原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #406html
如何下架 Python 2 從而提高開發人員幸福感python
「Now that LinkedIn engineering has fully embraced Python 3, we no longer have to worry about supporting Python 2 and have seen our support loads decrease. We can now depend on the latest open source libraries and tools, and free ourselves from the constrictions of having to write bilingual Python.」git
LinkedIn 的故事教導咱們...web
Python 「 != 」 不是 「 is not 」: 對象對比在 Pythonexpress
In this quick and practical tutorial, you’ll learn when to use the Python is, is not, == and != operators. You’ll see what these comparison operators do under the hood, dive into some quirks of object identity and interning, and define a custom class.json
好可愛的插圖, 油號不匹配真的會出大事兒的windows
「Software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin’s book Clean Code, adapted for Python. This is not a style guide. It’s a guide to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in Python.」
「As a starting point, I took a list of the most downloaded Python packages on PyPI over the past 365 days. Let’s dive in and find out what they do, how they’re related, and why they rank so high!」
最具價值的模塊, 多數沒收錄在內建中:
Six(2->3 自動兼容);
botocore, boto3, s3transfer, awscli (雲廠商專用模塊);
S3transfer;Certifi(SSL 支持模塊我);
Jmespath(叕一個 JSON 支持);
「Everything I’m currently doing for testing my personal [Python] projects, and the reasoning for why I do things the way I do.」 Interesting read if you’re looking to optimize your testing setup.
越是大項目, 越應該選擇無聊的技術桟.
Django 安全笑柄發佈: 3.0.3, 2.2.10, and 1.11.28
Fixes CVE-2020-7471: Potential SQL injection via StringAgg(delimiter)
Django 如今分裂爲幾個大產品線,是否正確, 還有待市場檢驗.
等了10多年的 1.0 版本
要求推遲對Python 3.10進行一些Python 3.9不兼容的更改
Articles, Tutorials and Talks
Alpine Linux 能構建更大更慢的 Python Docker
「When you’re choosing a base image for your Docker image, Alpine Linux is often recommended. […] But if you’re using Python, Alpine Linux will quite often: Make your builds much slower. Make your images bigger. Waste your time.」 Related discussion on Hacker News.
等等,這是 Alpine 的特性嘛? 只針對 Python?
Learn how to work with Python’s set data type. You’ll see how to define set objects in Python and discover the operations that they support. By the end of this course, you’ll have a good feel for when a set is an appropriate choice in your own programs.
真蟒, 在有了流量後, 開始大力積累收費內容了...
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use a Flask Blueprint to help you structure your application by grouping its functionality into reusable components. You’ll learn what Blueprints are, how they work, and how you can use them to organize your code.
蘭圖是 Flask 對應用工程的思考成果,
惋惜, 整個兒 Flask 的生產力被依賴的上游模塊拖亂了,
致使 Django 贏得了一切.
「Dependency injection is a controversial topic. There are known problems, hacks, and even whole methodologies on how to work with DI frameworks. It is not the case when using a functional approach.」
Tips about avoiding known gotchas when configuring uWSGI to host services at scale — while still providing a base level of defensiveness and high reliability.
uWSGI 不錯, 由於不可安裝在 windows 中
「Pure python implementation of the random search optimization algorithm as an alternative to the standard gradient descent, given a very silly example.」
在 世界重啓 那書中, 普遍的討論了人類技術的可靠延續 ;-)
不是 王珢, 是另一位在校學生, 以前推薦過這篇文章.
好久沒見 PyPy 相關的文章了...
其實, Anaconda 已經做的很好了
解決 Python,kdb+ 和 BigQuery 中的「最佳大小」問題
Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code
叕一個追蹤庫, 只是基於 PyTorch, 不知道實時性如何
for humans 是個好目標, 只是做到的很是少
inlinec: 用自定義編解碼器在 Python 中編寫內聯 C 函數
叕一種嵌入 C 代碼的形式
express-your-self: 編寫沒有任何聲明的Python
hpy: 設計一個更好的 API 來擴展 C語言中給 Python
H 就是 handle,
爲 C 提供更好的 Python 接口,
pandas-vet: 用以檢驗 Pandas 代碼的 Flake8 插件
Flake8 終於開始關注 Pandas 了
通過400多期, 9年的積累, 如今 pycoders 週刊,愈來愈多主動分享的消息了
gif: 創建 Matplotlib Gif 動畫的更好方法
叕一個 gif 動畫製造工具, 嗯哼, 這 logo 很是親切了
import gif from matplotlib import pyplot as plt @gif.frame def plot(x, y): plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=100) plt.scatter(x, y) plt.xlim((0, 100)) plt.ylim((0, 100))
正常定義好一幀 plt 圖片, 而後指定範圍自動化生成就好, 好比:
from random import randint frames = [] for _ in range(50): x = [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(10)] y = [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(10)] frame = plot(x, y) frames.append(frame)
基於 sympy
Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心
⋅ DFW Pythoneers Teaching Meeting
Pythonner 纔是正式的 Python 開發者族羣名哪.
⋅ Leipzig Python User Group Meeting
❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(
(( ̄▽ ̄)
20.2.20 報名截止 20.3.1 正式開課 20.4.12 按時結束
高速完成構建/發佈/傳播, 以及社區聯合的開源項目,
數據不公開, 那就由人來採集再公開.
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