In a deck of cards, every card has a unique integer. You can order the deck in any order you want.git
Initially, all the cards start face down (unrevealed) in one deck.github
Now, you do the following steps repeatedly, until all cards are revealed:微信
Return an ordering of the deck that would reveal the cards in increasing order.app
The first entry in the answer is considered to be the top of the deck.ide
Example 1:this
Input: [17,13,11,2,3,5,7]
Output: [2,13,3,11,5,17,7] Explanation: We get the deck in the order [17,13,11,2,3,5,7] (this order doesn't matter), and reorder it. After reordering, the deck starts as [2,13,3,11,5,17,7], where 2 is the top of the deck. We reveal 2, and move 13 to the bottom. The deck is now [3,11,5,17,7,13]. We reveal 3, and move 11 to the bottom. The deck is now [5,17,7,13,11]. We reveal 5, and move 17 to the bottom. The deck is now [7,13,11,17]. We reveal 7, and move 13 to the bottom. The deck is now [11,17,13]. We reveal 11, and move 17 to the bottom. The deck is now [13,17]. We reveal 13, and move 17 to the bottom. The deck is now [17]. We reveal 17. Since all the cards revealed are in increasing order, the answer is correct.
1 <= A.length <= 1000
1 <= A[i] <= 10^6
A[i] != A[j]
for all i != j
輸入:[17,13,11,2,3,5,7] 輸出:[2,13,3,11,5,17,7] 解釋: 咱們獲得的牌組順序爲 [17,13,11,2,3,5,7](這個順序不重要),而後將其從新排序。 從新排序後,牌組以 [2,13,3,11,5,17,7] 開始,其中 2 位於牌組的頂部。 咱們顯示 2,而後將 13 移到底部。牌組如今是 [3,11,5,17,7,13]。 咱們顯示 3,並將 11 移到底部。牌組如今是 [5,17,7,13,11]。 咱們顯示 5,而後將 17 移到底部。牌組如今是 [7,13,11,17]。 咱們顯示 7,並將 13 移到底部。牌組如今是 [11,17,13]。 咱們顯示 11,而後將 17 移到底部。牌組如今是 [13,17]。 咱們展現 13,而後將 17 移到底部。牌組如今是 [17]。 咱們顯示 17。 因爲全部卡片都是按遞增順序排列顯示的,因此答案是正確的。
1 <= A.length <= 1000
1 <= A[i] <= 10^6
i != j
,A[i] != A[j]
1 class Solution { 2 func deckRevealedIncreasing(_ deck: [Int]) -> [Int] { 3 var results = [Int]() 4 let deck = deck.sorted(by: >) 5 for d in deck { 6 if results.count != 0 { 7 let temp = results.removeFirst() 8 results.append(temp) 9 } 10 results.append(d) 11 } 12 return results.reversed() 13 } 14 }
1 class Solution { 2 func deckRevealedIncreasing(_ deck: [Int]) -> [Int] { 3 var n:Int = deck.count 4 var deck:[Int] = deck.sorted(by:<) 5 var q:[Int] = [Int]() 6 for i in (0...(n - 1)).reversed() 7 { 8 if i < n-1 9 { 10 q.insert(q.removeLast(), at: 0) 11 } 12 q.insert(deck[i], at: 0) 13 } 14 var p:Int = 0 15 var ret:[Int] = [Int](repeating:0,count:n) 16 for x in q 17 { 18 ret[p] = x 19 p += 1 20 } 21 return ret 22 } 23 }
1 class Solution { 2 func deckRevealedIncreasing(_ deck: [Int]) -> [Int] { 3 let N = deck.count 4 var stack = [Int]() 5 for i in 0..<N { 6 stack.append(i) 7 } 8 9 let sorted = deck.sorted { $0 < $1 } 10 var answer = Array(repeating: 0, count: N) 11 12 for num in sorted { 13 answer[stack.removeFirst()] = num 14 15 if !stack.isEmpty { 16 let nextIndex = stack.removeFirst() 17 stack.append(nextIndex) 18 } 19 } 20 21 return answer 22 } 23 }
1 class Solution { 2 func deckRevealedIncreasing(_ deck: [Int]) -> [Int] { 3 var array = Array(0..<deck.count) 4 var res:[Int] = [] 5 let sort = deck.sorted() 6 7 for _ in 0..<array.count-1{ 8 res.append(array.removeFirst()) 9 array.append(array.removeFirst()) 10 } 11 res.append(array[0]) 12 13 return res.enumerated().sorted(by:{$0.element < $1.element}).map({$0.offset}).map({sort[$0]}) 14 } 15 }
1 class Solution { 2 func deckRevealedIncreasing(_ deck: [Int]) -> [Int] { 3 var ds = deck.sorted() 4 var qs = [Int]() 5 while !ds.isEmpty { 6 if let q = qs.last { 7 qs.removeLast() 8 qs.insert(q, at: 0) 9 } 10 let r = ds.removeLast() 11 qs.insert(r, at: 0) 12 } 13 return qs 14 15 } 16 }
1 class Solution { 2 func deckRevealedIncreasing(_ deck: [Int]) -> [Int] { 3 var sortedDeck = deck.sorted{$0<$1} 4 if (sortedDeck.count < 3) { 5 return sortedDeck 6 } 7 var res:[Int] = Array(sortedDeck[sortedDeck.count - 2..<sortedDeck.count]) 8 sortedDeck[sortedDeck.count - 2..<sortedDeck.count] = [] 9 while sortedDeck.count > 0{ 10 var last = res.removeLast() 11 res.insert(last, at: 0); 12 res.insert(sortedDeck.removeLast(), at: 0) 13 } 14 return res 15 } 16 }