
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #388html


  • 191006 Zoom.Quiet(大媽) 用時 42 分鐘 完成快譯
  • 191006 Zoom.Quiet(大媽) 用時 17 分鐘 完成格式轉抄.

Learn about generators and yielding in Python. You'll create generator functions and generator expressions using multiple Python yield statements. You'll also see how to build data pipelines that take advantage of these Pythonic tools.程序員


能夠說, 真蟒, 一己之力, 將 Python 領域全部值得嗯哼的事兒, 這幾年所有從新嗯哼了一遍...
這是爲了得到徹底自主產權的教材, 來構築課程池?web


"We use simple test cases to compare various high level programming languages. We implement the test cases from an angle of a novice programmer who is not familiar with the optimization techniques available in the languages. The goal is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each language but not to claim that one language is better than the others."編程



沒有一枝獨秀, 只有相對優點.

若是本身用 Python 沒毛病, 若是公司來, Java 永遠正確.


"Working with regex, you have to understand what you are doing: the regex engine for Python, the type of statement you are writing, and alternative tools that are available for your purposes. Yes, there are instances when the re package may not be the best tool to use."

"Every year for the past four years a bunch of Python core developers get together for a week-long sprint at an exotic location. These sprints are sponsored by the PSF as well as by the company hosting the sprint."


老爹真的開始放飛了, 勇於放權給你們玩內核了...


Mypy 0.730 is out, with prettier, colored output and error code support, along with many other fixes and improvements.


兼容 Py2 的生態圈已經正式起航...再次.








Yes and Not,

數學不必定要精通, 可是, 數學依賴的邏輯必定得穩.



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

SQL injection attacks are one of the most common web application security risks. In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how you can prevent Python SQL injection. You'll learn how to compose SQL queries with parameters, as well as how to safely execute those queries in your database.


注入攻擊...只是, 也早已有對應模塊能夠自動防止絕大多數了...


Learn how to use Keras and the Rectified Adam optimizer as a drop-in replacement for the standard Adam optimizer, potentially leading to a higher accuracy model (and in fewer epochs).


Keras 可能又是一個 Panda 級別的做品.


"For some reason IO streams are a totally underused feature that rarely comes up in most code. We all know that memory if faster than disk IO, this is what I use IO streams for."

Also read the followup here..



Learn how to use Python's rich set of operators, functions, and methods for working with strings. You'll learn how to access and extract portions of strings, and also become familiar with the methods that are available to manipulate and modify string data in Python 3.


這絕對是基礎又重要的嗯哼...只是, 涉及中文, 又得複雜一倍.


Learn how to work with Pandas iloc and loc to slice, index, and subset your dataframes, for example by row and columns.


要不是 : 操做符已佔用, 不然, 更加直覺



數據科學家應知應會的東西, 太多了...



得益於 VSCode 設計合理的插件體系, 各大框架均可以快速包裝本身專用的插件來.



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code

PIRE is an interactive command-line interface allowing you to edit regexes live and see how your changes match against the input you specify.


這麼多年了, 正則表達式 依然沒找到合適的輔助表述工具/協議/DSL/...





📆🐍 活動/大會

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心


logo 設計很不錯, .svg 的

<img src="https://conf.scipyla.org/static/images/logo-menu.svg?h=8aaed2a3"




❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-( 大媽私人無責任播報)

第3期已開課, 爲期6周;
191103 按時結束, 到時再約 4py ;-)


NN 3793

蟒營™:Python 入門班||圖譜||幻燈||維基

101camp3py 進行中

  • 190922 已開課
  • 191003 將結束

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