若是不考慮避障和關節限制,機械臂的路徑規劃經過運動學逆解就能夠實現。可是考慮這些因素之後僅經過inverse kinematics有時沒法順利完成任務,狀況以下圖所示。When using only IK, we take the risk to move into a configuration that does not allow us to further follow the path (e.g. because of some joint limitations, or because of some obstacles in the way):node
[Following a path via IK]安全
A motion planning task allows to compute a trajectory (usually in the configuration space構型空間,或稱C-空間of the manipulator) from a start configuration to a goal configuration, by taking into account following main items:dom
[Motion planning task from Start to Goal while avoiding obstacles and joint limits]ide
When the goal configuration is not directly known, it needs to be computed from a goal pose (i.e. the position and orientation in Cartesian space of the end-effector). The motion planning task can then be divided into two distinct operations:函數
[Two step motion planning: (a) finding a goal configuration, (b) finding a path in the configuration space]oop
When the goal configuration is not known, but only a goal pose is known (i.e. a position and orientation of the end-effector) then an appropriate manipulator configuration that satisfies the goal pose constraint has to be found. There can be multiple (or even an infinitie number of) solutions:學習
[Searching for a manipulator configuration corresponding to a given end-effector pose]ui
Finding an appropriate manipulator configuration that satisfies a given pose is computed in V-REP based on precalculated configuration nodes and inverse kinematics calculation. Imagine following 2 DoF manipulator:
[Simple 2 DoF manipulator (2 joints, each with specific joint limits)]
V-REP will generate a large amount of precalculated configuration nodes, where each node consists of a manipulator configuration (i.e. joint values) associated with a corresponding end-effector pose (i.e. a position and orientation in Cartesian space). This is visualized in following figure that shows 12 precalculated configuration nodes (i.e. 3x4, where the joint 1 range is subdivided in 3 joint values, and the joint 2 range is subdivided in 4 joint values):
[Precalculated configuration nodes (pairs of manipulator configuration and end-effector pose)]
The precalculated nodes are used, together with the inverse kinematics of the manipulator, to find manipulator configurations that match a given end-effector pose. The search algorithm will select all nodes that contain poses in proximity (i.e. close enough according to a specified Cartesian space metric) of a desired pose:
[2 precalculated configuration nodes close enough to a desired pose]
The inverse kinematics will then try to move the selected poses so that they overlap the desired pose:
[IK calculations in order to find valid configurations for a desired pose]
simGetConfigForTipPose函數實現了上面的功能,該函數用於隨機尋找能知足末端位置姿態的機構構型(Searches for a manipulator configuration that matches a given end-effector position/orientation in space. Search is randomized),而且能夠設置碰撞檢測和關節範圍,在避開障礙物以及不超過關節限制的狀況下尋找知足條件的構型。
table jointPositions = simGetConfigForTipPose(number ikGroupHandle,table jointHandles,number distanceThreshold,number maxTimeInMs,table_4 metric=nil,table collisionPairs=nil,table jointOptions=nil,table lowLimits=nil,table ranges=nil)
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then -- Put some initialization code here jh={-1,-1,-1} for i=1,3,1 do jh[i]=simGetObjectHandle('J'..i) end ikGroup=simGetIkGroupHandle('IK_Group') ikTarget=simGetObjectHandle('Target') collisionPairs={simGetCollectionHandle('manipulator'),simGetCollectionHandle('environment')} end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_actuation) then simSetObjectPosition(ikTarget, -1, {1,0,0}) -- Searches for a manipulator configuration that matches a given end-effector position/orientation in space. Search is randomized. jointPositions = simGetConfigForTipPose(ikGroup, jh, 0.1, 10 ,nil, collisionPairs) if jointPositions then local info = string.format("%.1f,%.1f,%.1f",jointPositions[1]*180/math.pi,jointPositions[2]*180/math.pi,jointPositions[3]*180/math.pi) simAddStatusbarMessage(info) for i=1,3,1 do simSetJointPosition(jh[i], jointPositions[i]) end end end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_sensing) then -- Put your main SENSING code here end if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_cleanup) then -- Put some restoration code here end
When searching for a collision-free path from a start configuration to a goal configuration, depending on the manipulator type, there can be multiple (or even an infinitie number of) solutions, mainly also because the search algorithm is based on a randomized resolution method:
[Searching for a collision-free path from one to another manipulator configuration]
從V-REP 3.3.0開始使用OMPL(The Open Motion Planning Library)做爲插件提供運動規劃函數,可讓用戶更靈活的實現機器人的運動規劃。在已知機器人初始構型和目標構型後就可使用OMPL實現多關節機器人的運動規劃。注意與目標姿態對應的目標構型可能有不少個,不是每個都能規劃出無障礙的路徑,所以通常要多選幾個目標構型進行嘗試。
If the goal state had to be computed from a goal pose, then several goal states are usually tested, since not all goal states might be reachable or close enough (in terms of state space distance). A common practice is to first find several goal states, then order them according their state space distance to the start state. Then perform path planning calculations to the closest goal state, then to the next closest goal state, etc., until a satisfactory path was found.
Executing motion planning
1. Starting with a manipulator start configuration, we want the end-effector to move without collisions to a specific goal pose.
2. Search for a goal configuration that matches the goal pose (simGetMpConfigForTipPose).
3. Search for a path between the start and goal configurations.
4. Repeat above steps 2-3 n times.
5. Select the shortest calculated path.
下面以C:\Program Files\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\scenes中的motionPlanningDemo1.ttt爲例(進行了必定的修改),規劃出一條路徑讓7自由度機械臂運動到指定的位置和姿態,同時避免與外界環境發生碰撞,並避免關節超限:
displayInfo=function(txt) if dlgHandle then simEndDialog(dlgHandle) end dlgHandle=nil if txt and #txt>0 then dlgHandle=simDisplayDialog('info',txt,sim_dlgstyle_message,false) simSwitchThread() end end forbidThreadSwitches=function(forbid) -- Allows or forbids automatic thread switches. -- This can be important for threaded scripts. For instance, -- you do not want a switch to happen while you have temporarily -- modified the robot configuration, since you would then see -- that change in the scene display. if forbid then forbidLevel=forbidLevel+1 if forbidLevel==1 then simSetThreadAutomaticSwitch(false) end else forbidLevel=forbidLevel-1 if forbidLevel==0 then simSetThreadAutomaticSwitch(true) end end end getMatrixShiftedAlongZ=function(matrix,localZShift) -- Returns a pose or matrix shifted by localZShift along the matrix's z-axis local m={} for i=1,12,1 do m[i]=matrix[i] end m[4]=m[4]+m[3]*localZShift m[8]=m[8]+m[7]*localZShift m[12]=m[12]+m[11]*localZShift return m end findCollisionFreeConfigAndCheckApproach=function(matrix) -- Here we search for a robot configuration.. -- 1. ..that matches the desired pose (matrix) -- 2. ..that does not collide in that configuration -- 3. ..that does not collide and that can perform the IK linear approach simSetObjectMatrix(ikTarget,-1,matrix) -- Here we check point 1 & 2: local c=simGetConfigForTipPose(ikGroup,jh,0.65,10,nil,collisionPairs) if c then -- Here we check point 3: local m=getMatrixShiftedAlongZ(matrix,ikShift) local path=generateIkPath(c,m,ikSteps) if path==nil then c=nil end end return c end findSeveralCollisionFreeConfigsAndCheckApproach=function(matrix,trialCnt,maxConfigs) -- Here we search for several robot configurations... -- 1. ..that matches the desired pose (matrix) -- 2. ..that does not collide in that configuration -- 3. ..that does not collide and that can perform the IK linear approach forbidThreadSwitches(true) simSetObjectMatrix(ikTarget,-1,matrix) local cc=getConfig() local cs={} local l={} for i=1,trialCnt,1 do local c=findCollisionFreeConfigAndCheckApproach(matrix) if c then local dist=getConfigConfigDistance(cc,c) local p=0 local same=false for j=1,#l,1 do if math.abs(l[j]-dist)<0.001 then -- we might have the exact same config. Avoid that same=true for k=1,#jh,1 do if math.abs(cs[j][k]-c[k])>0.01 then same=false break end end end if same then break end end if not same then cs[#cs+1]=c l[#l+1]=dist end end if #l>=maxConfigs then break end end forbidThreadSwitches(false) if #cs==0 then cs=nil end return cs end getConfig=function() -- Returns the current robot configuration local config={} for i=1,#jh,1 do config[i]=simGetJointPosition(jh[i]) end return config end setConfig=function(config) -- Applies the specified configuration to the robot if config then for i=1,#jh,1 do simSetJointPosition(jh[i],config[i]) end end end getConfigConfigDistance=function(config1,config2) -- Returns the distance (in configuration space) between two configurations local d=0 for i=1,#jh,1 do local dx=(config1[i]-config2[i])*metric[i] d=d+dx*dx end return math.sqrt(d) end getPathLength=function(path) -- Returns the length of the path in configuration space local d=0 local l=#jh local pc=#path/l for i=1,pc-1,1 do local config1={path[(i-1)*l+1],path[(i-1)*l+2],path[(i-1)*l+3],path[(i-1)*l+4],path[(i-1)*l+5],path[(i-1)*l+6],path[(i-1)*l+7]} local config2={path[i*l+1],path[i*l+2],path[i*l+3],path[i*l+4],path[i*l+5],path[i*l+6],path[i*l+7]} d=d+getConfigConfigDistance(config1,config2) end return d end followPath=function(path) -- Follows the specified path points. Each path point is a robot configuration. Here we don't do any interpolation if path then local l=#jh local pc=#path/l for i=1,pc,1 do local config={path[(i-1)*l+1],path[(i-1)*l+2],path[(i-1)*l+3],path[(i-1)*l+4],path[(i-1)*l+5],path[(i-1)*l+6],path[(i-1)*l+7]} setConfig(config) simSwitchThread() end end end findShortestPath=function(startConfig,goalConfigs,cnt) -- Here we do path planning between the specified start and goal configurations. We run the search cnt times, -- and return the shortest path, and its length local task=simExtOMPL_createTask('task') simExtOMPL_setAlgorithm(task,sim_ompl_algorithm_RRTConnect) local j1_space=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('j1_space',sim_ompl_statespacetype_joint_position,jh[1],{-170*math.pi/180},{170*math.pi/180},1) local j2_space=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('j2_space',sim_ompl_statespacetype_joint_position,jh[2],{-120*math.pi/180},{120*math.pi/180},2) local j3_space=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('j3_space',sim_ompl_statespacetype_joint_position,jh[3],{-170*math.pi/180},{170*math.pi/180},3) local j4_space=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('j4_space',sim_ompl_statespacetype_joint_position,jh[4],{-120*math.pi/180},{120*math.pi/180},0) local j5_space=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('j5_space',sim_ompl_statespacetype_joint_position,jh[5],{-170*math.pi/180},{170*math.pi/180},0) local j6_space=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('j6_space',sim_ompl_statespacetype_joint_position,jh[6],{-120*math.pi/180},{120*math.pi/180},0) local j7_space=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('j7_space',sim_ompl_statespacetype_joint_position,jh[7],{-170*math.pi/180},{170*math.pi/180},0) simExtOMPL_setStateSpace(task,{j1_space,j2_space,j3_space,j4_space,j5_space,j6_space,j7_space}) simExtOMPL_setCollisionPairs(task,collisionPairs) simExtOMPL_setStartState(task,startConfig) for i=1,#goalConfigs,1 do simExtOMPL_addGoalState(task,goalConfigs[i]) end local path = nil local length = 999999999999 forbidThreadSwitches(true) for i=1, cnt, 1 do local res,_path = simExtOMPL_compute(task,4,-1,300) if res>0 and _path then local _l = getPathLength(_path) if _l < length then length = _l path = _path end end end forbidThreadSwitches(false) simExtOMPL_destroyTask(task) return path, length end generateIkPath=function(startConfig,goalPose,steps) -- Generates (if possible) a linear, collision free path between a robot config and a target pose forbidThreadSwitches(true) local currentConfig=getConfig() setConfig(startConfig) simSetObjectMatrix(ikTarget,-1,goalPose) local c=simGenerateIkPath(ikGroup,jh,steps,collisionPairs) setConfig(currentConfig) forbidThreadSwitches(false) return c end getReversedPath=function(path) -- This function will simply reverse a path local retPath={} local ptCnt=#path/#jh for i=ptCnt,1,-1 do for j=1,#jh,1 do retPath[#retPath+1]=path[(i-1)*#jh+j] end end return retPath end threadFunction=function() local allTargets={target1,target2,target3,target4} local targetIndex=1 while true do -- This is the main loop. We move from one target to the next local theTarget=allTargets[targetIndex] targetIndex=targetIndex+1 if targetIndex>5 then break end -- m is the transformation matrix or pose of the current target: local m=simGetObjectMatrix(theTarget,-1) -- Compute a pose that is shifted by ikDist along the Z-axis of pose m, -- so that we have a final approach that is linear along target axis Z: m=getMatrixShiftedAlongZ(m,-ikShift) -- Find several configs for pose m, and order them according to the -- distance to current configuration (smaller distance is better). -- In following function we also check for collisions and whether the -- final IK approach is feasable: displayInfo('searching for a maximum of 60 valid goal configurations...') local c=findSeveralCollisionFreeConfigsAndCheckApproach(m,300,60) -- Search a path from current config to a goal config. For each goal -- config, search 6 times a path and keep the shortest. local txt='Found '..#c..' different goal configurations for the desired goal pose.' txt=txt..'&&nNow searching the shortest path of 6 searches...' displayInfo(txt) local path=findShortestPath(getConfig(),c,6) displayInfo(nil) -- Follow the path: followPath(path) -- For the final approach, the target is the original target pose: m=simGetObjectMatrix(theTarget,-1) -- Compute a straight-line path from current config to pose m: path=generateIkPath(getConfig(),m,ikSteps) simWait(0.5) -- Follow the path: followPath(path) -- Generate a reversed path in order to move back: path=getReversedPath(path) -- Follow the path: followPath(path) end end -- Initialization phase: jh={-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1} for i=1,7,1 do jh[i]=simGetObjectHandle('j'..i) end ikGroup=simGetIkGroupHandle('ik') ikTarget=simGetObjectHandle('target') collisionPairs={simGetCollectionHandle('manipulator'),simGetCollectionHandle('environment')} target1=simGetObjectHandle('testTarget1') target2=simGetObjectHandle('testTarget2') target3=simGetObjectHandle('testTarget3') target4=simGetObjectHandle('testTarget4') metric={0.5,1,1,0.5,0.1,0.2,0.1} ikShift=0.1 ikSteps=20 forbidLevel=0 res,err=xpcall(threadFunction,function(err) return debug.traceback(err) end) if not res then simAddStatusbarMessage('Lua runtime error: '..err) end
In some situations, it is required to move along a straight line in Cartesian space, i.e. using the manipulator's inverse kinematics. In that case, V-REP can generate a straight trajectory, given that the robot does not collide along that trajectory:
[Generating a path via IK]
函數simGenerateIkPath能夠實現這一功能,注意函數返回的path是在Configuration space而不是Cartesian space。Generates a path that drives a robot from its current configuration to its target dummy in a straight line (i.e. shortest path in Cartesian space).
table path = simGenerateIkPath(number ikGroupHandle, table jointHandles, number ptCnt, table collisionPairs=nil, table jointOptions=nil)
displayInfo=function(txt) if txt and #txt>0 then simDisplayDialog('info',txt,sim_dlgstyle_message,false) end end followPath=function(path) -- Follows the specified path points. Each path point is a robot configuration. Here we don't do any interpolation if path then local l=#jh local pc=#path/l for i=1,pc,1 do local config={path[(i-1)*l+1],path[(i-1)*l+2],path[(i-1)*l+3]} setConfig(config) simWait(0.5) end else displayInfo("No path found!") end end setConfig=function(config) -- Applies the specified configuration to the robot if config then for i=1,#jh,1 do simSetJointPosition(jh[i],config[i]) end end end -- Put some initialization code here jh={-1,-1,-1} for i=1,3,1 do jh[i]=simGetObjectHandle('J'..i) end ikGroup=simGetIkGroupHandle('IK_Group') ikTarget=simGetObjectHandle('Target') collisionPairs={simGetCollectionHandle('manipulator'),simGetCollectionHandle('environment')} simSetObjectPosition(ikTarget, -1, {0.5,0.5,0}) -- Generates a path that drives a robot from its current configuration to its target dummy in a straight line path = simGenerateIkPath(ikGroup, jh, 10, collisionPairs, nil) followPath(path)
Robotic Motion Planning-CMU Robotics Institute
Motion Planning in Real and Virtual Worlds