filebeat: prospectors: - paths: - /path/to/mysql-slow.log document_type: mysql-slow fields: type: mysql-slow tags: mysql-host - paths: - /path/to/mysql-error.log document_type: mysql-error fields: type: mysql-error tags: mysql-host - paths: - /path/to/dmesg document_type: dmesg fields: type: dmesg tags: mysql-host encoding: plain input_type: log fields_under_root: true # 每 10 秒鐘掃描一次目錄,更新通配符匹配上的文件列表 scan_frequency: "10s" # buffer size every harvester uses when fetching the file harvester_buffer_size: 16384 # read from bottom of file tail_files: false # check logfile whether to read or not every n second backoff: "3s" # Event count spool threshold spool_size: 1000 # Defines how often the spooler is flushed. # Flush even though spool_size is not reached idle_timeout: "10s" # registry file path registry_file: /opt/opbin/filebeat/registry output: logstash: hosts: [""] #shipper: logging: level: info to_files: true to_syslog: false files: path: /opt/opbin/filebeat/mybeat name: mybeat.log rotateeverybytes: 10485760 keepfiles: 10