package; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import jxl.Workbook; import jxl.format.Alignment; import jxl.format.Border; import jxl.format.BorderLineStyle; import jxl.write.Label; import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat; import jxl.write.WritableFont; import jxl.write.WritableHyperlink; import jxl.write.WritableSheet; import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action; import; import; import; @Action(value = "Db2Excel", results = {}) public class Db2ExcelAction extends UCCBAction<Personinfo> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; public void getTables() throws Exception{ Json j = new Json(); j.setSuccess(true); String Msg = ""; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");//設置日期格式 SimpleDateFormat df1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS");//設置日期格式 String nowDate = df.format(new Date()); String time = df1.format(new Date()); String filePath = "D:\\sanxia\\doc\\trunk\\新oa\\數據庫設計\\已分配\\烏商項目管理平臺表結構彙總"+nowDate+".xls"; Query query = entityManager .createNativeQuery("select name,remarks from sysibm.systables where type='T' and creator = 'UBMPOA' AND NAME LIKE 'T_UBMP\\_%\\_%' escape '\\' order by name asc"); List result = query.getResultList(); FileOutputStream os = null; WritableWorkbook wwb = null; File file = new File(filePath); if (!file.isFile())// 若是指定文件不存在,則新建該文件 file.createNewFile(); os = new FileOutputStream(file);// 建立一個輸出流 wwb = Workbook.createWorkbook(os); WritableSheet sheet1 = wwb.createSheet("目錄",0); WritableFont font1 = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("Microsoft Sans Serif"),9); WritableCellFormat cellcenter1 = new WritableCellFormat(font1); cellcenter1.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE); cellcenter1.setBackground(jxl.format.Colour.PALE_BLUE); cellcenter1.setBorder(Border.ALL,BorderLineStyle.THIN); sheet1.mergeCells(2, 2, 3, 2); Label title = new Label(2, 2, "共計"+result.size()+"張表,更新於"+time,cellcenter1); sheet1.addCell(title); Msg = Msg +"共計"+result.size()+"張表,更新於"+time; // WritableSheet sheet2 = wwb.createSheet("彙總表",1); for (int index = 0; index < result.size(); index++) { String tableName = ((Object[]) result.get(index))[0].toString(); String tableNamedesc = (String) ((Object[]) result.get(index))[1]; tableNamedesc = tableNamedesc == null ? tableName: tableNamedesc; // String tableName = "T_UBMP_PERSONINFO"; // String tableNamedesc = "人員信息表"; // System.out.println(tableName); String sql = "select colno, name,remarks,typename,length,nulls from sysibm.syscolumns where tbcreator = 'UBMPOA' and tbname = '"+tableName + "' order by colno asc"; Query queryTable = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); List tableDesc = queryTable.getResultList(); WritableSheet sheet = wwb.createSheet(tableNamedesc, index+1);// 建立一個工做頁,第一個參數的頁名,第二個參數表示該工做頁在excel中處於哪一頁 sheet.setColumnView(0, 10); sheet.setColumnView(1, 30); sheet.setColumnView(2, 30); sheet.setColumnView(3, 18); sheet.setColumnView(4, 10); sheet.setColumnView(5, 60); //設置文字居中對齊方式; WritableCellFormat cellFormat1 = new WritableCellFormat(font1); cellFormat1.setAlignment(Alignment.LEFT); cellFormat1.setBackground((jxl.format.Colour.LIGHT_TURQUOISE)); cellFormat1.setBorder(Border.ALL,BorderLineStyle.THIN); WritableCellFormat cellcenter = new WritableCellFormat(font1); cellcenter.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE); cellcenter.setBackground(jxl.format.Colour.LIGHT_TURQUOISE); cellcenter.setBorder(Border.ALL,BorderLineStyle.THIN); WritableFont font2 = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋體"),9); WritableCellFormat celltitle = new WritableCellFormat(font1); celltitle.setAlignment(Alignment.CENTRE); celltitle.setBackground(jxl.format.Colour.PALE_BLUE); celltitle.setBorder(Border.ALL,BorderLineStyle.THIN); Label labeltable = new Label(2, index+3, tableName,cellFormat1); Label labeltabledesc = new Label(3, index+3, tableNamedesc,cellFormat1); sheet1.addCell(labeltable); sheet1.addCell(labeltabledesc); sheet1.setColumnView(2, 30); sheet1.setColumnView(3, 30); sheet1.setColumnView(4, 10); sheet1.setColumnView(5, 10); sheet.mergeCells(0, 0, 5, 0); System.out.println(tableName + "(" + tableNamedesc + ")"); Label label = new Label(0, 0, tableName + "(" + tableNamedesc + ")",celltitle);// 填充第一行第一個單元格的內容 sheet.addCell(label); //Label labelreturn = new Label(6, 0, "返回",celltitle);// 填充第一行第一個單元格的內容 //sheet.addCell(labelreturn); WritableHyperlink link = new WritableHyperlink(6, 0, 1, 0, "返回", sheet1, 4, index+3, 4, index+3); sheet.addHyperlink(link); Label label11 = new Label(0, 1, "序號",celltitle); sheet.addCell(label11); Label label12 = new Label(1, 1, "字段",celltitle); sheet.addCell(label12); Label label13 = new Label(2, 1, "字段描述",celltitle); sheet.addCell(label13); Label label14 = new Label(3, 1, "字段類型",celltitle); sheet.addCell(label14); Label label15 = new Label(4, 1, "是否必輸",celltitle); sheet.addCell(label15); Label label16 = new Label(5, 1, "備註",celltitle); sheet.addCell(label16); for (int colindex = 0; colindex < tableDesc.size(); colindex++) { String colnote = ""; String colno = String.valueOf(colindex+1); String colname = ((Object[]) tableDesc.get(colindex))[1] == null ? "" : ((Object[]) tableDesc.get(colindex))[1].toString(); String coldesc = (String)((Object[]) tableDesc.get(colindex))[2]; if(coldesc != null && coldesc.length() > 1){ ; if(coldesc.trim().contains(":")){ int spaceFlag = coldesc.indexOf(":"); colnote = coldesc.substring(spaceFlag+1); coldesc = coldesc.substring(0, spaceFlag); }else if(coldesc.trim().contains("(")){ int spaceFlag = coldesc.indexOf("("); colnote = coldesc.substring(spaceFlag+1); coldesc = coldesc.substring(0, spaceFlag); }else if(coldesc.trim().contains(" ")){ int spaceFlag = coldesc.indexOf(" "); colnote = coldesc.substring(spaceFlag+1); coldesc = coldesc.substring(0, spaceFlag); } }else{ colnote =""; coldesc = ""; } String coltype = ((Object[]) tableDesc.get(colindex))[3].toString()+"("+((Object[]) tableDesc.get(colindex))[4].toString()+")"; String colnullable = ((Object[]) tableDesc.get(colindex))[5].toString().equals("N") ? "M" :"O"; // 第一個參數表示列,第二個參數表示行 Label label0 = new Label(0, colindex+2, colno,cellcenter); Label label1 = new Label(1, colindex+2, colname.toLowerCase(),cellFormat1); Label label2 = new Label(2, colindex+2, coldesc.replace(":", ""),cellFormat1); Label label3 = new Label(3, colindex+2, coltype,cellFormat1); Label label4 = new Label(4, colindex+2, colnullable,cellcenter); Label label5 = new Label(5, colindex+2, colnote,cellFormat1); sheet.addCell(label0); sheet.addCell(label1); sheet.addCell(label2); sheet.addCell(label3); sheet.addCell(label4); sheet.addCell(label5); } WritableHyperlink link1 = new WritableHyperlink(4, index+3, 4, index+3, "查看", sheet, 6, 0, 6, 0); sheet1.addHyperlink(link1); // Msg = Msg + tableName+ "("+tableNamedesc +")\n"; } j.setMsg(Msg); super.writeJson(j); wwb.write();// 將內容寫到excel文件中 os.flush();// 清空輸出流 try { if (wwb != null) wwb.close(); if (os != null) os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public Personinfo getModel() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }