點光源能做爲全屏四邊形。

If a light has shadows enabled, they are rendered and applies in this pass as well. Note that shadows are not "free"; shadow casters need to be rendered and a more complex light shader needs to be applied.


Final Pass 最後渲染階段

Final pass produces final rendered image. Here all objects are rendered again; with shaders that fetch the lighting, combine it with textures and add any emissive lighting.

Lightmaps are also applied in the final pass. Close to the camera, realtime lighting is used, and only baked indirect lighting is added. This crossfades into fully baked lighting further away from the camera.





其餘:lightingmap 烘焙貼圖不在及時光的技術範圍內。烘焙燈光是經過貼圖記錄光照信息來模擬固定的光照效果,場景中自己不包含及時燈光。


Rendering Paths Comparison 渲染路徑比較


  Deferred Lighting 延時光照 Forward Rendering 正向渲染 Vertex Lit 頂點光照
Features 功能      
Per-pixel lighting (normal maps, light cookies)
Yes Yes -
Realtime shadows 實時陰影 Yes 1 Directional Light(一盞平行光) -
Dual Lightmaps 雙光照貼圖 Yes - -
Depth&Normals Buffers 深度與法線緩衝區 Yes Additional render passes 額外渲染通道 -
Soft Particles 軟粒子 Yes - -
Semitransparent objects 半透明的物體 - Yes Yes
Anti-Aliasing 抗鋸齒 - Yes Yes
Light Culling Masks 燈光剔除蒙板 Limited Yes Yes
Lighting Fidelity 光照保真度 All per-pixel 所有像素 Some per-pixel 某些像素 All per-vertex 全部頂點
Performance 性能      
Cost of a per-pixel Light 每像素光照的花費 Number of pixels it illuminates
Number of pixels * Number of objects it illuminates
Platform Support 支持平臺      
PC (Windows/Mac) 臺式機 Shader Model 3.0+ Shader Model 2.0+ Anything
Mobile (iOS/Android) 移動設備 - OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenGL ES 2.0 & 1.1
Consoles  (遊戲)平臺 360, PS3 360, PS3 -