一、最基本的配置文件 git
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) project (Tutorial) add_executable(Tutorial tutorial.cxx)
Provide an option for the user to select as ON or OFF. If no initial value is provided, OFF is used.app
option(<option_variable> "help string describing option" [initial value])
三、configure_file ide
Copies an <input>
file to an <output>
file and substitutes variable values referenced as @VAR@
or ${VAR}
in the input file content. gitlab
configure_file(<input><output> @ONLY)
Furthermore, input lines of the form:ui
#cmakedefine VAR...
will be replaced with either:this
#define VAR ... // or /* #undef VAR */
@ONLY:Restrict variable replacement to references of the form @VAR@
. This is useful for configuring scripts that use ${VAR}
Consider a source tree containing a foo.h.in
#cmakedefine FOO_ENABLE #cmakedefine FOO_STRING "@FOO_STRING@"
An adjacent CMakeLists.txt
may use configure_file
to configure the header:
option(FOO_ENABLE "Enable Foo" ON) if(FOO_ENABLE) set(FOO_STRING "foo") endif() configure_file(foo.h.in foo.h @ONLY)
This creates a foo.h
in the build directory corresponding to this source directory. If the FOO_ENABLE
option is on, the configured file will contain:
#define FOO_ENABLE #define FOO_STRING "foo"
Otherwise it will contain:
/* #undef FOO_ENABLE */ /* #undef FOO_STRING */
binary_dir 爲當前執行目錄。source_dir 爲傳入的路徑。如「cmake ../src」,
五、Adding a Version Number and Configured Header File
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) project (Tutorial) # The version number. set (Tutorial_VERSION_MAJOR 1) set (Tutorial_VERSION_MINOR 0) # configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings # to the source code configure_file ( "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/TutorialConfig.h.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/TutorialConfig.h" ) # add the binary tree to the search path for include files # so that we will find TutorialConfig.h include_directories("${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}") # add the executable add_executable(Tutorial tutorial.cxx)
TutorialConfig.h.in 的內容以下:
// the configured options and settings for Tutorial #define Tutorial_VERSION_MAJOR @Tutorial_VERSION_MAJOR@ #define Tutorial_VERSION_MINOR @Tutorial_VERSION_MINOR@
The named <target>
must have been created in the current directory by a command such as add_executable()
or add_library()
target_link_libraries(<target> ... <item>... ...)
七、Adding a Library (Step 2)
在子lib目錄下,添加 add_library,以生成庫。
add_library(MathFunctions mysqrt.cxx)
在父目錄中,add_subdirectory能夠使得編執行 CMakeList,而且 include_directories 能夠將此目錄添加搜索路徑。
include_directories ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/MathFunctions") add_subdirectory (MathFunctions)
# add the executable
add_executable (Tutorial tutorial.cxx)
target_link_libraries (Tutorial MathFunctions)
The output must match this regular expression for the test to pass.
set_tests_properties(mytest PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "TestPassed;All ok" )
# enable testing enable_testing () # does the application run add_test (TutorialRuns Tutorial 25) # does it sqrt of 25 add_test (TutorialComp25 Tutorial 25) set_tests_properties (TutorialComp25 PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "25 is 5" )
#define a macro to simplify adding tests, then use it macro (do_test arg result) add_test (TutorialComp${arg} Tutorial ${arg}) set_tests_properties (TutorialComp${arg} PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION ${result}) endmacro (do_test) # do a bunch of result based tests do_test (25 "25 is 5") do_test (-25 "-25 is 0")
install (TARGETS MathFunctions DESTINATION bin)
install (FILES MathFunctions.h DESTINATION include)
Install directory for running cmake.
This is the install root for the running CMake and the Modules directory can be found here. This is commonly used in this format: ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules
# first we add the executable that generates the table add_executable(MakeTable MakeTable.cxx) # add the command to generate the source code add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Table.h COMMAND MakeTable ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Table.h DEPENDS MakeTable ) # add the binary tree directory to the search path for # include files include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) # add the main library add_library(MathFunctions mysqrt.cxx ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Table.h )
SWIG_ADD_MODULE(name language [ files ]) - Define swig module with given name and specified language
SWIG_LINK_LIBRARIES(name [ libraries ]) - Link libraries to swig module
Although all values in CMake are stored as strings, a string may be treated as a list in certain contexts . In such contexts, a string is divided into list elements by splitting on ;
characters not following an unequal number of [
and ]
characters and not immediately preceded by a \
. The sequence \;
does not divide a value but is replaced by ;
in the resulting element.
A list of elements is represented as a string by concatenating the elements separated by ;
. For example, the set()
command stores multiple values into the destination variable as a list:
set(srcs a.c b.c c.c) # sets "srcs" to "a.c;b.c;c.c"