最近遇到一個很蛋疼的問題,寫了一個後臺管理系統, 因爲是後臺管理系統,因此使用頻率不是很高,當django程序在閒置一段時間後,再次打開後臺系統,就變得很慢,而後又好了。查了不少方面,從模板引擎到請求(request),再到django配置,nginx等等,都沒有查出緣由。雖然也查過是否是數據庫的緣由,但都由於查的不夠深刻,沒有查出因此然。html
from django.conf import settings from django.core import signals from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.db.utils import (ConnectionHandler, ConnectionRouter, load_backend, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, DatabaseError, IntegrityError) __all__ = ('backend', 'connection', 'connections', 'router', 'DatabaseError', 'IntegrityError', 'DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS') if settings.DATABASES and DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS not in settings.DATABASES: raise ImproperlyConfigured("You must define a '%s' database" % DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS) connections = ConnectionHandler(settings.DATABASES) router = ConnectionRouter(settings.DATABASE_ROUTERS) # `connection`, `DatabaseError` and `IntegrityError` are convenient aliases # for backend bits. # DatabaseWrapper.__init__() takes a dictionary, not a settings module, so # we manually create the dictionary from the settings, passing only the # settings that the database backends care about. Note that TIME_ZONE is used # by the PostgreSQL backends. # We load all these up for backwards compatibility, you should use # connections['default'] instead. class DefaultConnectionProxy(object): """ Proxy for accessing the default DatabaseWrapper object's attributes. If you need to access the DatabaseWrapper object itself, use connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS] instead. """ def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS], item) def __setattr__(self, name, value): return setattr(connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS], name, value) connection = DefaultConnectionProxy() backend = load_backend(connection.settings_dict['ENGINE']) # Register an event that closes the database connection # when a Django request is finished. def close_connection(**kwargs): # Avoid circular imports from django.db import transaction for conn in connections: # If an error happens here the connection will be left in broken # state. Once a good db connection is again available, the # connection state will be cleaned up. transaction.abort(conn) connections[conn].close() signals.request_finished.connect(close_connection) # Register an event that resets connection.queries # when a Django request is started. def reset_queries(**kwargs): for conn in connections.all(): conn.queries = [] signals.request_started.connect(reset_queries) # Register an event that rolls back the connections # when a Django request has an exception. def _rollback_on_exception(**kwargs): from django.db import transaction for conn in connections: try: transaction.rollback_unless_managed(using=conn) except DatabaseError: pass signals.got_request_exception.connect(_rollback_on_exception)
from django.core import signals from django.db import close_connection # 取消信號關聯,實現數據庫長鏈接 signals.request_finished.disconnect(close_connection)
既然這個方法不行,那就再看一下它的源碼,發現backends目錄下面有mysql,oracle,postgresql_psycopg2,sqlite3等,因而選擇msql進去看一下base.py文件。發現django是直接封裝MySQLdb,每建立一個MySQLdb對象其實也就進行了一次鏈接。能不能像線程池同樣,一次性建立多個MySQLdb對象呢?答案是確定的。sqlalchemy有個pool可讓數據庫保持長鏈接,那就直接把這個文件裏的Database改爲sqlalchemy的pool。固然,咱們不能暴力地修改去修改源碼。由於這個模塊是用來創建數據庫鏈接的,因此能夠獨立出來。其實很簡單,只須要修改base.py 文件幾處就行。實現方法以下:django
try: import MySQLdb as Database except ImportError as e: from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error loading MySQLdb module: %s" % e)
from sqlalchemy import pool Database = pool.manage(Database)
self.connection = Database.connect(**kwargs)
self.connection = Database.connect( host=kwargs.get('host', ''), port=kwargs.get('port', 3306), user=kwargs['user'], db=kwargs['db'], passwd=kwargs['passwd'], use_unicode=kwargs['use_unicode'], charset='utf8' )