select year(created_at) year, monthname(created_at) month, count(*) published from posts group by year, month order by created_at desc
$ php artisan tinkerhtml
App\Post::selectRaw('year(created_at) year, monthname(created_at) month, count(*) published') ->groupBy('year', 'month') ->get() ->toArray();
<ol class="list-unstyled"> @foreach ($Archives as $stats) <li> <a href="#">{{ $stats['month'] }}</a> </li> @endforeach </ol>
以上能夠經過URL中的參數觸發。 sql
if ($month = request('month')) {
$posts->whereMonth('created_at', Carbon::parse($month)->month);
Ref: Laravel Carbon函數數組
也能夠選擇year和month一併解析,而後直接觸發 ORM語句,以下:dom
$posts = Post::latest()
->filter(request(['month', 'year']))
Ref: PHP static關鍵字的用法及注意點函數
[1] 調用 phpunit 命令。測試
[2] 對ExampleTest.php進行單元測試。fetch
[3] 測試的代碼:ExampleTest.php
class ExampleTest extends TestCase
public function testBasicTest() { $response = $this->get('/'); $response->assertStatus(200);
$this->get('/')->assertSee('The Bootstrap Blog'); }
Ref: [Laravel] 08 - Auth & Data Migration
[1] 原封裝
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Model Factories |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may define all of your model factories. Model factories give | you a convenient way to create models for testing and seeding your | database. Just tell the factory how a default model should look. | */ $factory->define(App\User::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) { return [ 'name' => $faker->name, 'email' => $faker->email, 'password' => bcrypt(str_random(10)), 'remember_token' => str_random(10), ]; });
[2] 根據本身的數據表修改內容
class ExampleTest extends TestCase {
use DatabaseTransaction;
public function testBasicTest() {
// 生成兩條數據
$first = factory(Post::class)->create();
$second = factory(Post::class)->create([
'created_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subMonth()
// When I fetch the archives.
$Posts = post::archives();
// Then the response should be in the proper format. $this->assertCount(2, $posts); # '斷言'限定了只能爲兩條 } }
$ phpunit tests/Unit/ExampleTest.php
$this->assertCount(0, ['foo']); //判斷數組長度是否爲傳入參數
$this->assertEquals([ [ "year" => $first->created_at->format('Y'), "month" => $first->created_at->format('F'), "published" => 1 ], [ "year" => $second->created_at->format('Y'), "month" => $second->created_at->format('F'), "published" => 1 ],
], $posts);
若是,模型中返回的數據不符合條件,例如忘記了 orderByRaw,那麼上述 assertEquals 就會報錯。