reflection 相關


public Class<?> getComponentType ()

Returns a Class object which represents the component type if this class represents an array type. Returns null if this class does not represent an array type. The component type of an array type is the type of the elements of the array.html

public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations ()

Returns the annotations that are directly defined on the class represented by this Class. Annotations that are inherited are not included in the result. If there are no annotations at all, an empty array is

  • an array of annotations declared for this elementandroid

public Annotation[] getAnnotations ()

Returns an array containing all the annotations of this class. If there are no annotations then an empty array is returned.this

  • an array of all annotations for this elementspa

public Field[] getDeclaredFields ()

Returns an array containing Field objects for all fields declared in the class represented by this Class. If there are no fields or if thisClass represents an array class, a primitive type or void then an empty array is returned.code

See Also

public Field[] getFields ()

Returns an array containing Field objects for all public fields for the class C represented by this Class. Fields may be declared in C, the interfaces it implements or in the superclasses of C. The elements in the returned array are in no particular order.htm

If there are no public fields or if this class represents an array class, a primitive type or void then an empty array is


public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations ()

Returns, for this element, all annotations that are explicitly declared (not inherited). If there are no declared annotations present, this method returns a zero length array.element

  • an array of annotations declared for this element

public boolean isSynthetic ()

Indicates whether or not this field is synthetic.

  • true if this field is synthetic, false otherwise


public void setAccessible (boolean flag) inherits from AccessibleObject 

Attempts to set the accessible flag. Setting this to true prevents IllegalAccessExceptions


Thrown when a program attempts to access a field or method which is not accessible from the location where the reference is made.
