用來獲取系統中運行的java進程,這裏針對 tomcat。打印出部署的路徑信息,重啓後的監聽狀態。 |
[view@payqa1 ~]$ fint -h Usage: findTom [OPTION] View the tomcat information. View the home directory of the tomcat program running on the system, and the project path. Mandatory arguments to long option are mandatory for short options too. -r, --read view the previously running tomcat information. -l xxx, --list xxx View the listening port of the Tomcat project. -p NUMBER, --port NUMBER View the port information that the item listens on just now. -v, --version view the version --clear when the number of row is greater than 100, then clean-up, and leaving 30 lines. -h, --help display this help and exit -f, --file find temporary file. E-mail bug reports to: <773805731@qq.com>
[view@payqa1 ~]$ fint 1.PID=11131 USER=work TOMCAT=/opt/work/zcw_app_10380 WEBAPPS=/opt/work/release/app. 2.PID=13374 USER=work TOMCAT=/opt/work/zcw_back_10180 WEBAPPS=/opt/work/release/back. # 系統中運行了兩個java進程(tomcat)
[view@payqa1 ~]$ fint -r ... 2017-10-22 21:36:46 1.PID=11131 USER=work TOMCAT=/opt/work/zcw_app_10380 WEBAPPS=/opt/work/release/app. 2.PID=13374 USER=work TOMCAT=/opt/work/zcw_back_10180 WEBAPPS=/opt/work/release/back. ...
[view@payqa1 ~]$ fint -f /tmp/.work/tmpFile4TomcatProcess
腳本程序 finttomcat
#!/bin/bash # fint-2.8.5 # Find the tomcat container directory in the process running java environment. # Output: # 1 >>> PID=1921 Tomcat is: /data/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.48 webapps is: # 1 2 3 4 # Reference Information: # Refer to the results of program running: # PID=10170 Tomcat is : /home/zcw_task/tomcat7_task # PID=9003 Tomcat is : /home/zhaocai/tomcat-p2p # # Script statement reference: # /home/zcw_task/tomcat7_task/conf/server.xml # cat /home/zcw_task/tomcat7_task/conf/server.xml | grep -v ! | grep docBase | sed 's/[[:space:]]/\n/g' | grep docBase # Variables # According to the CMD to obtain PID information. # CMD The CMD is running the "java" process, used to filter the pid (process number). # PID The PID is the "java" process of the pid (process number). # TOMCAT_HOMEDIR Tomcat's home directory. # TOMCAT_CONFFILE Tomcat's configuration file directory. # TOMCAT_WEBAPPS Web application directory. # K A counter variable that is an integer. The number of java processes running in memory. CMD="java" PID="" TOMCAT_HOMEDIR="" TOMCAT_CONFFILE="" TOMCAT_WEBAPPS="" # K Indicates the number of processes. # tmp_Var Save the required information # fin_Var Same as upper. # TMPFILE Save the temporary file of the message. declare -i K=0 tmp_Var="" fin_Var="" USERD="$(whoami)" TMPDIR="/tmp/.${USERD}" TMPFILE="${TMPDIR}/tmpFile4TomcatProcess" # NUMROWDISPLAY The number of rows displayed when viewing information. # NUMROWKEEP The number of rows reserved when cleaning temporary files. # NUMROWBEGINDEL The number of critical lines when cleaning temporary files. # The next two variables are an integer multiple of number 3. declare -i NUMROWDISPLAY=24 declare -i NUMROWKEEP=30 declare -i NUMROWBEGINDEL=100 # Command # Checking command # Judeg file in /tmp. chk_TMPFileD () { [ -f $TMPDIR ] && rm -fv $TMPDIR [ ! -d $TMPDIR ] && mkdir -v $TMPDIR && ([ $? = 0 ] || exit 33) } # Judge parameters for options. # Usage: "chk_pv2 $2". chk_pv2 () { if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Option is missing parameter." exit 1 fi } # Find pid. # Gets pid # Gets the process ID of the CMD(java) process. find_JavaPID () { PID=$(netstat -ltp 2>/dev/null | grep $CMD | awk '{print $7}' | cut -d/ -f1 | sort | uniq 2> /dev/null) # If can not get the PID, exit and an error message is displayed. if [ -z "$PID" ]; then echo "The process does not run the $CMD program." exit 1 fi #PID="\t"$PID } # Processes the acquired PID. # The main function is used to get the results. find_tomsINFO () { find_JavaPID # Generate the information that needs to be output. # Information: $TOMCAT_HOMEDIR, $TOMCAT_WEBAPPS. # sn, pid, $TOMCAT_HOMEDIR, $TOMCAT_WEBAPPS. for i in $(echo $PID); do # The capital letter k indicates the serial number of the display information line. let K+=1 # 1:Serial number tmp_Var="$tmp_Var"$(printf "%s." $K) # 2:show pid tmp_Var="$tmp_Var""$(printf "PID=%s " "$i")" # 3:pid's USER tmp_Var="$tmp_Var""$(printf "USER=%s TOMCAT=" "$(ps -p $i -o user | sed '1d')")" # 4:show tomcat home # From process information to the directory where the process runs. # Use the "ps" command to get the final result of the variable. TOMCAT_HOMEDIR=$(ps -p $i -o cmd | tail -1 | sed 's/[[:space:]]/\n/g' | grep "catalina\.home" | cut -d= -f2) tmp_Var="$tmp_Var"$(printf "%s WEBAPPS=" "$TOMCAT_HOMEDIR") # 5:show webapps # Get the tomcat configuration file. TOMCAT_CONFFILE="${TOMCAT_HOMEDIR}/conf/server.xml" # Get the set project location from the configure file. TOMCAT_WEBAPPS=$(cat $TOMCAT_CONFFILE | grep -v ! | grep docBase | sed 's/[[:space:]]/\n/g' | grep docBase | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/\"//g') tmp_Var="$tmp_Var"$(printf "%s." $TOMCAT_WEBAPPS)"\n" done # return: tmp_Var=${tmp_Var%/n} } # The function for "case". run_it () { # Call the function to get the variable information. # Information: function is "find_tomsINFO", variable are "$TOMCAT_HOMEDIR", "$TOMCAT_WEBAPPS". find_tomsINFO # Timestamp information added to the log. fin_Var=$(date +%F" "%T)"\n""$tmp_Var" # Filter out blank lines with a horizontal tab. # tmp_Var=$(echo -e $fin_Var | grep -v "^[[:blank:]]$") # echo "test: $fin_Var" # Output to a variable. echo -e $fin_Var | grep -v "^[[:blank:]]$" >> $TMPFILE # echo -e $tmp_Var >> $TMPFILE #echo "test: run_it()" #echo "$tmp_Var" # Output to the screen. #tmp_Var=" "$tmp_Var #echo -e $tmp_Var | grep -v "^[[:blank:]]$" | sed 's/[[:blank:]]//' echo -e $tmp_Var # echo -e $tmp_Var } read_it () { tail -$NUMROWDISPLAY $TMPFILE 2> /dev/null } list_port () { local FINDITEM=$1 local PID="" #echo $FINDITEM PID=$($0 | grep "$FINDITEM" | cut -d" " -f1 | cut -d"=" -f2) #echo pid=$PID if [ -z "$PID" ]; then echo "Error, item does not exist." else list | grep "$PID" fi } list_port2 () { list | grep "$1" } display_version () { sed -n '/fint/p' $0 | sed -n '1p' | cut -d"#" -f2 } clear_TMPFILE () { # Get the number of lines in temporary file $TMPFILE. local -i j=$(cat $TMPFILE | wc -l) # If the number of rows calculated is greater than 100, the number of # lines of the temporary file is cleared to the specified number. if [ $j -gt $NUMROWBEGINDEL ]; then let j=j-${NUMROWKEEP} # The number of rows deleted this time. echo "The number of rows in $TMPFILE will be deleted this time: $j." echo -ne "3\a\b"; sleep 1; echo -ne "2\a\b"; sleep 1; echo -ne "1\a\b"; sleep 1; echo -ne "0\b"; echo -n " " sed -i '1,'${j}'d' $TMPFILE else echo "The number of rows is small and cleanup file is ignored." fi } display_tmpFile () { echo $TMPFILE } display_help () { cat << EOF Usage: findTom [OPTION] View the tomcat information. View the home directory of the tomcat program running on the system, and the project path. Mandatory arguments to long option are mandatory for short options too. -r, --read view the previously running tomcat information. -l xxx, --list xxx View the listening port of the Tomcat project. -p NUMBER, --port NUMBER View the port information that the item listens on just now. -v, --version view the version --clear when the number of row is greater than 100, then clean-up, and leaving 30 lines. -h, --help display this help and exit -f, --file find temporary file. E-mail bug reports to: <773805731@qq.com> EOF } chk_TMPFileD # Fatal blow. case "$1" in "") run_it ;; -r|--read) read_it ;; -l|--list) chk_pv2 $2 list_port $2 ;; -p|--port) chk_pv2 $2 list_port2 $2 ;; -v|--version) display_version ;; --clear) clear_TMPFILE ;; -f|--file) display_tmpFile ;; -h|--help) display_help ;; *) echo "findTom -h" display_help ;; esac # Shell script over.