import pika import time from datetime import datetime def callback(ch, method, porperties, body): print ('*'*16) print (str(datetime.now())[:-3], 'new message on', method.exchange) print (str(datetime.now())[:-3], 'routing key is: ', method.routing_key) print (str(datetime.now())[:-3], 'type is: ', porperties.type) print (str(datetime.now())[:-3], 'properties is: ', porperties) print (str(datetime.now())[:-3], 'body is: ') print (str(datetime.now())[:-3], body) print ('') cred = pika.PlainCredentials('username','password') con = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host ='Ipaddress', credentials = cred)) chann = con.channel() que = chann.queue_declare(queue="test",durable = False, exclusive = False) key = '#' ex = 'IGT.Exchange.Master' chann.queue_bind(exchange = ex, queue = que.method.queue, routing_key = key) chann.basic_consume("test", callback, auto_ack=True) print ('ready to listen to ' + ex) chann.start_consuming()