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Tcp Transmission Control Protocol數組
Tcp connection Tcp協議傳輸字節流,用戶須要分割字節流得到正確的數據包,當建立一個tcp協議的socket時,須要傳入一個Package對象來封包和解包.服務器
private IPackage _packer = new Packer(); void Test() { _tcp = new TcpConnection(_packer); } public class Packer : IPackage { public void Unpack(IByteArray reader, Queue<byte[]> receiveQueue) { //add your unpack logic here } public void Pack(Queue<byte[]> sendQueue, IByteArray writer) { // add your pack logic here } }
_tcp.Connect("", 7777);
斷開鏈接 當再也不運行時須要主動調用接口斷開與服務器的鏈接(好比響應unity的onapplicationquit執行時)框架
void OnApplicationQuit() { _tcp.DisConnect(); }
鏈接狀態變化 若是想獲取當前的鏈接狀態,能夠訂閱鏈接狀態事件.異步
void Test() { _tcp.StateChangeEvent += OnState; } void OnState(SocketState state) { Debug.Log("current state is: " + state); if (state == SocketState.Connected) { Debug.Log("connect success"); //can send or receive message } else if (state == SocketState.DisConnected) { Debug.Log("connect failed"); } else if (state == SocketState.Connecting) { Debug.Log("connecting"); } }
void Test() { var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(100); _tcp.Send(bytes); }
接受消息 You can regist receiveevent and when message come from server, this event will be fire.tcp
void Test() { _tcp.ReceiveEvent += OnReceive; } void OnReceive(byte[] bytes) { Debug.Log("receive msg: " + BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0)); }
封包和解包 最初建立鏈接時咱們定義了一個packer來分割數據包,當發送消息時咱們在數據頭部插入消息長度/當接收到消息時咱們根據頭部的消息長度得到數據包的大小.wordpress
private bool _isGetHead = false; private int _bodyLength; public void Unpack(IByteArray reader, Queue<byte[]> receiveQueue) { if (!_isGetHead) { if (reader.Length >= 2)//2 is example, get msg's head length { var bodyLengthBytes = reader.Read(2); _bodyLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bodyLengthBytes, 0); } else { if (reader.Length >= _bodyLength)//get body { var bytes = reader.Read(_bodyLength); receiveQueue.Enqueue(bytes); _isGetHead = false; } } } } public void Pack(Queue<byte[]> sendQueue, IByteArray writer) { var bytesWaitToPack = sendQueue.Dequeue(); UInt16 length = (UInt16)bytesWaitToPack.Length;//get head lenth var bytesHead = BitConverter.GetBytes(length); writer.Write(bytesHead);//write head writer.Write(bytesWaitToPack);//write body }
Udp connection 若是建立upd鏈接,須要指定發送接收緩衝區大小.
_udp = new UdpConnection(1024);
public int PingTime; private Ping p; private float timeOut = 1; private float lastTime; void Start() { StartCoroutine(Ping()); } IEnumerator Ping() { p = new Ping(""); lastTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; while (!p.isDone && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastTime < 1) { yield return null; } PingTime = p.time; p.DestroyPing(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); StartCoroutine(Ping()); }
Tcp 協議提供可靠有序的流字節傳輸,用戶須要本身分割數據,在這個框架中能夠繼承IPackage接口來實現.
private ITcp _tcp; private IPackage _packer = new Packer(); // Use this for initialization void Start() { _tcp = new TcpConnection(_packer); _tcp.StateChangeEvent += OnState; _tcp.ReceiveEvent += OnReceive; Connect(); } void Update() { _tcp.Run(); } void Connect() { _tcp.Connect("", 7777); } // Update is called once per frame void OnState(SocketState state) { Debug.Log("current state is: " + state); if (state == SocketState.Connected) { Debug.Log("connect success"); Send(); } else if (state == SocketState.DisConnected) { Debug.Log("connect failed"); } else if (state == SocketState.Connecting) { Debug.Log("connecting"); } } void OnApplicationQuit() { _tcp.DisConnect(); } void Send() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(i); Debug.Log("send message: " + i); _tcp.Send(bytes); } } void OnReceive(byte[] bytes) { Debug.Log("receive msg: " + BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0)); } public class Packer : IPackage { public void Unpack(IByteArray reader, Queue<byte[]> receiveQueue) { //add your unpack logic here if (reader.Length >= 1024)//1024 is example, it's msg's length { var bytesWaitToUnpack = reader.Read(1024); receiveQueue.Enqueue(bytesWaitToUnpack); } } public void Pack(Queue<byte[]> sendQueue, IByteArray writer) { var bytesWaitToPack = sendQueue.Dequeue(); // add your pack logic here // writer.Write(bytesWaitToPack); } }
private UdpConnection _udp; // Use this for initialization void Start() { _udp = new UdpConnection(1024); _udp.ReceiveEvent += OnReceive; Connect(); Send(); } void Connect() { _udp.Connect("", 7777); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { _udp.Run(); } void Send() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(i); _udp.Send(bytes); Debug.Log("send message: " + i); } } private void OnApplicationQuit() { _udp.DisConnect(); } void OnReceive(byte[] bytes) { Debug.Log("receive bytes: " + BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0)); }
void RegistMsg() { MsgRegister.Regist("10001", OnMsg_Bytes); MsgRegister.Regist("10002", OnMsg_Protobuf); } void OnMsg_Bytes(IByteArray byteArray) { var msg = new MsgBytes(byteArray); int getInt = msg.Read<int>(); } void OnMsg_Protobuf(IByteArray byteArray) { var msg = new MsgProtobuf(byteArray); GameObject testClass = msg.Read<GameObject>();//your class's type var testName = testClass.name; }
support: hiramtan@live.com