一、 Redis官網(http://redis.io/download)下載Redis。下載地址:http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-5.0.4.tar.gzc++
二、 將下載的Redis文件上傳到CentOS系統中。redis
三、 安裝gccbash
yum install gcc-c++
四、 解壓文件app
tar -zvxf redis-5.0.4.tar.gz
cd redis-5.0.4 make
六、修改redis-5.0.4/utils/create-cluster目錄下create-cluster腳本,其中PORT=30000,NODES=6表示集羣有6個節點,端口從30001開始至30006,能夠根據自身需求自行調整,如需遠程訪問,請在--daemonize yes 後加入protected-mode no,並將127.0.0.1換爲本機地址this
#!/bin/bash # Settings PORT=30000 TIMEOUT=2000 NODES=6 REPLICAS=1 # You may want to put the above config parameters into config.sh in order to # override the defaults without modifying this script. if [ -a config.sh ] then source "config.sh" fi # Computed vars ENDPORT=$((PORT+NODES)) if [ "$1" == "start" ] then while [ $((PORT < ENDPORT)) != "0" ]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) echo "Starting $PORT" ../../src/redis-server --port $PORT --cluster-enabled yes --cluster-config-file nodes-${PORT}.conf --cluster-node-timeout $TIMEOUT --appendonly yes --appendfilename appendonly-${PORT}.aof --dbfilename dump-${PORT}.rdb --logfile ${PORT}.log --daemonize yes done exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "create" ] then HOSTS="" while [ $((PORT < ENDPORT)) != "0" ]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) HOSTS="$HOSTS$PORT" done ../../src/redis-cli --cluster create $HOSTS --cluster-replicas $REPLICAS exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "stop" ] then while [ $((PORT < ENDPORT)) != "0" ]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) echo "Stopping $PORT" ../../src/redis-cli -p $PORT shutdown nosave done exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "watch" ] then PORT=$((PORT+1)) while [ 1 ]; do clear date ../../src/redis-cli -p $PORT cluster nodes | head -30 sleep 1 done exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "tail" ] then INSTANCE=$2 PORT=$((PORT+INSTANCE)) tail -f ${PORT}.log exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "call" ] then while [ $((PORT < ENDPORT)) != "0" ]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) ../../src/redis-cli -p $PORT $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 done exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "clean" ] then rm -rf *.log rm -rf appendonly*.aof rm -rf dump*.rdb rm -rf nodes*.conf exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "clean-logs" ] then rm -rf *.log exit 0 fi echo "Usage: $0 [start|create|stop|watch|tail|clean]" echo "start -- Launch Redis Cluster instances." echo "create -- Create a cluster using redis-cli --cluster create." echo "stop -- Stop Redis Cluster instances." echo "watch -- Show CLUSTER NODES output (first 30 lines) of first node." echo "tail <id> -- Run tail -f of instance at base port + ID." echo "clean -- Remove all instances data, logs, configs." echo "clean-logs -- Remove just instances logs."
./create-cluster start ./create-cluster create
./create-cluster stop
port 7000 //端口7000,7002,7003 bind 本機ip //默認ip爲127.0.0.1 須要改成其餘節點機器可訪問的ip 不然建立集羣時沒法訪問對應的端口,沒法建立集羣 daemonize yes //redis後臺運行 pidfile /var/run/redis_7000.pid //pidfile文件對應7000,7001,7002 cluster-enabled yes //開啓集羣 把註釋#去掉 cluster-config-file nodes_7000.conf //集羣的配置 配置文件首次啓動自動生成 7000,7001,7002 cluster-node-timeout 15000 //請求超時 默認15秒,可自行設置 appendonly yes //aof日誌開啓 有須要就開啓,它會每次寫操做都記錄一條日誌