Unity週記: 2020.11.30-12.06

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Industrial Design and Prototyping with Bolt | Unite Now 2020
    2. Unity MARS: Augmented Reality for Industry | Unite Now 2020
    3. Behind the Game: Hardspace: Shipbreaker | Unite Now 2020
    4. Hardspace: Shipbreaker Tech Talk: Explosions with VFX Graph
    5. Crunching the numbers: Navigating mobile game metrics | Unite Now 2020
    6. The Journey: Ep. 5 | Open Projects
  2. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. Mobile Studios Go Agile with Cloud Content Delivery
    2. Level up your mobile indie skills with the Indie XP series
    3. Accelerating Unity’s new GameObjects multiplayer networking framework
    4. Dive into the fantastical world of Little Orpheus
    5. How to get the most out of GameTune
    6. Unity Reflect adds BIM 360 support and 1:1 scale AR
  3. 微信公衆號 - Unity官方平臺
    1. Unity3D 實用技巧 - 分享實時飄動動畫插件
    2. 雲開發如何爲騰訊遊戲年度發佈會保駕護航?
    3. 初創團隊的曲折開發前行之路:《明日方舟》中3D和2D結合方案
    4. 校園招聘|看完真的很想來Unity實習
    5. 海爾對話 Unity:做爲數字轉型的高階形態,數字孿生髮展前景不可逆
    6. 社區教程上新 | 高清渲染管線(HDRP)實戰指南
    7. Unity技術美術總監王靖分享:Unity如何實現次時代美術畫質升級?
    8. Unity Reflect正式集成至Autodesk BIM 360,爲設計師帶來1:1 AR可視化效果
    9. Unity受邀出席中國勘察設計協會第二屆中國智慧城市與建築大會
    10. 幾個新手作出一款神奇遊戲,要向《記念碑谷》致敬
    11. Unity | 近期熱招職位
  4. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. Unity社區教程|高清渲染管線HDRP實戰指南(萌新友好)