Unity週記: 2020.09.21-09.27

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Better Data with Scriptable Objects in Unity! (Tutorial) (Bilibili官中)
    2. Creating a Third Person Camera using Cinemachine in Unity! (Tutorial) (Bilibili官中)
  2. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. Create jaw-dropping graphics with these High Definition Render Pipeline resources
    2. Offload project builds with Unity Build Server
    3. Helping to set Romero Games's Empire of Sin up for success
    4. How Fall Guys defied the odds and went global
    5. Creating an innovative online experience for gamescom 2020
    6. New performance improvements in Unity 2020.2
  3. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
    1. Unity Shader - 放大鏡
    2. 社交媒體中最另類的「病毒」,《糖豆人》依然風靡全球!
    3. 轉型手遊市場,這家公司作出了國外最賺錢的回合制遊戲
    4. Unity即將亮相2020北京國際遊戲創新大會(BIGC)
    5. 遊戲數據分析很難嗎?有個好東西分享給你 - deltaDNA
    6. BMW的自動駕駛汽車,在Unity的虛擬空間中「馳騁」了2.4億千米
    7. 恭喜 [星系俱樂部] 得到Unity AR應用創做大賽文化娛樂組「最佳創意」獎
    8. Unity的將來,由你開始 - 熱烈慶祝Unity在紐交所正式掛牌上市
  4. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. Unity社區直播 URP通用渲染管線教程
    2. 使用Scriptable Objects在Unity中更好地處理數據(教程)
    3. 如何將項目從Unity Collaborate遷移到Plastic SCM
    4. 使用Unity中的Cinemachine建立第三人稱攝像機(教程)
    5. Unite Now - (中文字幕)使用URP提高遊戲畫面效果