Unity週記: 2020.08.17-08.23

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Noise and Textures in Shader Graph! | 2D Shader Basics (YouTube) (Bilibili)
    2. Beginner Scripting Tutorial (Unity Learn)
      1. C# Variables And Functions in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
      2. C# Conventions and Syntax in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
      3. C# If Statements in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
      4. C# Loops in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
      5. C# Arrays in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
    3. Intermediate Scripting Tutorial (Unity Learn)
      1. C# Namespaces in Unity! - Intermediate Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
      2. C# Quaternions in Unity! - Intermediate Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
      3. C# Events in Unity! - Intermediate Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
    4. Roll-a-Ball (Unity Learn)
      1. Roll-a-Ball: 8.1 Create a build of your game (YouTube)
      2. Roll-a-Ball: 7.1 Store the value of collected PickUps (YouTube)
      3. Roll-a-Ball: 6.1 Disable PickUps with OnTriggerEnter (YouTube)
      4. Roll-a-Ball: 5.1 Create a collectible GameObject (YouTube)
      5. Roll-a-Ball: 4.1 Create a wall for the play field (YouTube)
      6. Roll-a-Ball: 3.1 Set the Camera position (YouTube)
      7. Roll-a-Ball: 2.1 Add a Rigidbody to the player (YouTube)
      8. Roll-a-Ball: 1.1 Create a new Unity project (YouTube)
    5. Rendering Particles with Visual Effects Graph in Unity! (YouTube) (Bilibili) (Bilibili官中)
    6. Basic Operations in Shadergraph | 2D Shader Basics (YouTube) (Bilibili)
  2. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. Exclusive promotion: 50% off assets for Unity Student users
    2. Unity at SIGGRAPH 2020: Bringing together communities of creators online
    3. Empowering Honda's designers to create beautiful interactive presentations in 1 day
    4. Why Hi-Rez isn't worried about the launch of Rogue Company
    5. Teaching Unity? Enrich your curricula with free resources for educators
    6. Enhancing mobile performance with the Burst compiler
    7. Codice Software joins Unity Technologies to bring version control to real-time 3D workflows
  3. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
    1. Unity遊戲雲快速上手指南:如何把項目升級到雲端資源加載,實現熱更!
    2. Unity 2020.1 | 全新的預製件編輯工做流
    3. 社區直播預告 | Unity Shader Graph 實踐 (8月26日 20:00 B站直播)
    4. Unity幫助Romero Games「再現」上世紀的黑暗版芝加哥
    5. Unity人物誌|碰見解決方案工程師小哥哥
    6. Made with Unity | 3A級魂系國產手遊大做是怎麼煉成的 (帕斯卡契約)
    7. 十種故障藝術後處理算法的總結與實現
    8. Unity宣佈收購 Plastic SCM 的開發商 Codice Software
    9. 如何科學地進行遊戲優化?A/B測試瞭解一下 (deltaDNA的廣告)
  4. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. 在 Unity 中使用 Visual Effects Graph 渲染粒子
    2. 使用 Unity Visual Effect Graph 製做多層次的特效(教程)
    3. 使用動畫綁定(Animation Rigging)製做程序化的角色動畫
    4. 動畫綁定(Animation Rigging)教程
    5. 使用 Unity Shader Graph 製做自定義內容(教程)