一、 引入生成海報插件,配置相關數據git
const posterConfig = {
jdConfig: {web
width: 750, height: 1000, backgroundColor: '#fff', debug: false, preload: true, blocks: [{ width: 690, height: 808, x: 30, y: 183, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#f0c2a0', borderRadius: 20, }, { width: 634, height: 74, x: 59, y: 770, backgroundColor: '#fff', opacity: 0.5, zIndex: 100, }, ], texts: [{ x: 113, y: 61, baseLine: 'middle', text: '會跑的骨頭', fontSize: 32, color: '#8d8d8d', }, { x: 30, y: 113, baseLine: 'top', text: '發現一個好物,推薦給你呀', fontSize: 38, color: '#080808', }, { x: 92, y: 810, fontSize: 38, baseLine: 'middle', text: '標題', width: 570, lineNum: 1, color: '#222', zIndex: 200, }, { x: 78, y: 895, baseLine: 'middle', text: [{ text: '', fontSize: 28, color: '#ec1731', }, { text: '¥99', fontSize: 36, color: '#ec1731', marginLeft: 30, } ] }, { x: 522, y: 895, baseLine: 'middle', text: '', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', }, { x: 106, y: 945, baseLine: 'middle', text: [{ text: '商家發貨&售後', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', }, { text: '七天退貨', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', marginLeft: 50, }, { text: '運費險', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', marginLeft: 50, }, ] }, { x: 360, y: 1065, baseLine: 'top', text: '長按識別小程序碼', fontSize: 38, color: '#080808', }, { x: 360, y: 1123, baseLine: 'top', text: '超值好貨', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', }, ], images: [{ width: 62, height: 62, x: 30, y: 30, borderRadius: 62, url: '/assets/img/logo1.jpg', //店鋪圖片 }, { width: 645, height: 645, x: 59, y: 210, url: 'https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN0171PmFe2BnSiQHYV8O_!!0-item_pic.jpg_430x430q90.jpg', //海報圖 }, { width: 220, height: 220, x: 92, y: 1020, url: 'https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN0171PmFe2BnSiQHYV8O_!!0-item_pic.jpg_430x430q90.jpg', //二維碼 } ]
demoConfig: {小程序
width: 750, height: 1000, backgroundColor: '#fff', debug: false, blocks: [{ x: 0, y: 10, width: 750, // 若是內部有文字,由文字寬度和內邊距決定 height: 120, paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0, borderWidth: 10, borderColor: 'red', backgroundColor: 'blue', borderRadius: 40, text: { text: [{ text: '金額¥ 1.00', fontSize: 80, color: 'yellow', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 50, marginRight: 10, }, { text: '金額¥ 1.00', fontSize: 20, color: 'yellow', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 10, textDecoration: 'line-through', }, ], baseLine: 'middle', }, }], texts: [{ x: 0, y: 180, text: [{ text: '長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題', fontSize: 40, color: 'red', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 10, width: 200, lineHeight: 40, lineNum: 2, }, { text: '原價¥ 1.00', fontSize: 40, color: 'blue', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 10, textDecoration: 'line-through', }, ], baseLine: 'middle', }, { x: 10, y: 330, text: '金額¥ 1.00', fontSize: 80, color: 'blue', opacity: 1, baseLine: 'middle', textDecoration: 'line-through', }, ], images: [{ url: 'https://lc-I0j7ktVK.cn-n1.lcfile.com/02bb99132352b5b5dcea.jpg', width: 300, height: 300, y: 450, x: 0, }, { url: 'https://lc-I0j7ktVK.cn-n1.lcfile.com/02bb99132352b5b5dcea.jpg', width: 100, height: 100, y: 450, x: 400, borderRadius: 100, borderWidth: 10, }, ], lines: [{ startY: 800, startX: 10, endX: 300, endY: 800, width: 5, color: 'red', }]
二、 點擊分享按鈕觸發toggleAction事件,show-->true顯示底部列表ide
//上拉菜單 選項列表 切換顯示/隱藏
toggle(type) {post
this.setData({ [type]: !this.data[type] });
toggleAction() {flex
onCloseActionSheet() {動畫
this.setData({ show: false });
//點擊 上拉菜單
onSelectActionSheet: function(e) {ui
var that = this; //若是選擇了發送給朋友 if (e.detail.name == "發送給朋友") { that.onCloseActionSheet(); } if (e.detail.name == "生成海報") { //關閉 上拉列表 that.onCloseActionSheet(); //調用生成海報的事件 that.onCreateOtherPoster(); }
三、點擊生成海報, onSelectActionSheet判斷後觸發生成海報事件,爲海報賦值
<view class="diy-banner">
<swiper class="banner-box swiper-box dot-round" current="current_img_index" duration="{{duration}}" circular="{{true}}" indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}" interval="{{interval}}" autoplay="{{autoplay}}">
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<!-- 海報 -->
<poster id="poster" hide-loading="{{true}}" preload="{{false}}" config="{{posterConfig}}" bind:success="onPosterSuccess" bind:fail="onPosterFail">
<van-popup show="{{ show_haibao }}" bind:close="onClose">
<image class="haibao_img" src="{{haibao_img}}"></image>
<button class="save_haibaoImg" bindtap='saveHaibao'>保存海報</button>
<van-cell border="{{ false }}" custom-style="font-size:1.2em;margin-bottom:-0.5em;font-weight: bold;">
<view class="title_lin2" slot="title"> {{good_title}} </view> <view slot="right-icon"> <button class="share" bindtap="toggleAction"> <van-icon custom-class="share_icon" name="share" color="#f44" size="40rpx" /> <view class="share_text">分享</view> </button> <van-action-sheet class="van_action_sheet" show="{{ show }}" actions="{{ actions }}" cancel-text="取消" bind:close="onCloseActionSheet" bind:select="onSelectActionSheet" bind:cancel="onCloseActionSheet" /> </view>
<van-cell value="" title-class='titlec'>
<view slot="title"> <van-tag mark size="large" type="danger">¥{{goods_price}}</van-tag> <span wx:if="{{line_price!=0.00}}" class="van-cell-text yuanjia">¥62</span> <view class="title_num_sales">銷量:100</view> <view class="title_num_stock">庫存:1269</view> <view class="title_desc"> <view class="title_desc_item"> <van-icon name="passed" /> <text>正品保證</text> </view> <view class="title_desc_item"> <van-icon name="passed" /> <text>極速發貨</text> </view> <view class="title_desc_item"> <van-icon name="passed" /> <text>7天退換</text> </view> </view> </view>
<view class="modal_cont_box">
<view class="til_conview">
<van-row class='in-title'> <van-col> <text class="til_con"> 快遞: 包郵</text> </van-col> </van-row>
<view class="tmall-types" wx:for="{{specData.spec_attr}}" wx:for-item="attr" wx:for-index="attr_idx" wx:key="key">
<view class="tipstxt">{{attr.group_name}}:</view> <van-radio-group custom-class="radio_c" value="{{goods_spec_arr[attr_idx]}}" data-id="{{attr.group_id}}" data-attr_idx="{{attr_idx}}" bind:change="RonChange"> <van-radio wx:for="{{attr.spec_items}}" disabled="{{item.hidden}}" custom-class="radio_cc" icon-class="radio_cc {{item.hidden ? 'hidden-cl' : 'radio_i' }}" label-class="{{item.hidden ? 'hidden-cl' : 'radio_l' }}" wx:for-index="item_idx" wx:key="ikey" name="{{item.item_id}}">{{item.spec_value}}</van-radio> </van-radio-group>
<view class="tmall-types">
<view class="tipstxt">數量:</view> <van-stepper disable-input custom-class="van-stepper-c" value="{{ goods_num }}" integer min="1" max="999" bind:change="onstepChange" />
<van-tabs custom-class="ju-bottom" active="{{ active }}" bind:change="onChange">
<van-tab title="商品詳情">
<view class="detail"> <image mode='widthFix' wx:for="{{detail_list}}" wx:key="{{item}}" src="{{item}}"></image> </view>
<van-tab title="評價">
<view class="assess" wx:for="{{comment_list}}" wx:for-index="idx" wx:key="{{item}}"> <view class="user"> <image class="user_icon" src="{{item.avatar}}"></image> <text class="user_name">{{item.nickname}}</text> </view> <view class="assess_content"> {{item.content}} </view> <view class="assess_img"> <image data-src="{{item}}" data-index='{{idx}}' wx:for="{{item.image}}" wx:key="key" src="{{item}}" bindtap="imgYu"> </image> </view> </view>
<van-goods-action custom-class="van_goods_action">
<van-goods-action-icon icon="home" text="首頁" bind:click="go_home" />
<van-goods-action-icon icon="like-o" link-type="switchTab" text="收藏" bind:click="set_user_collect_list" wx:if="{{collect == 0}}" />
<van-goods-action-icon icon="like" link-type="switchTab" text="收藏" bind:click="delete_user_collection_list" color="#FF976A" wx:else/>
<van-goods-action-button loading="{{addcart_loading}}" text="加入購物車" type="warning" bind:click="addcart" />
<van-goods-action-button text="當即購買" bind:click="ByNow" />
<van-toast id="van-toast" />
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/ S 商品簡介 /
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.title_num_sales {
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.title_num_stock {
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color: #bbb;
margin-right: 16rpx;
.title_desc {
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.title_desc_item {
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/ E 商品簡介 /
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color: rgb(88, 88, 88);
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margin-top: 1em;
/ S 商品詳情 /
.detail {
text-align: center;
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padding: 20rpx;
box-sizing: border-box;
background-color: #fff;
.detail image{
/ S 評價 /
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.assess_img image {
width: 200rpx;
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margin-right: 20rpx;
/ 提升底部商品導航的層級 /
.van_goods_action {
.icon_red {
color: #f4555a;
/ S 分享按鈕 /
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/ E分享按鈕 /
/ S 海報 /
margin-bottom: 30rpx;
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font-size: 28rpx;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #8BC34A;
/ E 海報 /
/ 上拉列表 /
font-weight: normal;
let App = getApp();
const util = require('../../utils/util');
import Poster from '../../assets/miniprogram_dist/poster/poster';
const posterConfig = {
jdConfig: {
width: 750, height: 1000, backgroundColor: '#fff', debug: false, preload: true, blocks: [{ width: 690, height: 808, x: 30, y: 183, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#f0c2a0', borderRadius: 20, }, { width: 634, height: 74, x: 59, y: 770, backgroundColor: '#fff', opacity: 0.5, zIndex: 100, }, ], texts: [{ x: 113, y: 61, baseLine: 'middle', text: '會跑的骨頭', fontSize: 32, color: '#8d8d8d', }, { x: 30, y: 113, baseLine: 'top', text: '發現一個好物,推薦給你呀', fontSize: 38, color: '#080808', }, { x: 92, y: 810, fontSize: 38, baseLine: 'middle', text: '標題', width: 570, lineNum: 1, color: '#222', zIndex: 200, }, { x: 78, y: 895, baseLine: 'middle', text: [{ text: '', fontSize: 28, color: '#ec1731', }, { text: '¥99', fontSize: 36, color: '#ec1731', marginLeft: 30, } ] }, { x: 522, y: 895, baseLine: 'middle', text: '', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', }, { x: 106, y: 945, baseLine: 'middle', text: [{ text: '商家發貨&售後', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', }, { text: '七天退貨', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', marginLeft: 50, }, { text: '運費險', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', marginLeft: 50, }, ] }, { x: 360, y: 1065, baseLine: 'top', text: '長按識別小程序碼', fontSize: 38, color: '#080808', }, { x: 360, y: 1123, baseLine: 'top', text: '超值好貨', fontSize: 28, color: '#929292', }, ], images: [{ width: 62, height: 62, x: 30, y: 30, borderRadius: 62, url: '/assets/img/logo1.jpg', //店鋪圖片 }, { width: 645, height: 645, x: 59, y: 210, url: 'https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN0171PmFe2BnSiQHYV8O_!!0-item_pic.jpg_430x430q90.jpg', //海報圖 }, { width: 220, height: 220, x: 92, y: 1020, url: 'https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN0171PmFe2BnSiQHYV8O_!!0-item_pic.jpg_430x430q90.jpg', //二維碼 } ]
demoConfig: {
width: 750, height: 1000, backgroundColor: '#fff', debug: false, blocks: [{ x: 0, y: 10, width: 750, // 若是內部有文字,由文字寬度和內邊距決定 height: 120, paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0, borderWidth: 10, borderColor: 'red', backgroundColor: 'blue', borderRadius: 40, text: { text: [{ text: '金額¥ 1.00', fontSize: 80, color: 'yellow', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 50, marginRight: 10, }, { text: '金額¥ 1.00', fontSize: 20, color: 'yellow', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 10, textDecoration: 'line-through', }, ], baseLine: 'middle', }, }], texts: [{ x: 0, y: 180, text: [{ text: '長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題長標題', fontSize: 40, color: 'red', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 10, width: 200, lineHeight: 40, lineNum: 2, }, { text: '原價¥ 1.00', fontSize: 40, color: 'blue', opacity: 1, marginLeft: 10, textDecoration: 'line-through', }, ], baseLine: 'middle', }, { x: 10, y: 330, text: '金額¥ 1.00', fontSize: 80, color: 'blue', opacity: 1, baseLine: 'middle', textDecoration: 'line-through', }, ], images: [{ url: 'https://lc-I0j7ktVK.cn-n1.lcfile.com/02bb99132352b5b5dcea.jpg', width: 300, height: 300, y: 450, x: 0, // borderRadius: 150, // borderWidth: 10, // borderColor: 'red', }, { url: 'https://lc-I0j7ktVK.cn-n1.lcfile.com/02bb99132352b5b5dcea.jpg', width: 100, height: 100, y: 450, x: 400, borderRadius: 100, borderWidth: 10, }, ], lines: [{ startY: 800, startX: 10, endX: 300, endY: 800, width: 5, color: 'red', }]
data: {
color: "#FF976A", cdn_url: "", rule: "", // banner輪播組件屬性 indicatorDots: true, // 是否顯示面板指示點 autoplay: true, // 是否自動切換 interval: 3000, // 自動切換時間間隔 duration: 800, // 滑動動畫時長 swiper:[ "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN0171PmFe2BnSiQHYV8O_!!0-item_pic.jpg_430x430q90.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/2230898383/O1CN01oCWs8n2BnSiNOnqv8_!!2230898383.jpg_430x430q90.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN01f2Z0OD2BnSiPmxt4E_!!2230898383.jpg_430x430q90.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i2/2230898383/O1CN01det0i82BnSiPon7Rq_!!2230898383.jpg_430x430q90.jpg " ], //輪播圖 good_title:"小恐龍抱枕可愛少女心粉色萌公仔抱抱毛絨玩具陪睡覺牀上玩偶娃娃", //商品標題 goods_price:45, //商品價格 detail_list:[ "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i3/2230898383/O1CN01SQih2Y2BnSiM7dRoL_!!2230898383.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN01MgLoCN2BnSiQHV0r8_!!2230898383.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/2230898383/O1CN017ZbuXI2BnSiMJlxXa_!!2230898383.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i3/2230898383/O1CN010XjsyS2BnSiM7d2qs_!!2230898383.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i2/2230898383/O1CN01g5v4MP2BnSiQYHBNT_!!2230898383.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2230898383/O1CN01sdAB4M2BnSiQHX5lZ_!!2230898383.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i3/2230898383/O1CN01wYsk1M2BnSiPFNELK_!!2230898383.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i3/2230898383/O1CN01XJtiay2BnSiMpD0Sx_!!2230898383.jpg" ], //商品詳情圖片 comment_list:[ { avatar:"https://ss1.bdstatic.com/70cFuXSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=1615207080,3037986495&fm=26&gp=0.jpg", nickname:"月野兔", content:"超級喜歡這個公仔的,如今天天晚上睡覺都會抱着它", image:[ "https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/2230898383/O1CN01oCWs8n2BnSiNOnqv8_!!2230898383.jpg_430x430q90.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i1/O1CN013KScMh22d5EhbiBrY_!!0-rate.jpg_400x400.jpg", "https://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i3/O1CN01JO7Myo1tf4Q8sgrP4_!!0-rate.jpg_400x400.jpg", ] }, { avatar: "https://ss1.bdstatic.com/70cFvXSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3131981126,1877674083&fm=26&gp=0.jpg", nickname: "青檸之夏", content: "與圖片色差相差不大,男友買的生日禮物,很喜歡", }, { avatar: "https://ss1.bdstatic.com/70cFvXSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=3872326548,781102463&fm=26&gp=0.jpg", nickname: "骨頭呀", content: "這個用戶很懶,什麼都沒寫", }, { avatar: "https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=1189945575,4198805875&fm=11&gp=0.jpg", nickname: "豬小屁", content: "這個用戶很懶,什麼都沒寫", } ], //評論列表 show: false, //分享上拉菜單列表按鈕 底部彈窗默認不顯示 actions: [{ //分享上拉菜單列表 name: '發送給朋友', openType: 'share' }, { name: '生成海報', } ], posterConfig: posterConfig.jdConfig, //海報 show_haibao: false, //彈窗默認不顯示 haibao_img: "",
onClose() {
this.setData({ show_haibao: false });
//海報 成功
onPosterSuccess(e) {
var that = this; //關閉 生成中...彈窗提示 wx.hideLoading(); const { detail } = e; that.setData({ show_haibao: true, //顯示海報彈窗 haibao_img: detail }) console.log(that.data.haibao_img)
//海報 失敗
onPosterFail(err) {
//彈窗提示生成失敗 wx.showToast({ title: '生成失敗', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) console.error(err);
saveHaibao: function() {
var that = this; console.log(that.data.haibao_img) console.log(" saveHaibao事件") wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ //下載圖片 filePath: that.data.haibao_img, success: function() { wx.showToast({ title: "保存成功", icon: "success", }) } })
onLoad: function(options) {
let that = this;
onReady() {
onShow: function() {
imgYu: function(e) {
console.log(e) let that = this; var src = e.currentTarget.dataset.src; //獲取data-src var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; var imgList = that.data.comment_list[index].image; //獲取data-list //圖片預覽 console.log(src); console.log(imgList); wx.previewImage({ current: src, // 當前顯示圖片的http連接 urls: imgList // 須要預覽的圖片http連接列表 })
onShareAppMessage: function(res) {
console.log(res) return { title: "會跑的骨頭", desc: "", path: '/pages/goods/index?goods_id=' + this.data.share_goods_id, };
//上拉菜單 選項列表 切換顯示/隱藏
toggle(type) {
this.setData({ [type]: !this.data[type] });
toggleAction() {
onCloseActionSheet() {
this.setData({ show: false });
//點擊 上拉菜單
onSelectActionSheet: function(e) {
var that = this; //若是選擇了發送給朋友 if (e.detail.name == "發送給朋友") { that.onCloseActionSheet(); } if (e.detail.name == "生成海報") { //關閉 上拉列表 that.onCloseActionSheet(); //調用生成海報的事件 that.onCreateOtherPoster(); }
onCreateOtherPoster() {
console.log("生成海報事件") //顯示 生成中...彈窗提示 wx.showLoading({ title: '生成中...', }) this.setData({ posterConfig: posterConfig.jdConfig }, () => { Poster.create(true); // 入參:true爲抹掉從新生成 }); this.setData({ 'posterConfig.images[1].url': this.data.swiper[0], //從新賦值海報商品圖片 'posterConfig.texts[2].text': this.data.good_title, //從新賦值海報商品標題 'posterConfig.texts[3].text[1].text': '¥' + this.data.goods_price //從新賦值海報商品價格 }, () => { Poster.create(true); // 入參:true爲抹掉從新生成 }); console.log(this.data.posterConfig.images[1].url)