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% RobotTeach.m clc; % theta d a alpha offset ML1 = Link([ 0, 0.4967, 0, 0, 0], 'modified'); ML2 = Link([ -pi/2, -0.18804, 0.2, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML3 = Link([ 0, 0.17248, 0.79876, 0 , 0], 'modified'); ML4 = Link([ 0, 0.98557, 0.25126, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML5 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); ML6 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); robot = SerialLink([ML1 ML2 ML3 ML4 ML5 ML6],'name','Fanuc M20ia'); robot.teach(); %能夠自由拖動的關節角度 % EOF
% theta 關節角度 % d 連桿偏移量 % a 連桿長度 % alpha 連桿扭角 % sigma 旋轉關節爲0,移動關節爲1 % mdh 標準的D&H爲0,不然爲1 % offset 關節變量偏移量 % qlim 關節變量範圍[min max]
% m 連桿質量 % r 連桿相對於座標系的質心位置3x1 % I 連桿的慣性矩陣(關於連桿重心)3x3 % B 粘性摩擦力(對於電機)1x1或2x1 % Tc 庫侖摩擦力1x1或2x1
% G 齒輪傳動比 % Jm 電機慣性矩(對於電機)
clear; clc; % theta d a alpha offset ML1 = Link([ 0, 0.4967, 0, 0, 0], 'modified'); ML2 = Link([ -pi/2, -0.18804, 0.2, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML3 = Link([ 0, 0.17248, 0.79876, 0 , 0], 'modified'); ML4 = Link([ 0, 0.98557, 0.25126, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML5 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); ML6 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); %配置機器人蔘數 ML1.m = 20.8; ML2.m = 17.4; ML3.m = 4.8; ML4.m = 0.82; ML5.m = 0.34; ML6.m = 0.09; ML1.r = [ 0 0 0 ]; ML2.r = [ -0.3638 0.006 0.2275]; ML3.r = [ -0.0203 -0.0141 0.070]; ML4.r = [ 0 0.019 0]; ML5.r = [ 0 0 0]; ML6.r = [ 0 0 0.032]; ML1.I = [ 0 0.35 0 0 0 0]; ML2.I = [ 0.13 0.524 0.539 0 0 0]; ML3.I = [ 0.066 0.086 0.0125 0 0 0]; ML4.I = [ 1.8e-3 1.3e-3 1.8e-3 0 0 0]; ML5.I = [ 0.3e-3 0.4e-3 0.3e-3 0 0 0]; ML6.I = [ 0.15e-3 0.15e-3 0.04e-3 0 0 0]; ML1.Jm = 200e-6; ML2.Jm = 200e-6; ML3.Jm = 200e-6; ML4.Jm = 33e-6; ML5.Jm = 33e-6; ML6.Jm = 33e-6; ML1.G = -62.6111; ML2.G = 107.815; ML3.G = -53.7063; ML4.G = 76.0364; ML5.G = 71.923; ML6.G = 76.686; % viscous friction (motor referenced) ML1.B = 1.48e-3; ML2.B = 0.817e-3; ML3.B = 1.38e-3; ML4.B = 71.2e-6; ML5.B = 82.6e-6; ML6.B = 36.7e-6; % Coulomb friction (motor referenced) ML1.Tc = [ 0.395 -0.435]; ML2.Tc = [ 0.126 -0.071]; ML3.Tc = [ 0.132 -0.105]; ML4.Tc = [ 11.2e-3 -16.9e-3]; ML5.Tc = [ 9.26e-3 -14.5e-3]; ML6.Tc = [ 3.96e-3 -10.5e-3]; robot=SerialLink([ML1 ML2 ML3 ML4 ML5 ML6],'name','Fanuc M20ia');% 注意:這句話最後寫,否則會報錯
%ShowWorkspace.m clear; clc; % theta d a alpha offset ML1 = Link([ 0, 0.4967, 0, 0, 0], 'modified'); ML2 = Link([ -pi/2, -0.18804, 0.2, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML3 = Link([ 0, 0.17248, 0.79876, 0 , 0], 'modified'); ML4 = Link([ 0, 0.98557, 0.25126, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML5 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); ML6 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); robot = SerialLink([ML1 ML2 ML3 ML4 ML5 ML6],'name','Fanuc M20ia'); robot.plot([0,0,0,0,0,0]); hold on; N=3000; %隨機次數 theta1min = -180/180*pi; theta1max = 180/180*pi; theta2min = -180/180*pi; theta2max = 0/180*pi; theta3min = -90/180*pi; theta3max = 90/180*pi; theta4min = -180/180*pi; theta4max = 180/180*pi; theta5min = -135/180*pi; theta5max = 135/180*pi; theta6min = -180/180*pi; theta6max = 180/180*pi; theta1=theta1min+(theta1max-theta1min)*rand(N,1); %關節1限制 theta2=theta2min+(theta2max-theta2min)*rand(N,1); %關節2限制 theta3=theta3min+(theta3max-theta3min)*rand(N,1); %關節3限制 theta4=theta4min+(theta4max-theta4min)*rand(N,1); %關節4限制 theta5=theta5min+(theta5max-theta5min)*rand(N,1); %關節5限制 theta6=theta6min+(theta6max-theta6min)*rand(N,1); %關節6限制 for n=1:N q = zeros(1,6); q(1) = theta1(n); q(2) = theta2(n); q(3) = theta3(n); q(4) = theta4(n); q(5) = theta5(n); q(6) = theta6(n); modmyt06 = robot.fkine(q); plot3(modmyt06.t(1),modmyt06.t(2),modmyt06.t(3),'b.','MarkerSize',0.5); end %EOF
T = [ n o a t ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
%給定末端執行器的初始位置 p1 =[ 0.617222144 0.465154659 -0.634561241 -0.254420286 -0.727874557 0.031367208 -0.684992502 -1.182407321 -0.298723039 0.884673523 0.357934776 -0.488241553 0 0 0 1 ]; %給定末端執行器的終止位置 p2 = [ -0.504697849 -0.863267623 -0.007006569 0.664185871 -0.599843651 0.356504321 -0.716304589 -0.35718173 0.620860432 -0.357314539 -0.697752567 2.106929688 0 0 0 1 ]; %利用運動學反解ikine求解各關節轉角 % Inverse kinematics by optimization without joint limits % q = R.ikine(T) are the joint coordinates (1 N) corresponding to the robot end-effector % pose T which is an SE3 object or homogenenous transform matrix (4 4), and N is the % number of robot joints. init_ang = robot.ikine(p1);%使用運動學迭代反解的算法計算獲得初始的關節角度 targ_ang = robot.ikine(p2);%使用運動學迭代反解的算法計算獲得目標關節角度
qdd=p560.accel(qn,qz,ones(1,6)); %給定位置qn,速度qz,力矩ones(1,6 ),求加速度
%Dynamics.m %(...)機器人動力學建模部分略去 %給定末端執行器的初始位置 p1 =[ 0.617222144 0.465154659 -0.634561241 -0.254420286 -0.727874557 0.031367208 -0.684992502 -1.182407321 -0.298723039 0.884673523 0.357934776 -0.488241553 0 0 0 1 ]; %給定末端執行器的終止位置 p2 = [ -0.504697849 -0.863267623 -0.007006569 0.664185871 -0.599843651 0.356504321 -0.716304589 -0.35718173 0.620860432 -0.357314539 -0.697752567 2.106929688 0 0 0 1 ]; init_ang = robot.ikine(p1);%使用運動學迭代反解的算法計算獲得初始的關節角度 targ_ang = robot.ikine(p2);%使用運動學迭代反解的算法計算獲得目標關節角度 step=40; [q,qd,qdd] = jtraj(init_ang, targ_ang, step);%關節空間內的S曲線插補法,q qd qdd分別爲各個關節的角度,角速度和角加速度 % 已知關節的角度、角速度、角加速度等信息,求各關節所需提供的力矩 % Inverse dynamics % tau = R.rne(q, qd, qdd, options) is the joint torque required for the robot R to achieve % the specified joint position q (1 N), velocity qd (1 N) and acceleration qdd (1 N), % where N is the number of robot joints. W = [0 0 -20*9.8 20*9.8*0.2 0 0]; %外力負載 tau = robot.rne(q,qd,qdd,'fext',W); i=1:6; plot(tau(:,i)); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Joint torque (Nm)'); title('各關節力矩隨時間的變化'); grid on; %EOF
思路:給定起始點p1,目標點p2, 利用運動學反解的獲得q1,q2,在關節空間內利用五次多項式作插補,獲得[q, qd, qdd],再經過運動學正解,獲得末端執行器的位置,線速度與角速度的值
%TrajectoryGeneration_p2p_lnksps.m clear; clc; % theta d a alpha offset ML1 = Link([ 0, 0.4967, 0, 0, 0], 'modified'); ML2 = Link([ -pi/2, -0.18804, 0.2, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML3 = Link([ 0, 0.17248, 0.79876, 0 , 0], 'modified'); ML4 = Link([ 0, 0.98557, 0.25126, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML5 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); ML6 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); robot = SerialLink([ML1 ML2 ML3 ML4 ML5 ML6],'name','Fanuc M20ia'); %給定末端執行器的初始位置 p1 =[ 0.617222144 0.465154659 -0.634561241 -0.254420286 -0.727874557 0.031367208 -0.684992502 -1.182407321 -0.298723039 0.884673523 0.357934776 -0.488241553 0 0 0 1 ]; %給定末端執行器的終止位置 p2 = [ -0.504697849 -0.863267623 -0.007006569 0.664185871 -0.599843651 0.356504321 -0.716304589 -0.35718173 0.620860432 -0.357314539 -0.697752567 2.106929688 0 0 0 1 ]; %利用運動學反解ikine求解各關節轉角 % Inverse kinematics by optimization without joint limits % q = R.ikine(T) are the joint coordinates (1 N) corresponding to the robot end-effector % pose T which is an SE3 object or homogenenous transform matrix (4 4), and N is the % number of robot joints. init_ang = robot.ikine(p1);%使用運動學迭代反解的算法計算獲得初始的關節角度 targ_ang = robot.ikine(p2);%使用運動學迭代反解的算法計算獲得目標關節角度 %利用五次多項式計算關節速度和加速度 % Compute a joint space trajectory % [q,qd,qdd] = jtraj(q0, qf, m) is a joint space trajectory q (m N) where the joint % coordinates vary from q0 (1 N) to qf (1 N). A quintic (5th order) polynomial is used % with default zero boundary conditions for velocity and acceleration. Time is assumed % to vary from 0 to 1 in m steps. Joint velocity and acceleration can be optionally returned % as qd (m N) and qdd (m N) respectively. The trajectory q, qd and qdd are m N % matrices, with one row per time step, and one column per joint. step=40; [q,qd,qdd] = jtraj(init_ang, targ_ang, step); % 顯示機器人姿態隨時間的變化 subplot(3,3,[1,4,7]); robot.plot(q); %顯示機器人關節運動狀態 subplot(3,3,2); i=1:6; plot(q(:,i)); title('初始位置 各關節角度隨時間的變化 目標位置'); grid on; subplot(3,3,5); i=1:6; plot(qd(:,i)); title('各關節角速度隨時間的變化'); grid on; subplot(3,3,8); i=1:6; plot(qdd(:,i)); title('各關節角加速度隨時間的變化'); grid on; %顯示末端執行器的位置 subplot(3,3,3); hold on grid on title('末端執行器在三維空間中的位置變化'); for i=1:step position = robot.fkine(q(i,:)); plot3(position.t(1),position.t(2),position.t(3),'b.','MarkerSize',5); end %顯示末端執行器的線速度與角速度 % Jacobian in world coordinates % j0 = R.jacob0(q, options) is the Jacobian matrix (6 N) for the robot in pose q (1 N), % and N is the number of robot joints. The manipulator Jacobian matrix maps joint % velocity to end-effector spatial velocity V = j0*QD expressed in the world-coordinate frame. subplot(3,3,6); hold on grid on title('末端執行器速度大小隨時間的變化'); vel = zeros(step,6); vel_velocity = zeros(step,1); vel_angular_velocity = zeros(step,1); for i=1:step vel(i,:) = robot.jacob0(q(i,:))*qd(i,:)'; vel_velocity(i) = sqrt(vel(i,1)^2+vel(i,2)^2+vel(i,3)^2); vel_angular_velocity(i) = sqrt(vel(i,4)^2+vel(i,5)^2+vel(i,3)^6); end x = linspace(1,step,step); plot(x,vel_velocity); subplot(3,3,9); hold on grid on title('末端執行器角速度大小隨時間的變化'); x = linspace(1,step,step); plot(x,vel_angular_velocity); %EOF
思路:給定起始點p1,目標點p2, 利用梯形速度插補獲得末端座標系位姿矩陣Tc隨時間的變化,再對每個Tc經過運動學反解,獲得各個關節的角度,並估算各個關節的角速度與角加速度的值,以及末端執行器的速度與加速度的大小。
%TrajectoryGeneration_p2p_Cartesian.m clear; clc; % theta d a alpha offset ML1 = Link([ 0, 0.4967, 0, 0, 0], 'modified'); ML2 = Link([ -pi/2, -0.18804, 0.2, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML3 = Link([ 0, 0.17248, 0.79876, 0 , 0], 'modified'); ML4 = Link([ 0, 0.98557, 0.25126, 3*pi/2, 0], 'modified'); ML5 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); ML6 = Link([ 0, 0, 0, pi/2 , 0], 'modified'); robot = SerialLink([ML1 ML2 ML3 ML4 ML5 ML6],'name','Fanuc M20ia'); %給定末端執行器的初始位置 p1 =[ 0.617222144 0.465154659 -0.634561241 -0.254420286 -0.727874557 0.031367208 -0.684992502 -1.182407321 -0.298723039 0.884673523 0.357934776 -0.488241553 0 0 0 1 ]; %給定末端執行器的終止位置 p2 = [ -0.504697849 -0.863267623 -0.007006569 0.664185871 -0.599843651 0.356504321 -0.716304589 -0.35718173 0.620860432 -0.357314539 -0.697752567 2.106929688 0 0 0 1 ]; %在笛卡爾空間座標系內,根據梯形速度生成軌跡 % Cartesian trajectory between two poses % tc = ctraj(T0, T1, n) is a Cartesian trajectory (4 4 n) from pose T0 to T1 with n % points that follow a trapezoidal velocity profile along the path. The Cartesian trajectory % is a homogeneous transform sequence and the last subscript being the point index, that % is, T(:,:,i) is the i^th point along the path. step = 40; Tc = ctraj(p1,p2,step); % Inverse kinematics by optimization without joint limits % q = R.ikine(T) are the joint coordinates (1 N) corresponding to the robot end-effector % pose T which is an SE3 object or homogenenous transform matrix (4 4), and N is the % number of robot joints. % 顯示機器人姿態隨時間的變化 subplot(3,3,[1,4,7]); q = zeros(step,6); for i = 1:step q(i,:) = robot.ikine(Tc(:,:,i)); end robot.plot(q); qd = zeros(step-1,6); for i = 2:step qd(i,1) = q(i,1)-q(i-1,1); qd(i,2) = q(i,2)-q(i-1,2); qd(i,3) = q(i,3)-q(i-1,3); qd(i,4) = q(i,4)-q(i-1,4); qd(i,5) = q(i,5)-q(i-1,5); qd(i,6) = q(i,6)-q(i-1,6); end qdd = zeros(step-2,6); for i = 2:step-1 qdd(i,1) = qd(i,1)-qd(i-1,1); qdd(i,2) = qd(i,2)-qd(i-1,2); qdd(i,3) = qd(i,3)-qd(i-1,3); qdd(i,4) = qd(i,4)-qd(i-1,4); qdd(i,5) = qd(i,5)-qd(i-1,5); qdd(i,6) = qd(i,6)-qd(i-1,6); end %顯示機器人關節運動狀態 subplot(3,3,2); i=1:6; plot(q(:,i)); title('初始位置 各關節角度隨時間的變化 目標位置'); grid on; subplot(3,3,5); i=1:6; plot(qd(:,i)); title('各關節角速度隨時間的變化'); grid on; subplot(3,3,8); i=1:6; plot(qdd(:,i)); title('各關節角加速度隨時間的變化'); grid on; %顯示末端執行器的位置 subplot(3,3,3); hold on grid on title('末端執行器在三維空間中的位置變化'); for i=1:step plot3(Tc(1,4,i),Tc(2,4,i),Tc(3,4,i),'b.','MarkerSize',5); end %顯示末端執行器的速度 subplot(3,3,6); hold on grid on title('末端執行器速度大小隨時間的變化'); vel_velocity = zeros(step,1); for i=2:step vel_velocity(i) = sqrt((Tc(1,4,i)-Tc(1,4,i-1))^2+(Tc(2,4,i)-Tc(2,4,i-1))^2+(Tc(3,4,i)-Tc(3,4,i-1))^2); end x = linspace(1,step,step); plot(x,vel_velocity); %顯示末端執行器的加速度 subplot(3,3,9); hold on grid on title('末端執行器加速度大小隨時間的變化'); vel_acceleration= zeros(step-2,1); for i=3:step vel_acceleration(i-2) = sqrt((Tc(1,4,i)-Tc(1,4,i-1)-(Tc(1,4,i-1)-Tc(1,4,i-2)) )^2+( Tc(2,4,i)-Tc(2,4,i-1)-(Tc(2,4,i-1)-Tc(2,4,i-2)) )^2+( Tc(3,4,i)-Tc(3,4,i-1)-(Tc(3,4,i-1)-Tc(3,4,i-2)))^2); end x = linspace(1,step-2,step-2); plot(x,vel_acceleration); %EOF