weblogic 更改成生產模式而且設置檢查jsp 頁面時間

Change to production  mode-更改應用運行模式


All servers in a domain run either in development mode or production      mode. In general, production mode requires you to configure additional      security features. For information on the differences between the two      modes, refer to "Creating a      WebLogic Domain" in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the      Configuration Wizard.web

To configure all servers in a      domain to run in production mode:api

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).oracle

  2. In the left pane        of the Console, under Domain Structure, select   the domain name.dom

  3. Select Configuration > General and select the         Production Mode check box.jsp

  4. Click Save, and then, to activate        these changes, in the Change Center, click Activate        Changes.ui

  5. Shut down any        servers that are currently running. See Start and stop  servers.spa

  6. Invoke the        domain's startWebLogic script. See Starting an        Administration Server with a Startup Script.orm

    The Administration Server          starts in the new mode.server

  7. If the domain        contains Managed Servers, start the Managed Servers.



在Deploments–>web Application–>defaultWebApp中配置。
