Taro + Taro UI + Redux + 雲開發 Node.jsgithub
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async function fetchRepositories({ language = '', since = 'daily', } = {}) { const url = `${GITHUB_URL}/trending/${language}?since=${since}`; const data = await fetch(url); const $ = cheerio.load(await data.text()); return ( $('.repo-list li') .get() // eslint-disable-next-line complexity .map(repo => { const $repo = $(repo); const title = $repo .find('h3') .text() .trim(); const relativeUrl = $repo .find('h3') .find('a') .attr('href'); const currentPeriodStarsString = $repo .find('.float-sm-right') .text() .trim() || /* istanbul ignore next */ ''; const builtBy = $repo .find('span:contains("Built by")') .parent() .find('[data-hovercard-type="user"]') .map((i, user) => { const altString = $(user) .children('img') .attr('alt'); const avatarUrl = $(user) .children('img') .attr('src'); return { username: altString ? altString.slice(1) : /* istanbul ignore next */ null, href: `${GITHUB_URL}${user.attribs.href}`, avatar: removeDefaultAvatarSize(avatarUrl), }; }) .get(); const colorNode = $repo.find('.repo-language-color'); const langColor = colorNode.length ? colorNode.css('background-color') : null; const langNode = $repo.find('[itemprop=programmingLanguage]'); const lang = langNode.length ? langNode.text().trim() : /* istanbul ignore next */ null; return omitNil({ author: title.split(' / ')[0], name: title.split(' / ')[1], url: `${GITHUB_URL}${relativeUrl}`, description: $repo .find('.py-1 p') .text() .trim() || /* istanbul ignore next */ '', language: lang, languageColor: langColor, stars: parseInt( $repo .find(`[href="${relativeUrl}/stargazers"]`) .text() .replace(',', '') || /* istanbul ignore next */ 0, 10 ), forks: parseInt( $repo .find(`[href="${relativeUrl}/network"]`) .text() .replace(',', '') || /* istanbul ignore next */ 0, 10 ), currentPeriodStars: parseInt( currentPeriodStarsString.split(' ')[0].replace(',', '') || /* istanbul ignore next */ 0, 10 ), builtBy, }); }) ); }
async function fetchDevelopers({ language = '', since = 'daily' } = {}) { const data = await fetch( `${GITHUB_URL}/trending/developers/${language}?since=${since}` ); const $ = cheerio.load(await data.text()); return $('.explore-content li') .get() .map(dev => { const $dev = $(dev); const relativeUrl = $dev.find('.f3 a').attr('href'); const name = getMatchString( $dev .find('.f3 a span') .text() .trim(), /^\((.+)\)$/i ); $dev.find('.f3 a span').remove(); const username = $dev .find('.f3 a') .text() .trim(); const $repo = $dev.find('.repo-snipit'); return omitNil({ username, name, url: `${GITHUB_URL}${relativeUrl}`, avatar: removeDefaultAvatarSize($dev.find('img').attr('src')), repo: { name: $repo .find('.repo-snipit-name span.repo') .text() .trim(), description: $repo .find('.repo-snipit-description') .text() .trim() || /* istanbul ignore next */ '', url: `${GITHUB_URL}${$repo.attr('href')}`, }, }); }); }
exports.main = async (event, context) => { const { type, language, since } = event let res = null; let date = new Date() if (type === 'repositories') { const cacheKey = `repositories::${language || 'nolang'}::${since || 'daily'}`; const cacheData = await db.collection('repositories').where({ cacheKey: cacheKey }).orderBy('cacheDate', 'desc').get() if (cacheData.data.length !== 0 && ((date.getTime() - cacheData.data[0].cacheDate) < 1800 * 1000)) { res = JSON.parse(cacheData.data[0].content) } else { res = await fetchRepositories({ language, since }); await db.collection('repositories').add({ data: { cacheDate: date.getTime(), cacheKey: cacheKey, content: JSON.stringify(res) } }) } } else if (type === 'developers') { const cacheKey = `developers::${language || 'nolang'}::${since || 'daily'}`; const cacheData = await db.collection('developers').where({ cacheKey: cacheKey }).orderBy('cacheDate', 'desc').get() if (cacheData.data.length !== 0 && ((date.getTime() - cacheData.data[0].cacheDate) < 1800 * 1000)) { res = JSON.parse(cacheData.data[0].content) } else { res = await fetchDevelopers({ language, since }); await db.collection('developers').add({ data: { cacheDate: date.getTime(), cacheKey: cacheKey, content: JSON.stringify(res) } }) } } return { data: res } }
const Towxml = require('towxml'); const towxml = new Towxml(); // 雲函數入口函數 exports.main = async (event, context) => { const { func, type, content } = event let res if (func === 'parse') { if (type === 'markdown') { res = await towxml.toJson(content || '', 'markdown'); } else { res = await towxml.toJson(content || '', 'html'); } } return { data: res } }
import Taro, { Component } from '@tarojs/taro' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { View, Text } from '@tarojs/components' import { AtActivityIndicator } from 'taro-ui' import './markdown.less' import Towxml from '../towxml/main' const render = new Towxml() export default class Markdown extends Component { static propTypes = { md: PropTypes.string, base: PropTypes.string } static defaultProps = { md: null, base: null } constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { data: null, fail: false } } componentDidMount() { this.parseReadme() } parseReadme() { const { md, base } = this.props let that = this wx.cloud.callFunction({ // 要調用的雲函數名稱 name: 'parse', // 傳遞給雲函數的event參數 data: { func: 'parse', type: 'markdown', content: md, } }).then(res => { let data = res.result.data if (base && base.length > 0) { data = render.initData(data, {base: base, app: this.$scope}) } that.setState({ fail: false, data: data }) }).catch(err => { console.log('cloud', err) that.setState({ fail: true }) }) } render() { const { data, fail } = this.state if (fail) { return ( <View className='fail' onClick={this.parseReadme.bind(this)}> <Text className='text'>load failed, try it again?</Text> </View> ) } return ( <View> { data ? ( <View> <import src='../towxml/entry.wxml' /> <template is='entry' data='{{...data}}' /> </View> ) : ( <View className='loading'> <AtActivityIndicator size={20} color='#2d8cf0' content='loading...' /> </View> ) } </View> ) } }
// 獲取我的信息 export const getUserInfo = createApiAction(USERINFO, (params) => api.get('/user', params))
export function createApiAction(actionType, func = () => {}) { return ( params = {}, callback = { success: () => {}, failed: () => {} }, customActionType = actionType, ) => async (dispatch) => { try { dispatch({ type: `${customActionType }_request`, params }); const data = await func(params); dispatch({ type: customActionType, params, payload: data }); callback.success && callback.success({ payload: data }) return data } catch (e) { dispatch({ type: `${customActionType }_failure`, params, payload: e }) callback.failed && callback.failed({ payload: e }) } } }
getUserInfo() { if (hasLogin()) { userAction.getUserInfo().then(()=>{ Taro.hideLoading() Taro.stopPullDownRefresh() }) } else { Taro.hideLoading() Taro.stopPullDownRefresh() } } const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => { return { userInfo: state.user.userInfo } } export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Index)
export default function user (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) { switch (action.type) { case USERINFO: return { ...state, userInfo: action.payload.data } default: return state } }