


  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
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  6     <title>Canvas煙花</title>
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 11         body {
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 14             background: #000;
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 17 </head>
 19 <body>
 20     <canvas id="canvas">Canvas is not supported in your browser.</canvas> 
 21     <script type="text/javascript">
 22         window.requestAnimationFrame = (function() {
 23             return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
 24                 window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
 25                 window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
 26                 function(callback) {
 27                     window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); //每秒60幀
 28                 }
 29         })();
 31         var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
 32             ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
 33             cw = window.innerWidth,
 34             ch = window.innerHeight,
 35             fireworks = [], //煙花數組
 36             particles = [], //煙花爆炸屑數字
 37             hue = 120, //初始色調0/360 紅色 120 綠色240 藍色
 38             timerTotal = 80, //每隔80下釋放一次煙花
 39             timerTick = 0;
 41         canvas.width = cw;
 42         canvas.height = ch;
 44         // 生成隨機數
 45         function random(min, max) {
 46             return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
 47         }
 48         // 計算點(sx,sy)到點(tx,ty)之間的距離
 49         function caculateDistance(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
 50             var xDistance = sx - tx,
 51                 yDistance = sy - ty;
 52             return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDistance, 2) + Math.pow(yDistance, 2));
 53         }
 54         // 煙花對象(sx,sy)初始位置(tx,ty)目標位置
 55         function Firework(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
 56             this.x = sx; //實時運行座標x
 57             this.y = sy; //實時運行座標y
 58             this.sx = sx; //初始位置座標x
 59             this.sy = sy; //初始位置座標y
 60             this.tx = tx; //目標位置座標x
 61             this.ty = ty; //目標位置座標y
 62             this.distanceToTarget = caculateDistance(sx, sy, tx, ty); //計算初始位置到目標位置之間的距離
 63             this.distanceTraveled = 0; //已運行距離
 64             this.coordinates = []; //這是一個輔助變量,用於生成實時運行軌跡
 65             this.coordinatesCount = 3;
 66             while (this.coordinatesCount--) {
 67                 this.coordinates.push([this.x, this.y]);
 68             }
 69             this.angle = Math.atan2(ty - sy, tx - sx); //初始位置和目標位置之間的角度
 70             this.speed = 2; //初始速度
 71             this.acceleration = 1.05 //加速度
 72             this.brightness = random(50, 70); //明度
 73             this.targetRadius = 1; //目標位置標示圓圈的初始半徑
 74         }
 75         // 更新煙花的位置
 76         Firework.prototype.update = function(index) {
 77             this.coordinates.pop();
 78             this.coordinates.unshift([this.x, this.y]);
 79             // 上面是一個技巧吧 先將數組最後一個移除,而後將當前煙花位置插入到第一個,那數組最後一個座標和更新以後的座標之間就造成了一條軌跡
 80             // 讓目標標示處圓圈動起來
 81             if (this.targetRadius < 8) {
 82                 this.targetRadius += 0.3;
 83             } else {
 84                 this.targetRadius = 1;
 85             }
 86             this.speed *= this.acceleration; //根據加速度變換速度
 87             var vx = Math.cos(this.angle) * this.speed, //計算水平方向速度
 88                 vy = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.speed; //計算垂直方向速度
 89             this.distanceTraveled = caculateDistance(this.sx, this.sy, this.x + vx, this.y + vy); //從新計算煙花已運行的距離
 90             // 若是煙花運行距離大於或等於初始位置到目標之間的距離,生成新煙花並移除當前煙花,不然更新煙花位置
 91             if (this.distanceTraveled >= this.distanceToTarget) {
 92                 createParticles(this.tx, this.ty);
 93                 fireworks.splice(index, 1);
 94             } else {
 95                 this.x += vx;
 96                 this.y += vy;
 97             }
 98         }
100         Firework.prototype.draw = function() {
101                 // 畫出煙花運行軌跡
102                 ctx.beginPath();
103                 ctx.moveTo(this.coordinates[this.coordinates.length - 1][0], this.coordinates[this.coordinates.length - 1][1]);
104                 ctx.lineTo(this.x, this.y);
105                 ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsl(' + hue + ',100%,' + this.brightness + '%)';
106                 ctx.stroke();
107                 // 畫出目標位置的小圓圈
108                 ctx.beginPath();
109                 ctx.arc(this.tx, this.ty, this.targetRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
110                 ctx.stroke();
111             }
112             // 煙花爆炸屑對象
113         function Particle(x, y) {
114             this.x = x;
115             this.y = y;
116             this.coordinates = [];
117             this.coordinatesCount = 5;
118             while (this.coordinatesCount--) {
119                 this.coordinates.push([this.x, this.y]);
120             }
121             this.angle = random(0, 2 * Math.PI); //生成任意方向的碎屑
122             this.speed = random(1, 10); //隨機速度
123             this.friction = 0.95 //摩擦力
124             this.gravity = 1; //重力
125             this.hue = random(hue - 20, hue + 20); //生成與煙花色彩相近的碎屑
126             this.brightness = random(50, 80); //隨機明度
127             this.alpha = 1; //初始透明度
128             this.decay = random(0.015, 0.03); //碎屑小時的時間
129         }
131         Particle.prototype.update = function(index) {
132             this.coordinates.pop();
133             this.coordinates.unshift([this.x, this.y]);
134             // 上面是一個技巧吧,先將數組最後一個移除,而後將當前煙花位置插入到第一個,那數組最後一個
135             // 元素和更新以後的座標就造成了一條軌跡
136             this.speed *= this.friction;
137             this.x += Math.cos(this.angle) * this.speed;
138             this.y += Math.sin(this.angle) * this.speed + this.gravity;
139             this.alpha -= this.decay;
140             if (this.alpha <= this.decay) {
141                 particles.splice(index, 1);
142             }
143         }
145         Particle.prototype.draw = function() {
146             ctx.beginPath();
147             ctx.moveTo(this.coordinates[this.coordinates.length - 1][0], this.coordinates[this.coordinates.length - 1][1]);
148             ctx.lineTo(this.x, this.y);
149             ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla(' + this.hue + ',100%,' + this.brightness + '%,' + this.alpha + ')';
150             ctx.stroke();
151         }
153         function createParticles(x, y) {
154             // 生成30個煙花碎屑
155             var particleCount = 30;
156             while (particleCount--) {
157                 particles.push(new Particle(x, y));
158             }
159         }
161         function loop() {
162             // 流暢的動畫過程
163             requestAnimationFrame(loop);
164             hue += 0.5;
165             ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
166             ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
167             ctx.fillRect(0, 0, cw, ch);
168             ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
169             var i = fireworks.length;
170             while (i--) {
171                 fireworks[i].draw();
172                 fireworks[i].update(i);
173             }
174             var i = particles.length;
175             while (i--) {
176                 particles[i].draw();
177                 particles[i].update(i);
178             }
179             if (timerTick >= timerTotal) {
180                 fireworks.push(new Firework(cw / 2, ch, random(0, cw), random(0, ch / 2)));
181                 timerTick = 0;
182             } else {
183                 timerTick++;
184             }
185         }
186         window.onload = loop;
187     </script>
188 </body>
190 </html>


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 14     <title>放煙花嘍-前端開發知識</title>
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110     <script src="http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
111     <script type="text/javascript">
112         $(function() {
113             var Fireworks = function() {
114                 var self = this;
115                 var rand = function(rMi, rMa) {
116                     return ~~((Math.random() * (rMa - rMi + 1)) + rMi);
117                 }
118                 var hitTest = function(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) {
119                     return !(x1 + w1 < x2 || x2 + w2 < x1 || y1 + h1 < y2 || y2 + h2 < y1);
120                 };
121                 window.requestAnimFrame = function() {
122                     return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(a) {
123                         window.setTimeout(a, 1E3 / 60)
124                     }
125                 }();
127                 self.init = function() {
128                     self.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
129                     // cw:畫布的寬 ch:畫布的高
130                     self.canvas.width = self.cw = $(window).innerWidth();
131                     self.canvas.height = self.ch = $(window).innerHeight();
132                     // 自身的粒子
133                     self.particles = [];//煙花爆炸屑的數字
134                     self.partCount = 250;//煙花的數量
135                     self.fireworks = []; //煙花數組
136                     self.mx = self.cw / 2;
137                     self.my = self.ch / 2;
138                     self.currentHue = 30;// 當前色調
139                     self.partSpeed = 5; // 煙花散開的速度
140                     self.partSpeedVariance = 10; // 加速度
141                     self.partWind = 50; // 煙花散開以後的一個曲線值
142                     self.partFriction = 5; // 摩擦力
143                     self.partGravity = 1; // 重力
144                     self.hueMin = 0; // 最小色調
145                     self.hueMax = 360; // 最大色調
146                     self.fworkSpeed = 4; // 煙花子彈的速度
147                     self.fworkAccel = 10; //煙花子彈加速度
148                     self.hueVariance = 80; //色調的多樣性
149                     self.flickerDensity = 25; //閃光密度
150                     self.showShockwave = true; //
151                     self.showTarget = false; //
152                     self.clearAlpha = 25; //阿爾法通道值即透明度值
154                     // 設置畫板的一些參數
155                     $(document.body).append(self.canvas);
156                     self.ctx = self.canvas.getContext('2d');
157                     self.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
158                     self.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
159                     self.lineWidth = 1;
160                     self.bindEvents();
161                     self.canvasLoop();
163                     self.canvas.onselectstart = function() {
164                         return false;
165                     };
166                 };
167                 // 建立煙花炸屑
168                 self.createParticles = function(x, y, hue) {
169                     var countdown = self.partCount;
170                     while (countdown--) {
171                         var newParticle = {
172                             x: x,
173                             y: y,
174                             coordLast: [{
175                                 x: x,
176                                 y: y
177                             }, {
178                                 x: x,
179                                 y: y
180                             }, {
181                                 x: x,
182                                 y: y
183                             }],
184                             // 角度
185                             angle: rand(0, 360),
186                             // 速度
187                             speed: rand(((self.partSpeed - self.partSpeedVariance) <= 0) ? 1 : self.partSpeed - self.partSpeedVariance, (self.partSpeed + self.partSpeedVariance)),
188                             // 摩擦力
189                             friction: 1 - self.partFriction / 100,
190                             // 重力
191                             gravity: self.partGravity / 2,
192                             // 色調
193                             hue: rand(hue - self.hueVariance, hue + self.hueVariance),
194                             // 明亮度
195                             brightness: rand(50, 80),
196                             // 加速度
197                             alpha: rand(40, 100) / 100,
198                             // 衰退
199                             decay: rand(10, 50) / 1000,
200                             // 彎曲度
201                             wind: (rand(0, self.partWind) - (self.partWind / 2)) / 25,
202                             // 線寬
203                             lineWidth: self.lineWidth
204                         };
205                         self.particles.push(newParticle);
206                     }
207                 };
209                 // 上升的煙花彈
210                 self.updateParticles = function() {
211                     var i = self.particles.length;
212                     while (i--) {
213                         var p = self.particles[i];
214                         // 定義弧度
215                         var radians = p.angle * Math.PI / 180;
216                         // x軸速度
217                         var vx = Math.cos(radians) * p.speed;
218                         // y軸速度
219                         var vy = Math.sin(radians) * p.speed;
220                         // 速度等於自身乘上摩擦力
221                         p.speed *= p.friction;
223                         // 我不是很理解這一段尤爲是coordLast但願懂得人能給解釋一下
224                         p.coordLast[2].x = p.coordLast[1].x;
225                         p.coordLast[2].y = p.coordLast[1].y;
226                         p.coordLast[1].x = p.coordLast[0].x;
227                         p.coordLast[1].y = p.coordLast[0].y;
228                         p.coordLast[0].x = p.x;
229                         p.coordLast[0].y = p.y;
231                         // 這裏主要是座標的變化
232                         p.x += vx;
233                         p.y += vy;
234                         p.y += p.gravity;
236                         // 這裏主要是角度的變化公式和透明度的改變
237                         p.angle += p.wind;
238                         p.alpha -= p.decay;
239                         // hitTest 碰撞檢測
240                         if (!hitTest(0, 0, self.cw, self.ch, p.x - p.radius, p.y - p.radius, p.radius * 2, p.radius * 2) || p.alpha < .05) {
241                             self.particles.splice(i, 1);
242                         }
243                     };
244                 };
246                 self.drawParticles = function() {
247                     var i = self.particles.length;
248                     while (i--) {
249                         var p = self.particles[i];
251                         var coordRand = (rand(1, 3) - 1);
252                         self.ctx.beginPath();
253                         self.ctx.moveTo(Math.round(p.coordLast[coordRand].x), Math.round(p.coordLast[coordRand].y));
254                         self.ctx.lineTo(Math.round(p.x), Math.round(p.y));
255                         self.ctx.closePath();
256                         self.ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla(' + p.hue + ', 100%, ' + p.brightness + '%, ' + p.alpha + ')';
257                         self.ctx.stroke();
259                         if (self.flickerDensity > 0) {
260                             var inverseDensity = 50 - self.flickerDensity;
261                             if (rand(0, inverseDensity) === inverseDensity) {
262                                 self.ctx.beginPath();
263                                 self.ctx.arc(Math.round(p.x), Math.round(p.y), rand(p.lineWidth, p.lineWidth + 3) / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
264                                 self.ctx.closePath();
265                                 var randAlpha = rand(50, 100) / 100;
266                                 self.ctx.fillStyle = 'hsla(' + p.hue + ', 100%, ' + p.brightness + '%, ' + randAlpha + ')';
267                                 self.ctx.fill();
268                             }
269                         }
270                     };
271                 };
274                 self.createFireworks = function(startX, startY, targetX, targetY) {
275                     var newFirework = {
276                         x: startX,
277                         y: startY,
278                         startX: startX,
279                         startY: startY,
280                         hitX: false,
281                         hitY: false,
282                         coordLast: [{
283                             x: startX,
284                             y: startY
285                         }, {
286                             x: startX,
287                             y: startY
288                         }, {
289                             x: startX,
290                             y: startY
291                         }],
292                         targetX: targetX,
293                         targetY: targetY,
294                         speed: self.fworkSpeed,
295                         angle: Math.atan2(targetY - startY, targetX - startX),
296                         shockwaveAngle: Math.atan2(targetY - startY, targetX - startX) + (90 * (Math.PI / 180)),
297                         acceleration: self.fworkAccel / 100,
298                         hue: self.currentHue,
299                         brightness: rand(50, 80),
300                         alpha: rand(50, 100) / 100,
301                         lineWidth: self.lineWidth
302                     };
303                     self.fireworks.push(newFirework);
305                 };
308                 self.updateFireworks = function() {
309                     var i = self.fireworks.length;
311                     while (i--) {
312                         var f = self.fireworks[i];
313                         self.ctx.lineWidth = f.lineWidth;
315                         vx = Math.cos(f.angle) * f.speed,
316                             vy = Math.sin(f.angle) * f.speed;
317                         f.speed *= 1 + f.acceleration;
318                         f.coordLast[2].x = f.coordLast[1].x;
319                         f.coordLast[2].y = f.coordLast[1].y;
320                         f.coordLast[1].x = f.coordLast[0].x;
321                         f.coordLast[1].y = f.coordLast[0].y;
322                         f.coordLast[0].x = f.x;
323                         f.coordLast[0].y = f.y;
325                         if (f.startX >= f.targetX) {
326                             if (f.x + vx <= f.targetX) {
327                                 f.x = f.targetX;
328                                 f.hitX = true;
329                             } else {
330                                 f.x += vx;
331                             }
332                         } else {
333                             if (f.x + vx >= f.targetX) {
334                                 f.x = f.targetX;
335                                 f.hitX = true;
336                             } else {
337                                 f.x += vx;
338                             }
339                         }
341                         if (f.startY >= f.targetY) {
342                             if (f.y + vy <= f.targetY) {
343                                 f.y = f.targetY;
344                                 f.hitY = true;
345                             } else {
346                                 f.y += vy;
347                             }
348                         } else {
349                             if (f.y + vy >= f.targetY) {
350                                 f.y = f.targetY;
351                                 f.hitY = true;
352                             } else {
353                                 f.y += vy;
354                             }
355                         }
357                         if (f.hitX && f.hitY) {
358                             self.createParticles(f.targetX, f.targetY, f.hue);
359                             self.fireworks.splice(i, 1);
361                         }
362                     };
363                 };
365                 self.drawFireworks = function() {
366                     var i = self.fireworks.length;
367                     self.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
368                     while (i--) {
369                         var f = self.fireworks[i];
370                         self.ctx.lineWidth = f.lineWidth;
372                         var coordRand = (rand(1, 3) - 1);
373                         self.ctx.beginPath();
374                         self.ctx.moveTo(Math.round(f.coordLast[coordRand].x), Math.round(f.coordLast[coordRand].y));
375                         self.ctx.lineTo(Math.round(f.x), Math.round(f.y));
376                         self.ctx.closePath();
377                         self.ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla(' + f.hue + ', 100%, ' + f.brightness + '%, ' + f.alpha + ')';
378                         self.ctx.stroke();
380                         if (self.showTarget) {
381                             self.ctx.save();
382                             self.ctx.beginPath();
383                             self.ctx.arc(Math.round(f.targetX), Math.round(f.targetY), rand(1, 8), 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
384                             self.ctx.closePath();
385                             self.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
386                             self.ctx.stroke();
387                             self.ctx.restore();
388                         }
390                         if (self.showShockwave) {
391                             self.ctx.save();
392                             self.ctx.translate(Math.round(f.x), Math.round(f.y));
393                             self.ctx.rotate(f.shockwaveAngle);
394                             self.ctx.beginPath();
395                             self.ctx.arc(0, 0, 1 * (f.speed / 5), 0, Math.PI, true);
396                             self.ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla(' + f.hue + ', 100%, ' + f.brightness + '%, ' + rand(25, 60) / 100 + ')';
397                             self.ctx.lineWidth = f.lineWidth;
398                             self.ctx.stroke();
399                             self.ctx.restore();
400                         }
401                     };
402                 };
404                 self.bindEvents = function() {
405                     $(window).on('resize', function() {
406                         clearTimeout(self.timeout);
407                         self.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
408                             self.canvas.width = self.cw = $(window).innerWidth();
409                             self.canvas.height = self.ch = $(window).innerHeight();
410                             self.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
411                             self.ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
412                         }, 100);
413                     });
415                     $(self.canvas).on('mousedown', function(e) {
416                         self.mx = e.pageX - self.canvas.offsetLeft;
417                         self.my = e.pageY - self.canvas.offsetTop;
418                         self.currentHue = rand(self.hueMin, self.hueMax);
419                         self.createFireworks(self.cw / 2, self.ch, self.mx, self.my);
421                         $(self.canvas).on('mousemove.fireworks', function(e) {
422                             self.mx = e.pageX - self.canvas.offsetLeft;
423                             self.my = e.pageY - self.canvas.offsetTop;
424                             self.currentHue = rand(self.hueMin, self.hueMax);
425                             self.createFireworks(self.cw / 2, self.ch, self.mx, self.my);
426                         });
427                     });
429                     $(self.canvas).on('mouseup', function(e) {
430                         $(self.canvas).off('mousemove.fireworks');
431                     });
433                 }
435                 self.clear = function() {
436                     self.particles = [];
437                     self.fireworks = [];
438                     self.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, self.cw, self.ch);
439                 };
442                 self.canvasLoop = function() {
443                     requestAnimFrame(self.canvasLoop, self.canvas);
444                     self.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
445                     self.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,' + self.clearAlpha / 100 + ')';
446                     self.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, self.cw, self.ch);
447                     self.updateFireworks();
448                     self.updateParticles();
449                     self.drawFireworks();
450                     self.drawParticles();
452                 };
454                 self.init();
456             }
457             var fworks = new Fireworks();
459         });
460     </script>
461     <script type="text/javascript">
462         $(document).ready(function() {
463             setTimeout(function() {
464                 $("#header").hide("slow");
465             }, 2000);
466         });
467     </script>
468 </body>
470 </html>

這個煙花效果更加好一些,而且咱們能夠經過修改function init()裏邊的值來調整最後的效果,我改了一些最後產生了很炫的效果,大家能夠試試。咱們還能夠將這些值換成變量,咱們能夠弄幾個input經過value來傳咱們具體的值這樣咱們就能很隨意的看咱們想看的效果。這個我這裏就不試了。前端



  2 <html>
  4 <head>
  5     <title>proton.js-game-fireworks</title>
  6     <meta charset="utf-8">
  7     <style type="text/css">
  8         body {
  9             font-family: Monospace;
 10             background-color: #f0f0f0;
 11             margin: 0px;
 12             overflow: hidden;
 13         }
 15         #testCanvas {
 16             background: #000000;
 17         }
 18     </style>
 19 </head>
 21 <body>
 22     <canvas id="testCanvas"></canvas>
 23     <script src="stats.min.js"></script>
 24     <script src="proton-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
 25     <script>
 26         var canvas;
 27         var context;
 28         var proton;
 29         var renderer;
 30         var emitter;
 31         var stats;
 33         Main();
 35         function Main() {
 36             canvas = document.getElementById("testCanvas");
 37             canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
 38             canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
 39             context = canvas.getContext('2d');
 40             //context.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
 41             addStats();
 43             createProton();
 44             tick();
 45         }
 47         function addStats() {
 48             stats = new Stats();
 49             stats.setMode(2);
 50             stats.domElement.style.position = 'absolute';
 51             stats.domElement.style.left = '0px';
 52             stats.domElement.style.top = '0px';
 53             document.body.appendChild(stats.domElement);
 54         }
 56         function createProton(image) {
 57             proton = new Proton;
 58             emitter = new Proton.Emitter();
 59             emitter.rate = new Proton.Rate(new Proton.Span(1, 3), 1);
 60             emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Mass(1));
 61             emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Radius(2, 4));
 62             emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.P(new Proton.LineZone(10, canvas.height, canvas.width - 10, canvas.height)));
 63             emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Life(1, 1.5));
 64             emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.V(new Proton.Span(4, 6), new Proton.Span(0, 0, true), 'polar'));
 65             emitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Gravity(1));
 66             emitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Color('#ff0000', 'random'));
 67             emitter.emit();
 68             proton.addEmitter(emitter);
 70             renderer = new Proton.Renderer('canvas', proton, canvas);
 71             renderer.onProtonUpdate = function() {
 72                 context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)";
 73                 context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
 74             };
 75             renderer.start();
 77             ////NOTICE :you can only use two emitters do this effect.In this demo I use more emitters want to test the emtter's life
 78             emitter.addEventListener(Proton.PARTICLE_DEAD, function(particle) {
 79                 if (Math.random() < .7)
 80                     createFirstEmitter(particle);
 81                 else
 82                     createSecendEmitter(particle);
 83             });
 84         }
 86         function createFirstEmitter(particle) {
 87             var subemitter = new Proton.Emitter();
 88             subemitter.rate = new Proton.Rate(new Proton.Span(250, 300), 1);
 89             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Mass(1));
 90             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Radius(1, 2));
 91             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Life(1, 3));
 92             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.V(new Proton.Span(2, 4), new Proton.Span(0, 360), 'polar'));
 93             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.RandomDrift(10, 10, .05));
 94             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Alpha(1, 0));
 95             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Gravity(3));
 96             var color = Math.random() > .3 ? Proton.MathUtils.randomColor() : 'random';
 97             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Color(color));
 98             subemitter.p.x = particle.p.x;
 99             subemitter.p.y = particle.p.y;
100             subemitter.emit('once', true);
101             proton.addEmitter(subemitter);
102         }
104         function createSecendEmitter(particle) {
105             var subemitter = new Proton.Emitter();
106             subemitter.rate = new Proton.Rate(new Proton.Span(100, 120), 1);
107             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Mass(1));
108             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Radius(4, 8));
109             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Life(1, 2));
110             subemitter.addInitialize(new Proton.V([1, 2], new Proton.Span(0, 360), 'polar'));
111             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Alpha(1, 0));
112             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Scale(1, .1));
113             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Gravity(1));
114             var color = Proton.MathUtils.randomColor();
115             subemitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Color(color));
116             subemitter.p.x = particle.p.x;
117             subemitter.p.y = particle.p.y;
118             subemitter.emit('once', true);
119             proton.addEmitter(subemitter);
120         }
122         function tick() {
123             requestAnimationFrame(tick);
125             stats.begin();
126             proton.update();
127             stats.end();
128         }
129     </script>
130 </body>
132 </html>



 1 var proton = new Proton();
 2 var emitter = new Proton.Emitter();
 3 //set Rate
 4 emitter.rate = new Proton.Rate(Proton.getSpan(10, 20), 0.1);
 5 //add Initialize
 6 emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Radius(1, 12));
 7 emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Life(2, 4));
 8 emitter.addInitialize(new Proton.Velocity(3, Proton.getSpan(0, 360), 'polar'));
 9 //add Behaviour
10 emitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Color('ff0000', 'random'));
11 emitter.addBehaviour(new Proton.Alpha(1, 0));
12 //set emitter position
13 emitter.p.x = canvas.width / 2;
14 emitter.p.y = canvas.height / 2;
15 emitter.emit();
16 //add emitter to the proton
17 proton.addEmitter(emitter);
18 // add canvas renderer
19 var renderer = new Proton.Renderer('canvas', proton, canvas);
20 renderer.start();

