PeopleSoft Excel to CI is an Excel based utility delivered by PeopleSoft to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into PeopleSoft records. Since it uses a Component Interface (CI), all validations are done on the data being uploaded.web
Excel to CI uses macros in Excel extensively. So the macro security level in Excel would need to be lowered for this utility to work. Also, as it uses HTTP and SOAP, there isn’t the need of database connectivity unlike the Import Manager in older versions.(excel to ci普遍使用宏,因此宏安全性設置要注意)安全
Your PeopleSoft installation will have the Excel to CI utility in the Excel folder under PS_HOME/Excel.(模板路徑在ps的安裝目錄:PS_HOME/Excel)app
Excel2CI helps to import huge amounts of rows to a maximum of 65,000 rows from an Excel sheet structure directly into a PeopleSoft component.(最多能導入6500行數據) The one good thing is this utility being tied to the Component Interface makes sure most of the people code behind the Components gets fired(在組件中的大多數peoplecode都能觸發). All the records associated with the Component get updated. So Compared to a back-end database update, this EXCEL2CI is a safe bet.less
Here we are going to see about the actions in an EXCEL2CI. There are 3 actions namely – Create, Update, Update data. The actions are available at the second tab of the EXCEL2CI, which looks like a Stylish Excel Sheet.ide
Create action is used to a Create a New row. This is equal to the 「Add」 action of a search page. This is the widely used among the actions of
Case Study When you are adding thousands or hundreds of User profiles to a PeopleSoft System, you first tag a Component Interface (check if it is delivered or not) to the User profile Component, then form the EXCEL2CI Template. Now we need to add a specific number of rows so choose 「Create」 in the action text box. It is the first option in the top when the drop down is clicked.excel
Do not get carried away by the name. Unlike the name, this action partly functions as a Create. It is the Second option from the top when the drop down is clicked. This is used to create/append new child rows. Before inserting a new child row it checks for the parent row keys.component
Case study When you need to add an effective dated row under level zero parent or an additional address or secondary email, this Update action is used.
Update data
This action functions as per its name. (Blessed indeed J ). It is the last and third option from the top when the drop down is clicked. This is used to update the non-key fields after checking the existing key fields.
Case study This action is used when you need to update an email address of some users, update address of some Vendors, and update phone numbers in a personal data component.