內存 > 2G 安裝目錄空間 > 6.5G /tmp目錄空間 > 1G
cat /etc/redhat-release
rpm -q binutils compat-libcap1 compat-libstdc++-33 gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-devel ksh libaio libaio-devel libgcc libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libXext libXtst libX11 libXau libxcb libXi make sysstat
yum install -y compat-libcap1 compat-libstdc++-33 libaio-devel libXext libXtst libX11 libXau libxcb libXi sysstat
groupadd oinstall groupadd oper groupadd dba useradd -g oinstall -G dba,oper oracle # 修改密碼 passwd oracle
vi /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576 fs.file-max = 6815744 kernel.shmall = 2097152 kernel.shmmax = 536870912 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500 net.core.rmem_default = 262144 net.core.rmem_max = 4194304 net.core.wmem_default = 262144 net.core.wmem_max = 1048586
/sbin/sysctl -p
vi /etc/security/limits.conf
oracle soft nofile 65536 oracle hard nofile 65536 oracle soft nproc 16384 oracle hard nproc 16384 oracle stack nproc 10240 oracle stack nproc 10240
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/12c/db_1 mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/oradata mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/archlog chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
su - oracle vi .bash_profile
# Oracle Settings COLUMNS=132; export COLUMNS LINES=47; export LINES EDITOR=vi; export EDITOR TMP=/tmp; export TMP TMPDIR=$TMP; export TMPDIR ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/12c/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID=orcl; export ORACLE_SID SHLIB_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH;export SHLIB_PATH NLS_LANG=American_America.zhs16gbk;export NLS_LANG ORA_NLS10=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data;export ORA_NLS10 TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin;export TNS_ADMIN ORACLE_TERM=xterm; export ORACLE_TERM PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jre:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib; export CLASSPATH alias glance=/opt/perf/bin/glance:x alias gohome='cd /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0' alias cdb='cd /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump' alias cdu='cd /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump'
source .bash_profile
vi /etc/hosts 添加: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx your_host_name
unzip -d orainstall oracle-
su - oracle vi 12102db_install.rsp
###################################################################### ## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2013. All rights reserved. ## ## ## ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize ## ## your installation. ## ## ## ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment ## ## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate ## ## values. ## ## ## ## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains plain text passwords and ## ## should be secured to have read permission only by oracle user ## ## or db administrator who owns this installation. ## ## ## ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not change the following system generated value. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.responseFileVersion=/oracle/install/rspfmt_dbinstall_response_schema_v12.1.0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the installation option. # It can be one of the following: # - INSTALL_DB_SWONLY # - INSTALL_DB_AND_CONFIG # - UPGRADE_DB #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the hostname of the system as set during the install. It can be used # to force the installation to use an alternative hostname rather than using the # first hostname found on the system. (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames # and network interfaces) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_HOSTNAME=ser6-51 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the Unix group to be set for the inventory directory. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the location which holds the inventory files. # This is an optional parameter if installing on # Windows based Operating System. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVENTORY_LOCATION=/u01/app/oraInventory #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the languages in which the components will be installed. # # en : English ja : Japanese # fr : French ko : Korean # ar : Arabic es : Latin American Spanish # bn : Bengali lv : Latvian # pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese lt : Lithuanian # bg : Bulgarian ms : Malay # fr_CA: Canadian French es_MX: Mexican Spanish # ca : Catalan no : Norwegian # hr : Croatian pl : Polish # cs : Czech pt : Portuguese # da : Danish ro : Romanian # nl : Dutch ru : Russian # ar_EG: Egyptian zh_CN: Simplified Chinese # en_GB: English (Great Britain) sk : Slovak # et : Estonian sl : Slovenian # fi : Finnish es_ES: Spanish # de : German sv : Swedish # el : Greek th : Thai # iw : Hebrew zh_TW: Traditional Chinese # hu : Hungarian tr : Turkish # is : Icelandic uk : Ukrainian # in : Indonesian vi : Vietnamese # it : Italian # # all_langs : All languages # # Specify value as the following to select any of the languages. # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja # # Specify value as the following to select all the languages. # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=all_langs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Home. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12c/db_1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Base. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the installation edition of the component. # # The value should contain only one of these choices. # - EE : Enterprise Edition # - SE : Standard Edition # - SEONE : Standard Edition One # - PE : Personal Edition (WINDOWS ONLY) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EE ################################################################################# # # # PRIVILEGED OPERATING SYSTEM GROUPS # # ------------------------------------------ # # Provide values for the OS groups to which OSDBA and OSOPER privileges # # needs to be granted. If the install is being performed as a member of the # # group "dba", then that will be used unless specified otherwise below. # # # # The value to be specified for OSDBA and OSOPER group is only for UNIX based # # Operating System. # # # ############################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The DBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSDBA privileges. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.DBA_GROUP=dba #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The OPER_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSOPER privileges. # The value to be specified for OSOPER group is optional. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.install.db.OPER_GROUP=oper #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The BACKUPDBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSBACKUPDBA privileges. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.install.db.BACKUPDBA_GROUP=dba #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The DGDBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSDGDBA privileges. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.install.db.DGDBA_GROUP=dba #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The KMDBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSKMDBA privileges. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.install.db.KMDBA_GROUP=dba ################################################################################ # # # Database Configuration Options # # # ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the type of database to create. # It can be one of the following: # - GENERAL_PURPOSE/TRANSACTION_PROCESSING # - DATA_WAREHOUSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.type= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the Starter Database Global Database Name. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.globalDBName= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the Starter Database SID. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.SID= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify whether the database should be configured as a Container database. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.ConfigureAsContainerDB= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the Pluggable Database name for the pluggable database in Container Database. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.PDBName= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the Starter Database character set. # # One of the following # AL32UTF8, WE8ISO8859P15, WE8MSWIN1252, EE8ISO8859P2, # EE8MSWIN1250, NE8ISO8859P10, NEE8ISO8859P4, BLT8MSWIN1257, # BLT8ISO8859P13, CL8ISO8859P5, CL8MSWIN1251, AR8ISO8859P6, # AR8MSWIN1256, EL8ISO8859P7, EL8MSWIN1253, IW8ISO8859P8, # IW8MSWIN1255, JA16EUC, JA16EUCTILDE, JA16SJIS, JA16SJISTILDE, # KO16MSWIN949, ZHS16GBK, TH8TISASCII, ZHT32EUC, ZHT16MSWIN950, # ZHT16HKSCS, WE8ISO8859P9, TR8MSWIN1254, VN8MSWIN1258 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.characterSet= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This variable should be set to true if Automatic Memory Management # in Database is desired. # If Automatic Memory Management is not desired, and memory allocation # is to be done manually, then set it to false. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryOption= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the total memory allocation for the database. Value(in MB) should be # at least 256 MB, and should not exceed the total physical memory available # on the system. # Example: oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryLimit=512 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryLimit= ################################################################################# # # # Passwords can be supplied for the following four schemas in the # # starter database: # # SYS # # SYSTEM # # DBSNMP (used by Enterprise Manager) # # # # Same password can be used for all accounts (not recommended) # # or different passwords for each account can be provided (recommended) # # # ################################################################################# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This variable holds the password that is to be used for all schemas in the # starter database. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.ALL=oracle #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the SYS password for the starter database. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.SYS= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the SYSTEM password for the starter database. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.SYSTEM= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the DBSNMP password for the starter database. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.DBSNMP= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the PDBADMIN password required for creation of Pluggable Database in the Container Database. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.password.PDBADMIN= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify whether user doesn't want to configure Security Updates. # The value for this variable should be true if you don't want to configure # Security Updates, false otherwise. # # The value can be either true or false. If left blank it will be assumed # to be false. # # Example : DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify the auto-updates option. It can be one of the following: # - MYORACLESUPPORT_DOWNLOAD # - OFFLINE_UPDATES # - SKIP_UPDATES #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oracle.installer.autoupdates.option=SKIP_UPDATES
chmod 777 /home/oracle/orainstall/runInstaller chmod 777 /home/oracle/orainstall/install/.oui chmod 777 /home/oracle/orainstall/install/unzip su - oracle cd /home/oracle/orainstall ./runInstaller -silent -ignorePrereq -responseFile /home/oracle/12102db_install.rsp
chmod 777 /tmp/CVU_12.*
執行完成安裝命令後會當即返回,能夠使用tail -f 安裝日誌,查看安裝進度,安裝完成的話會讓執行兩個命令: 使用root執行:
sh /u01/app/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh sh /u01/app/oracle/product/12c/db_1/root.sh
rm -rf /u01/app/oraInventory cd $ORACLE_HOME rm *
vi /home/oracle/dbca.rsp
dbca -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/dbca.rsp export ORACLE_SID=orcl sqlplus / as sysdba
select status from v$instance;
vi 12102_netca.rsp
[GENERAL] RESPONSEFILE_VERSION="12.1" CREATE_TYPE="CUSTOM" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name : SHOW_GUI # Datatype : Boolean # Description: This variable controls appearance/suppression of the NetCA GUI, # Pre-req : N/A # Default : TRUE # Note: # This must be set to false in order to run NetCA in silent mode. # This is a substitute of "/silent" flag in the NetCA command line. # The command line flag has precedence over the one in this response file. # This feature is present since #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #SHOW_GUI=false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name : LOG_FILE # Datatype : String # Description: If present, NetCA will log output to this file in addition to the # standard out. # Pre-req : N/A # Default : NONE # Note: # This is a substitute of "/log" in the NetCA command line. # The command line argument has precedence over the one in this response file. # This feature is present since #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #LOG_FILE=""/oracle12cHome/network/tools/log/netca.log"" [oracle.net.ca] #INSTALLED_COMPONENTS;StringList;list of installed components # The possible values for installed components are: # "net8","server","client","aso", "cman", "javavm" INSTALLED_COMPONENTS={"server","net8","javavm"} #INSTALL_TYPE;String;type of install # The possible values for install type are: # "typical","minimal" or "custom" INSTALL_TYPE=""typical"" #LISTENER_NUMBER;Number;Number of Listeners # A typical install sets one listener LISTENER_NUMBER=1 #LISTENER_NAMES;StringList;list of listener names # The values for listener are: # "LISTENER","LISTENER1","LISTENER2","LISTENER3", ... # A typical install sets only "LISTENER" LISTENER_NAMES="LISTENER" #LISTENER_PROTOCOLS;StringList;list of listener addresses (protocols and parameters separated by semicolons) # The possible values for listener protocols are: # "TCP;1521","TCPS;2484","NMP;ORAPIPE","IPC;IPCKEY","VI;1521" # A typical install sets only "TCP;1521" LISTENER_PROTOCOLS="TCP;1521" #LISTENER_START;String;name of the listener to start, in double quotes LISTENER_START=""LISTENER"" #NAMING_METHODS;StringList;list of naming methods # The possible values for naming methods are: # LDAP, TNSNAMES, ONAMES, HOSTNAME, NOVELL, NIS, DCE # A typical install sets only: "TNSNAMES","ONAMES","HOSTNAMES" # or "LDAP","TNSNAMES","ONAMES","HOSTNAMES" for LDAP NAMING_METHODS={"TNSNAMES","ONAMES","HOSTNAME"} #NOVELL_NAMECONTEXT;String;Novell Directory Service name context, in double quotes # A typical install does not use this variable. #NOVELL_NAMECONTEXT = ""NAMCONTEXT"" #SUN_METAMAP;String; SUN meta map, in double quotes # A typical install does not use this variable. #SUN_METAMAP = ""MAP"" #DCE_CELLNAME;String;DCE cell name, in double quotes # A typical install does not use this variable. #DCE_CELLNAME = ""CELL"" #NSN_NUMBER;Number;Number of NetService Names # A typical install sets one net service name NSN_NUMBER=1 #NSN_NAMES;StringList;list of Net Service names # A typical install sets net service name to "EXTPROC_CONNECTION_DATA" NSN_NAMES="EXTPROC_CONNECTION_DATA" #NSN_SERVICE;StringList;Oracle12c database's service name # A typical install sets Oracle12c database's service name to "PLSExtProc" NSN_SERVICE="PLSExtProc"
netca -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/12102_netca.rsp
ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER is not SET, unable to auto-start Oracle Net Listener Usage: /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/dbstart ORACLE_HOME
修改dbstart文件,將 ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER=$1 修改成 ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER=$ORACLE_HOME 修改/etc/oratab: 添加: orcl:/u01/app/oracle/product/12c/db_1:Y 1 修改/etc/rc.d/rc.local 添加一行: su oracle -lc /u01/app/oracle/product/12c/db_1/bin/dbstart /u01/app/oracle/product/12c/dbhome_1爲oracle的安裝目錄,要根據實際狀況進行修改。 vim /etc/oratab 將 orcl:/u01/app/oracle/product/12c/db_1:Y 中的「N」改成「Y」