一.WITH AS的含義express
WITH AS短語,也叫作子查詢部分(subquery factoring),能夠定義一個SQL片段,該SQL片段會被整個SQL語句用到。能夠使SQL語句的可讀性更高,也能夠在UNION ALL的不一樣部分,做爲提供數據的部分。post
對於UNION ALL,使用WITH AS定義了一個UNION ALL語句,當該片段被調用2次以上,優化器會自動將該WITH AS短語所獲取的數據放入一個Temp表中。而提示meterialize則是強制將WITH AS短語的數據放入一個全局臨時表中。不少查詢經過該方式均可以提升速度。性能
select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%')
declare @t table(CountryRegionCode nvarchar(3)) insert into @t(CountryRegionCode) (select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%') select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from @t)
雖然上面的SQL語句要比第一種方式更復雜,但卻將子查詢放在了表變量@t中,這樣作將使SQL語句更容易維護,但又會帶來另外一個問題,就是性能的損失。因爲表變量實際上使用了臨時表,從而增長了額外的I/O開銷,所以,表變量的方式並不太適合數據量大且頻繁查詢的狀況。爲此,在SQL Server 2005中提供了另一種解決方案,這就是公用表表達式(CTE),使用CTE,能夠使SQL語句的可維護性,同時,CTE要比表變量的效率高得多。code
[ WITH <common_table_expression> [ ,n ] ] <common_table_expression>::= expression_name [ ( column_name [ ,n ] ) ] AS ( CTE_query_definition )
with cr as ( select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%' ) select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from cr)
其中cr是一個公用表表達式,該表達式在使用上與表變量相似,只是SQL Server 2005在處理公用表表達式的方式上有所不一樣。it
1. CTE後面必須直接跟使用CTE的SQL語句(如select、insert、update等),不然,CTE將失效。以下面的SQL語句將沒法正常使用CTE:
with cr as ( select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%' ) select * from person.CountryRegion -- 應將這條SQL語句去掉 -- 使用CTE的SQL語句應緊跟在相關的CTE後面 -- select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from cr)
2. CTE後面也能夠跟其餘的CTE,但只能使用一個with,多個CTE中間用逗號(,)分隔,以下面的SQL語句所示:
with cte1 as ( select * from table1 where name like 'abc%' ), cte2 as ( select * from table2 where id > 20 ), cte3 as ( select * from table3 where price < 100 ) select a.* from cte1 a, cte2 b, cte3 c where a.id = b.id and a.id = c.id
3. 若是CTE的表達式名稱與某個數據表或視圖重名,則緊跟在該CTE後面的SQL語句使用的仍然是CTE,固然,後面的SQL語句使用的就是數據表或視圖了,以下面的SQL語句所示:
-- table1是一個實際存在的表 with table1 as ( select * from persons where age < 30 ) select * from table1 -- 使用了名爲table1的公共表表達式 select * from table1 -- 使用了名爲table1的數據表
4. CTE 能夠引用自身,也能夠引用在同一 WITH 子句中預先定義的 CTE。不容許前向引用。
--使用遞歸公用表表達式顯示遞歸的多個級別 WITH DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel) AS ( SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, 0 AS EmployeeLevel FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE ManagerID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel + 1 FROM HumanResources.Employee e INNER JOIN DirectReports d ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID ) SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel FROM DirectReports ; --使用遞歸公用表表達式顯示遞歸的兩個級別 WITH DirectReports(ManagerID, EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel) AS ( SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, 0 AS EmployeeLevel FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE ManagerID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel + 1 FROM HumanResources.Employee e INNER JOIN DirectReports d ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID ) SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel FROM DirectReports WHERE EmployeeLevel <= 2 --使用遞歸公用表表達式顯示層次列表 WITH DirectReports(Name, Title, EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel, Sort) AS (SELECT CONVERT(varchar(255), c.FirstName + ' ' + c.LastName), e.Title, e.EmployeeID, 1, CONVERT(varchar(255), c.FirstName + ' ' + c.LastName) FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e JOIN Person.Contact AS c ON e.ContactID = c.ContactID WHERE e.ManagerID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT CONVERT(varchar(255), REPLICATE ('| ' , EmployeeLevel) + c.FirstName + ' ' + c.LastName), e.Title, e.EmployeeID, EmployeeLevel + 1, CONVERT (varchar(255), RTRIM(Sort) + '| ' + FirstName + ' ' + LastName) FROM HumanResources.Employee as e JOIN Person.Contact AS c ON e.ContactID = c.ContactID JOIN DirectReports AS d ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID ) SELECT EmployeeID, Name, Title, EmployeeLevel FROM DirectReports ORDER BY Sort --使用 MAXRECURSION 取消一條語句 --能夠使用 MAXRECURSION 來防止不合理的遞歸 CTE 進入無限循環。如下示例特地建立了一個無限循環,而後使用 MAXRECURSION 提示將遞歸級別限制爲兩級 WITH cte (EmployeeID, ManagerID, Title) as ( SELECT EmployeeID, ManagerID, Title FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE ManagerID IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT cte.EmployeeID, cte.ManagerID, cte.Title FROM cte JOIN HumanResources.Employee AS e ON cte.ManagerID = e.EmployeeID ) --Uses MAXRECURSION to limit the recursive levels to 2 SELECT EmployeeID, ManagerID, Title FROM cte OPTION (MAXRECURSION 2) --在更正代碼錯誤以後,就再也不須要 MAXRECURSION。如下示例顯示了更正後的代碼 WITH cte (EmployeeID, ManagerID, Title) AS ( SELECT EmployeeID, ManagerID, Title FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE ManagerID IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.ManagerID, e.Title FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e JOIN cte ON e.ManagerID = cte.EmployeeID ) SELECT EmployeeID, ManagerID, Title FROM cte
5. 不能在 CTE_query_definition 中使用如下子句:
(2)ORDER BY(除非指定了 TOP 子句)
(4)帶有查詢提示的 OPTION 子句
6. 若是將 CTE 用在屬於批處理的一部分的語句中,那麼在它以前的語句必須以分號結尾,以下面的SQL所示:
declare @s nvarchar(3) set @s = 'C%' ; -- 必須加分號 with t_tree as ( select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like @s ) select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from t_tree)