

0.1)本文部分文字轉自 「深刻剖析Tomcat」,旨在學習  一個簡單的servlet容器  的基礎知識;java

0.2)for complete source code, please visit  https://github.com/pacosonTang/HowTomcatWorks/tree/master/chapter2git





1)intro Servlet:Servlet編程須要使用到 javax.servlet 和 javax.servlet.http 兩個包下的接口和類。在全部的類和接口中, javax.servlet.servlet 接口是最爲重要的。全部的servlet 程序都必須實現該接口或繼承自實現了該接口的類;
2)Servlet接口中聲明瞭5個方法: init, service, destroy, getServletConfig, getServletInfo 方法;
2.0)init, service, destroy方法是與 servlet的生命週期相關的方法;
2.1)init方法:當實例化某個servlet類後;servlet容器會調用其 init() 方法進行初始化,servlet只調用該方法一次;且servlet 程序員能夠覆蓋此方法,在其中編寫僅須要執行一次的初始化代碼;
2.2)service方法:當一個servlet客戶端請求到達後,servlet容器就調用相應的servlet的service方法,並將 servletRequest 和 servletResponse 對象做爲參數傳入;
2.3)destroy方法:當servlet容器關閉或servlet容器要釋放內存時,纔會將 servlet實例移除,並且只有當servlet實例的service方法中的全部線程都退出或執行超時後,纔會調用 destroy方法;
1)一個功能齊全的 servlet容器有如下幾件事情要作(things):
t1)當第一次調用某個 servlet 時,要載入該 servlet類,並調用其 init() 方法;(僅此一次)
t2)針對每一個request請求, 建立一個 javax.servlet.ServletRequest 實例 和 一個 javax.servlet.ServletResponse 實例;
t3)調用該 servlet 的 service() 方法,將 servletRequest對象和 servletResponse對象做爲參數傳入;
t4)當關閉該servlet類時,調用其 destroy() 方法,並卸載該servlet類;
2.1)printing results
2.2)source code at a glance
package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

// HttpServer1 類 既能夠對靜態資源請求,也能夠對servlet資源請求
public class HttpServer1 {

  /** WEB_ROOT is the directory where our HTML and other files reside.
   *  For this package, WEB_ROOT is the "webroot" directory under the working directory.
   *  The working directory is the location in the file system
   *  from where the java command was invoked.
  // shutdown command
  private static final String SHUTDOWN_COMMAND = "/SHUTDOWN";

  // the shutdown command received
  private boolean shutdown = false;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    HttpServer1 server = new HttpServer1();

  public void await() {
    ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
    int port = 8080;
    try {
      serverSocket =  new ServerSocket(port, 1, InetAddress.getByName(""));
    catch (IOException e) {

    // Loop waiting for a request
    while (!shutdown) {
      Socket socket = null;
      InputStream input = null;
      OutputStream output = null;
      try {
        socket = serverSocket.accept();
        input = socket.getInputStream();
        output = socket.getOutputStream();

        // create Request object and parse
        Request request = new Request(input);

        // create Response object
        Response response = new Response(output);

        // check if this is a request for a servlet or a static resource
        // a request for a servlet begins with "/servlet/"
        if (request.getUri().startsWith("/servlet/")) { // 若HTTP請求的是servlet(以servlet打頭)
          ServletProcessor1 processor = new ServletProcessor1();
          processor.process(request, response);
        } // 若http請求的是靜態資源
        else {
          StaticResourceProcessor processor = new StaticResourceProcessor();
          processor.process(request, response);

        // Close the socket
        //check if the previous URI is a shutdown command
        shutdown = request.getUri().equals(SHUTDOWN_COMMAND);
      catch (Exception e) {
package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.net.URLStreamHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;

// 用於處理對servlet 資源的HTTP 請求
public class ServletProcessor1 {

  public void process(Request request, Response response) {

    String uri = request.getUri();
    String servletName = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
    URLClassLoader loader = null; // 類載入器

    try {
      // create a URLClassLoader, 建立類載入器(類加載器是乾貨代碼 )
      URL[] urls = new URL[1];
      URLStreamHandler streamHandler = null;
      File classPath = new File(Constants.WEB_ROOT);
      // the forming of repository is taken from the createClassLoader method in
      // org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory
      String repository = (new URL("file", null, classPath.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator)).toString() ;
      // file:E:\bench-cluster\cloud-data-preprocess\HowTomcatWorks\webroot\
      // the code for forming the URL is taken from the addRepository method in
      // org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader class.
      urls[0] = new URL(null, repository, streamHandler);
      // urls[0] = file:E:/bench-cluster/cloud-data-preprocess/HowTomcatWorks/webroot/
      loader = new URLClassLoader(urls);
    catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println(e.toString() );
    Class myClass = null;
    try {
      myClass = loader.loadClass("servlet."+servletName); // 載入 servlet類
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

    Servlet servlet = null;

    try {
      servlet = (Servlet) myClass.newInstance(); // 會建立已載入的servlet類的一個實例
      servlet.service((ServletRequest) request, (ServletResponse) response);
    catch (Exception e) {
    catch (Throwable e) {

package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;

public class Request implements ServletRequest {

  private InputStream input;
  private String uri;

  public Request(InputStream input) {
    this.input = input;

  public String getUri() {
    return uri;

  private String parseUri(String requestString) {
    int index1, index2;
    index1 = requestString.indexOf(' ');
    if (index1 != -1) {
      index2 = requestString.indexOf(' ', index1 + 1);
      if (index2 > index1)
        return requestString.substring(index1 + 1, index2);
    return null;

  public void parse() {
    // Read a set of characters from the socket
    StringBuffer request = new StringBuffer(2048);
    int i;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
    try {
      i = input.read(buffer);
    catch (IOException e) {
      i = -1;
    for (int j=0; j<i; j++) {
      request.append((char) buffer[j]);
    uri = parseUri(request.toString());

  /* implementation of the ServletRequest*/
  public Object getAttribute(String attribute) {
    return null;

  public Enumeration getAttributeNames() {
    return null;

  public String getRealPath(String path) {
    return null;

  public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) {
    return null;

  public boolean isSecure() {
    return false;

  public String getCharacterEncoding() {
    return null;

  public int getContentLength() {
    return 0;

  public String getContentType() {
    return null;

  public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
    return null;

  public Locale getLocale() {
    return null;

  public Enumeration getLocales() {
    return null;

  public String getParameter(String name) {
    return null;

  public Map getParameterMap() {
    return null;

  public Enumeration getParameterNames() {
    return null;

  public String[] getParameterValues(String parameter) {
    return null;

  public String getProtocol() {
    return null;

  public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException {
    return null;

  public String getRemoteAddr() {
    return null;

  public String getRemoteHost() {
    return null;

  public String getScheme() {
   return null;

  public String getServerName() {
    return null;

  public int getServerPort() {
    return 0;

  public void removeAttribute(String attribute) {

  public void setAttribute(String key, Object value) {

  public void setCharacterEncoding(String encoding)
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;

public class Response implements ServletResponse {

  private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
  Request request;
  OutputStream output;
  PrintWriter writer;

  public Response(OutputStream output) {
    this.output = output;

  public void setRequest(Request request) {
    this.request = request;

  /* This method is used to serve a static page */
  public void sendStaticResource() throws IOException {
    byte[] bytes = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    try {
      /* request.getUri has been replaced by request.getRequestURI */
      File file = new File(Constants.WEB_ROOT, request.getUri());
      fis = new FileInputStream(file);
         HTTP Response = Status-Line
           *(( general-header | response-header | entity-header ) CRLF)
           [ message-body ]
         Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
      int ch = fis.read(bytes, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
      while (ch!=-1) {
        output.write(bytes, 0, ch);
        ch = fis.read(bytes, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
    catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      String errorMessage = "HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found\r\n" +
        "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" +
        "Content-Length: 23\r\n" +
        "\r\n" +
        "<h1>File Not Found</h1>";
    finally {
      if (fis!=null)

  /** implementation of ServletResponse  */
  public void flushBuffer() throws IOException {

  public int getBufferSize() {
    return 0;

  public String getCharacterEncoding() {
    return null;

  public Locale getLocale() {
    return null;

  public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    return null;

  public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException {
    // autoflush is true, println() will flush,
    // but print() will not.
    writer = new PrintWriter(output, true);
    return writer;

  public boolean isCommitted() {
    return false;

  public void reset() {

  public void resetBuffer() {

  public void setBufferSize(int size) {

  public void setContentLength(int length) {

  public void setContentType(String type) {

  public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.io.IOException;

public class StaticResourceProcessor {

  public void process(Request request, Response response) {
    try {
    catch (IOException e) {
package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.io.File;

public class Constants {
  public static final String WEB_ROOT =
     System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator  + "webroot";    


1)problem:ServletProcessor1 中必須將Request 轉型爲 javax.servlet.ServletRequest,將Response 轉型爲 javax.servlet.ServletResponse 實例,將它們做爲參數傳遞給 service方法;
1.1)這是不安全的作法: 一旦咱們有了Request 實例後,咱們就能夠調用其parse方法,而有了Response實例後,咱們就能夠調用其 sendStaticResource方法。不能將parse() 和 sendStaticResource() 設置爲私有方法,由於它們會被其餘類調用,但這兩個方法在servlet中不該該是可用的;
2.1)構建外觀類 RequestFacade 和 ResponseFacade:分別實現 ServletRequest 和 ServletResponse ,而後在其構造函數中指定Request 和 Response對象(private私有訪問權限) ,外觀類中的實現方法均調用 Request 或 Response對象的相應方法;
3)Conclusion:引入外觀類的目的是, 不向外界提供訪問到Request 和 Response 的接口;
4.1)打印結果同 HttpServer1,故 omit it;
4.2)源代碼實現(我這裏給給出外觀類代碼,其餘和HttpServer1 中的相似)
package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

public class HttpServer2 {

  // shutdown command
  private static final String SHUTDOWN_COMMAND = "/SHUTDOWN";

  // the shutdown command received
  private boolean shutdown = false;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    HttpServer2 server = new HttpServer2();

  public void await() {
    ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
    int port = 8080;
    try {
      serverSocket =  new ServerSocket(port, 1, InetAddress.getByName(""));
    catch (IOException e) {

    // Loop waiting for a request
    while (!shutdown) {
      Socket socket = null;
      InputStream input = null;
      OutputStream output = null;
      try {
        socket = serverSocket.accept();
        input = socket.getInputStream();
        output = socket.getOutputStream();

        // create Request object and parse
        Request request = new Request(input);

        // create Response object
        Response response = new Response(output);

        //check if this is a request for a servlet or a static resource
        //a request for a servlet begins with "/servlet/"
        if (request.getUri().startsWith("/servlet/")) {
          ServletProcessor2 processor = new ServletProcessor2();
          processor.process(request, response);
        else {
          StaticResourceProcessor processor = new StaticResourceProcessor();
          processor.process(request, response);

        // Close the socket
        //check if the previous URI is a shutdown command
        shutdown = request.getUri().equals(SHUTDOWN_COMMAND);
      catch (Exception e) {
package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;

public class RequestFacade implements ServletRequest {

  private ServletRequest request = null;

  public RequestFacade(Request request) {
    this.request = request;

  /* implementation of the ServletRequest*/
  public Object getAttribute(String attribute) {
    return request.getAttribute(attribute);

  public Enumeration getAttributeNames() {
    return request.getAttributeNames();

  public String getRealPath(String path) {
    return request.getRealPath(path);

  public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) {
    return request.getRequestDispatcher(path);

  public boolean isSecure() {
    return request.isSecure();

  public String getCharacterEncoding() {
    return request.getCharacterEncoding();

  public int getContentLength() {
    return request.getContentLength();

  public String getContentType() {
    return request.getContentType();

  public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
    return request.getInputStream();

  public Locale getLocale() {
    return request.getLocale();

  public Enumeration getLocales() {
    return request.getLocales();

  public String getParameter(String name) {
    return request.getParameter(name);

  public Map getParameterMap() {
    return request.getParameterMap();

  public Enumeration getParameterNames() {
    return request.getParameterNames();

  public String[] getParameterValues(String parameter) {
    return request.getParameterValues(parameter);

  public String getProtocol() {
    return request.getProtocol();

  public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException {
    return request.getReader();

  public String getRemoteAddr() {
    return request.getRemoteAddr();

  public String getRemoteHost() {
    return request.getRemoteHost();

  public String getScheme() {
   return request.getScheme();

  public String getServerName() {
    return request.getServerName();

  public int getServerPort() {
    return request.getServerPort();

  public void removeAttribute(String attribute) {

  public void setAttribute(String key, Object value) {
    request.setAttribute(key, value);

  public void setCharacterEncoding(String encoding)
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;

public class ResponseFacade implements ServletResponse {

  private ServletResponse response;
  public ResponseFacade(Response response) {
    this.response = response;

  public void flushBuffer() throws IOException {

  public int getBufferSize() {
    return response.getBufferSize();

  public String getCharacterEncoding() {
    return response.getCharacterEncoding();

  public Locale getLocale() {
    return response.getLocale();

  public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    return response.getOutputStream();

  public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException {
    return response.getWriter();

  public boolean isCommitted() {
    return response.isCommitted();

  public void reset() {

  public void resetBuffer() {

  public void setBufferSize(int size) {

  public void setContentLength(int length) {

  public void setContentType(String type) {

  public void setLocale(Locale locale) {

package com.tomcat.chapter2;

import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.net.URLStreamHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;

public class ServletProcessor2 {

  public void process(Request request, Response response) {

    String uri = request.getUri();
    String servletName = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
    URLClassLoader loader = null;

    try {
      // create a URLClassLoader
      URL[] urls = new URL[1];
      URLStreamHandler streamHandler = null;
      File classPath = new File(Constants.WEB_ROOT);
      // the forming of repository is taken from the createClassLoader method in
      // org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory
      String repository = (new URL("file", null, classPath.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator)).toString() ;
      // the code for forming the URL is taken from the addRepository method in
      // org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader class.
      urls[0] = new URL(null, repository, streamHandler);
      loader = new URLClassLoader(urls);
    catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println(e.toString() );
    Class myClass = null;
    try {
      myClass = loader.loadClass("servlet." + servletName);
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

    Servlet servlet = null;
    RequestFacade requestFacade = new RequestFacade(request); // attend this line
    ResponseFacade responseFacade = new ResponseFacade(response); // attend this line 
    try {
      servlet = (Servlet) myClass.newInstance();
      servlet.service((ServletRequest) requestFacade, (ServletResponse) responseFacade); // attend this line
    catch (Exception e) {
    catch (Throwable e) {
