實驗25——使用Action 過濾器讓頁眉和頁腳代碼更有效mvc
在本實驗中,咱們會在Employee 頁面添加頁腳,經過本實驗理解分部視圖。函數
1. 建立分部視圖的 ViewModel學習
右擊 ViewModel 文件夾,新建 FooterViewModel 類,以下:
1: public class FooterViewModel 2: { 3: public string CompanyName { get; set; } 4: public string Year { get; set; } 5: }
2. 建立分部視圖
輸入View 名稱」Footer」,選擇複選框「Create as a partial view」,點擊添加按鈕。
注意:View中的Shared 共享文件夾是爲每一個控制器均可用的文件夾,不是某個特定的控制器所屬。
3. 在分部View 中顯示數據
打開Footer.cshtml,輸入如下HTML 代碼。
1: @using WebApplication1.ViewModels 2: 3: @model FooterViewModel 4: 5: <div style="text-align:right;color: darkcyan;border: 1px solid gray;margin-top:2px;padding-right:10px;"> 6: 7: @Model.CompanyName © @Model.Year 8: 9: </div>
4. 在Main ViewModel 中包含Footer 數據
打開 EmployeeListViewModel 類,添加新屬性,保存 Footer數據,以下:
1: public class EmployeeListViewModel 2: { 3: public List<EmployeeViewModel> Employees { get; set; } 4: 5: public string UserName { get; set; } 6: 7: public FooterViewModel FooterData { get; set; }//New Property 8: }
在本實驗中Footer會做爲Index View的一部分顯示,所以須要將Footer的數據傳到Index View頁面中。Index View 是EmployeeListViewModel的強類型View,所以Footer須要的全部數據都應該封裝在EmployeeListViewModel中。
5. 設置Footer 數據
打開 EmployeeController ,在Index action 方法中設置FooterData 屬性值,以下:
1: public ActionResult Index() 2: { 3: ... 4: ... 5: employeeListViewModel.FooterData = new FooterViewModel(); 6: employeeListViewModel.FooterData.CompanyName = "StepByStepSchools";//Can be set to dynamic value 7: employeeListViewModel.FooterData.Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); 8: return View("Index", employeeListViewModel); 9: }
6. 顯示Footer
打開Index.cshtml 文件,在Table 標籤後顯示Footer 分部View,以下:
1: </table> 2: @{ 3: Html.RenderPartial("Footer", Model.FooterData); 4: } 5: </div> 6: </body> 7: </html>
7. 運行,打開Index View
與Html.RenderPartial做用相同,Html.Partial會在View 中用來顯示分部View。
Html.RenderPartial會將分部View的結果直接寫入HTTP 響應流中,而 Html.Partial會返回 MvcHtmlString值。
什麼是MvcHtmlString,爲何 Html.Partial返回的是MvcHtmlString 而不是字符串?
根據MSDN規定,」MvcHtmlString」表明了一個 HTML編碼的字符串,不須要二次編碼。代碼以下:
1: @{
2: string MyString = "My Simple String";
3: }
4: @MyString
Razor顯示了所有的內容,許多人會認爲已經看到加粗的字符串,是Razor Html在顯示內容以前將內容編碼,這就是爲何使用純內容來代替粗體。
當不適用razor編碼時,使用 MvcHtmlString,MvcHtmlString是razor的一種表示,即「字符串已經編碼完畢,不須要其餘編碼」。
1: @{
2: string MyString = "My Simple String";
3: }
4: @MvcHtmlString.Create(MyString)
Html.RenderAction 和 Html.Action二者之間有什麼不一樣?更推薦使用哪一種方法?
Html.RenderAction會將Action 方法的執行結果直接寫入HTTP 響應請求流中,而 Html.Action會返回MVC HTML 字符串。更推薦使用Html.RenderAction,由於它更快。當咱們想在顯示前修改action執行的結果時,推薦使用Html.Action。
在實驗23中咱們將實現管理員和非管理員登陸的功能。需求很簡單:非管理員用戶沒有建立新Employee的權限。實驗23會幫助你們理解MVC提供的Session 和Action過濾器。
1. 建立標識用戶身份的枚舉類型
右擊Model 文件夾,選擇添加新項目。選擇「Code File」選項。
「Code File」選項會建立一個「.cs」文件.
1: namespace WebApplication1.Models 2: { 3: public enum UserStatus 4: { 5: AuthenticatedAdmin, 6: AuthentucatedUser, 7: NonAuthenticatedUser 8: } 9: }
2. 修改業務層功能
刪除 IsValidUser函數,建立新函數「GetUserValidity「,以下:
1: public UserStatus GetUserValidity(UserDetails u) 2: { 3: if (u.UserName == "Admin" && u.Password == "Admin") 4: { 5: return UserStatus.AuthenticatedAdmin; 6: } 7: else if (u.UserName == "Sukesh" && u.Password == "Sukesh") 8: { 9: return UserStatus.AuthentucatedUser; 10: } 11: else 12: { 13: return UserStatus.NonAuthenticatedUser; 14: } 15: }
3. 修改DoLogin action方法
打開 AuthenticationController, 修改DoLogin action:
1: [HttpPost] 2: public ActionResult DoLogin(UserDetails u) 3: { 4: if (ModelState.IsValid) 5: { 6: EmployeeBusinessLayer bal = new EmployeeBusinessLayer(); 7: //New Code Start 8: UserStatus status = bal.GetUserValidity(u); 9: bool IsAdmin = false; 10: if (status==UserStatus.AuthenticatedAdmin) 11: { 12: IsAdmin = true; 13: } 14: else if (status == UserStatus.AuthentucatedUser) 15: { 16: IsAdmin = false; 17: } 18: else 19: { 20: ModelState.AddModelError("CredentialError", "Invalid Username or Password"); 21: return View("Login"); 22: } 23: FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(u.UserName, false); 24: Session["IsAdmin"] = IsAdmin; 25: return RedirectToAction("Index", "Employee"); 26: //New Code End 27: } 28: else 29: { 30: return View("Login"); 31: } 32: }
在上述代碼中,已經出現Session 變量來識別用戶身份。
4. 移除存在的 AddNew 連接
打開「~/Views/Employee」文件夾下 Index.cshtml View,移除」Add New「超連接。
<!-- Remove following line from Index.cshtml --> <a href="/Employee/AddNew">Add New</a>
5. 建立分部View
右擊「~/Views/Employee」文件夾,選擇添加View,設置View名稱」「AddNewLink」「,選中」Create a partial View「複選框。
6. 輸入分部View的內容
<a href="/Employee/AddNew">Add New</a>
7. 新建 Action 方法
打開 EmployeeController,新建Action 方法」GetAddNewLink「,以下:
1: public ActionResult GetAddNewLink() 2: { 3: if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["IsAdmin"])) 4: { 5: return Partial View("AddNewLink"); 6: } 7: else 8: { 9: return new EmptyResult(); 10: } 11: }
8. 顯示 AddNew 連接
打開 Index.html,輸入如下代碼:
1: <a href="/Authentication/Logout">Logout</a> 2: </div> 3: <hr /> 4: @{ 5: Html.RenderAction("GetAddNewLink"); 6: } 7: <div> 8: <table border="1"> 9: <tr>
Html.RenderAction 執行Action 方法,並將結果直接寫入響應流中。
9. 運行
以上實驗實現了非管理員用戶沒法導航到AddNew連接。這樣還不夠,若是非管理員用戶直接輸入AddNew URL,則會直接跳轉到此頁面。
非管理員用戶仍是能夠直接訪問AddNew方法,爲了解決這個問題,咱們會引入MVC action 過濾器。Action 過濾器使得在action方法中添加一些預處理和後處理的邏輯判斷問題。在整個實驗中,會注重ActionFilters預處理的支持和後處理的功能。
1. 安裝過濾器
2. 建立過濾器
經過繼承 ActionFilterAttribute ,將 AdminFilter類升級爲」ActionFilter「,以下:
1: public class AdminFilter:ActionFilterAttribute 2: { 3: 4: }
注意:使用」ActionFilterAttribute 「須要在文件頂部輸入」System.Web.Mvc「。
3. 添加安全驗證邏輯
在ActionFliter中重寫 OnActionExecuting方法:
1: public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) 2: { 3: if (!Convert.ToBoolean(filterContext.HttpContext.Session["IsAdmin"])) 4: { 5: filterContext.Result = new ContentResult() 6: { 7: Content="Unauthorized to access specified resource." 8: }; 9: } 10: }
4. 綁定過濾器
在AddNew和 SaveEmployee方法中綁定過濾器,以下:
1: [AdminFilter] 2: public ActionResult AddNew() 3: { 4: return View("CreateEmployee",new Employee()); 5: } 6: ... 7: ... 8: [AdminFilter] 9: public ActionResult SaveEmployee(Employee e, string BtnSubmit) 10: { 11: switch (BtnSubmit) 12: { 13: case "Save Employee": 14: if (ModelState.IsValid) 15: { 16: EmployeeBusinessLayer empBal = new EmployeeBusinessLayer(); 17: .... 18: ....
5. 運行
與Html.RenderAction做用相同,Html.Action會執行action 方法,並在View中顯示結果。
Html.RenderAction 和 Html.Action二者之間有什麼不一樣?更推薦使用哪一種方法?
Html.RenderAction會將Action 方法的執行結果直接寫入HTTP 響應請求流中,而 Html.Action會返回MVCHTMLString。更推薦使用Html.RenderAction,由於它更快。當咱們想在顯示前修改action執行的結果時,推薦使用Html.Action。
什麼是 ActionFilter ?
與AuthorizationFilter相似,ActionFilter是ASP.NET MVC過濾器中的一種,容許在action 方法中添加預處理和後處理邏輯。
1. 帶有歡迎消息的頁眉
2. 帶有數據的頁腳
1. 建立ViewModel基類
在ViewModel 文件夾下新建ViewModel 類 」BaseViewModel「,以下:
1: public class BaseViewModel 2: { 3: public string UserName { get; set; } 4: public FooterViewModel FooterData { get; set; }//New Property 5: }
2. 準備 EmployeeListViewModel
刪除EmployeeListViewModel類的 UserName和 FooterData屬性,並繼承 BaseViewModel:
1: public class EmployeeListViewModel:BaseViewModel 2: { 3: public List<EmployeeViewModel> Employees { get; set; } 4: }
3. 建立佈局頁面
右擊shared文件夾,選擇添加>>MVC5 Layout Page。輸入名稱」MyLayout「,點擊確認
1: <!DOCTYPE html> 2: 3: <html> 4: <head> 5: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> 6: <title>@ViewBag.Title</title> 7: </head> 8: <body> 9: <div> 10: @RenderBody() 11: </div> 12: </body> 13: </html>
4. 將佈局轉換爲強類型佈局
1: @using WebApplication1.ViewModels
2: @model BaseViewModel
5. 設計佈局頁面
1: <html> 2: <head> 3: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> 4: <title>@RenderSection("TitleSection")</title> 5: @RenderSection("HeaderSection",false) 6: </head> 7: <body> 8: <div style="text-align:right"> 9: Hello, @Model.UserName 10: <a href="/Authentication/Logout">Logout</a> 11: </div> 12: <hr /> 13: <div> 14: @RenderSection("ContentBody") 15: </div> 16: @Html.Partial("Footer",Model.FooterData) 17: </body> 18: </html>
如上所示,佈局頁面包含三部分,TitleSection, HeaderSection 和 ContentBody,內容頁面將使用這些部分來定義合適的內容。
6. 在 Index View中綁定佈局頁面
1: @{
2: Layout = null;
3: }
1: @{
2: Layout = "~/Views/Shared/MyLayout.cshtml";
3: }
7.設計Index View
1: @using WebApplication1.ViewModels 2: @model EmployeeListViewModel 3: @{ 4: Layout = "~/Views/Shared/MyLayout.cshtml"; 5: } 6: 7: @section TitleSection{ 8: MyView 9: } 10: @section ContentBody{ 11: <div> 12: @{ 13: Html.RenderAction("GetAddNewLink"); 14: } 15: <table border="1"> 16: <tr> 17: <th>Employee Name</th> 18: <th>Salary</th> 19: </tr> 20: @foreach (EmployeeViewModel item in Model.Employees) 21: { 22: <tr> 23: <td>@item.EmployeeName</td> 24: <td style=" padding: 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">>@item.Salary</td> 25: </tr> 26: } 27: </table> 28: </div> 29: }
8. 運行
9. 在 CreateEmployee 中綁定佈局頁面
打開 Index.cshtml,修改頂部代碼:
1: @{
2: Layout = "~/Views/Shared/MyLayout.cshtml";
3: }
10. 設計 CreateEmployee View
與第7步中的程序相似,定義 CreateEmployee View中的Section ,在本次定義中只添加一項,以下:
1: @using WebApplication1.Models 2: @model Employee 3: @{ 4: Layout = "~/Views/Shared/MyLayout.cshtml"; 5: } 6: 7: @section TitleSection{ 8: CreateEmployee 9: } 10: 11: @section HeaderSection{ 12: <script src="~/Scripts/Validations.js"></script> 13: <script> 14: function ResetForm() { 15: document.getElementById('TxtFName').value = ""; 16: document.getElementById('TxtLName').value = ""; 17: document.getElementById('TxtSalary').value = ""; 18: } 19: </script> 20: } 21: @section ContentBody{ 22: <div> 23: <form action="/Employee/SaveEmployee" method="post" id="EmployeeForm"> 24: <table> 25: <tr> 26: <td> 27: First Name: 28: </td> 29: <td> 30: <input type="text" id="TxtFName" name="FirstName" value="@Model.FirstName" /> 31: </td> 32: </tr> 33: <tr> 34: <td colspan="2" align="right"> 35: @Html.ValidationMessage("FirstName") 36: </td> 37: </tr> 38: <tr> 39: <td> 40: Last Name: 41: </td> 42: <td> 43: <input type="text" id="TxtLName" name="LastName" value="@Model.LastName" /> 44: </td> 45: </tr> 46: <tr> 47: <td colspan="2" align="right"> 48: @Html.ValidationMessage("LastName") 49: </td> 50: </tr> 51: 52: <tr> 53: <td> 54: Salary: 55: </td> 56: <td> 57: <input type="text" id="TxtSalary" name="Salary" value="@Model.Salary" /> 58: </td> 59: </tr> 60: <tr> 61: <td colspan="2" align="right"> 62: @Html.ValidationMessage("Salary") 63: </td> 64: </tr> 65: 66: <tr> 67: <td colspan="2"> 68: 69: <input type="submit" name="BtnSubmit" value="Save Employee" onclick="return IsValid();" /> 70: <input type="submit" name="BtnSubmit" value="Cancel" /> 71: <input type="button" name="BtnReset" value="Reset" onclick="ResetForm();" /> 72: </td> 73: </tr> 74: </table> 75: </div> 76: }
11. 運行
Index View是 EmployeeListViewModel類型的強View類型,是 BaseViewModel的子類,這就是爲何Index View可一直髮揮做用。CreateEmployee View 是CreateEmployeeViewModel的強類型,並非BaseViewModel的子類,所以會出現以上錯誤。
12. 準備 CreateEmployeeViewModel
使CreateEmployeeViewModel 繼承 BaseViewModel,以下:
1: public class CreateEmployeeViewModel:BaseViewModel 2: { 3: ...
13. 運行
報錯,該錯誤好像與步驟11中的錯誤徹底不一樣,出現這些錯誤的根本緣由是未初始化AddNew action方法中的Header和Footer數據。
14. 初始化Header和Footer 數據
1: public ActionResult AddNew() 2: { 3: CreateEmployeeViewModel employeeListViewModel = new CreateEmployeeViewModel(); 4: employeeListViewModel.FooterData = new FooterViewModel(); 5: employeeListViewModel.FooterData.CompanyName = "StepByStepSchools";//Can be set to dynamic value 6: employeeListViewModel.FooterData.Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); 7: employeeListViewModel.UserName = User.Identity.Name; //New Line 8: return View("CreateEmployee", employeeListViewModel); 9: }
15. 初始化 SaveEmployee中的Header和 FooterData
1: public ActionResult SaveEmployee(Employee e, string BtnSubmit) 2: { 3: switch (BtnSubmit) 4: { 5: case "Save Employee": 6: if (ModelState.IsValid) 7: { 8: ... 9: } 10: else 11: { 12: CreateEmployeeViewModel vm = new CreateEmployeeViewModel(); 13: ... 14: vm.FooterData = new FooterViewModel(); 15: vm.FooterData.CompanyName = "StepByStepSchools";//Can be set to dynamic value 16: vm.FooterData.Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); 17: vm.UserName = User.Identity.Name; //New Line 18: return View("CreateEmployee", vm); // Day 4 Change - Passing e here 19: } 20: case "Cancel": 21: return RedirectToAction("Index"); 22: } 23: return new EmptyResult(); 24: }
16. 運行
RenderBody 有什麼做用?
以前建立了Layout 頁面,包含一個Razor語句如:
例如:在__ViewStart.cshtml中輸入如下代碼,並給全部View 設置 Layout頁面。
1: @{
2: Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
3: }
是否在每一個Action 方法中須要加入Header和Footer數據代碼?
不須要,可在Action 過濾器的幫助下刪除重複的代碼。
1: @RenderSection("HeaderSection",false) // Not required
2: @RenderSection("HeaderSection",true) // required
3: @RenderSection("HeaderSection") // required
在實驗23中,咱們已經知道了使用 ActionFilter的一個優勢,如今來看看使用 ActionFilter的其餘好處
1. 刪除Action 方法中的冗餘代碼
刪除Index,AddNew, SaveEmployee方法中的Header和Footer數據代碼。
1: bvm.UserName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
1: bvm.FooterData = new FooterViewModel(); 2: bvm.FooterData.CompanyName = "StepByStepSchools";//Can be set to dynamic value 3: bvm.FooterData.Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
2.建立HeaderFooter 過濾器
在Filter文件夾下新建類」HeaderFooterFilter「,並經過繼承ActionFilterAttribute類升級爲Action Filter
3. 升級ViewModel
重寫 HeaderFooterFilter類的 OnActionExecuted方法,在該方法中獲取當前View Model ,並綁定Header和Footer數據。
1: public class HeaderFooterFilter : ActionFilterAttribute 2: { 3: public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) 4: { 5: ViewResult v = filterContext.Result as ViewResult; 6: if(v!=null) // v will null when v is not a ViewResult 7: { 8: BaseViewModel bvm = v.Model as BaseViewModel; 9: if(bvm!=null)//bvm will be null when we want a view without Header and footer 10: { 11: bvm.UserName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; 12: bvm.FooterData = new FooterViewModel(); 13: bvm.FooterData.CompanyName = "StepByStepSchools";//Can be set to dynamic value 14: bvm.FooterData.Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); 15: } 16: } 17: } 18: }
4. 綁定過濾器
在Index中,AddNew,SaveEmployee的action 方法中綁定 HeaderFooterFilter
1: [HeaderFooterFilter] 2: public ActionResult Index() 3: { 4: EmployeeListViewModel employeeListViewModel = new EmployeeListViewModel(); 5: ... 6: } 7: ... 8: [AdminFilter] 9: [HeaderFooterFilter] 10: public ActionResult AddNew() 11: { 12: CreateEmployeeViewModel employeeListViewModel = new CreateEmployeeViewModel(); 13: //employeeListViewModel.FooterData = new FooterViewModel(); 14: //employeeListViewModel.FooterData.CompanyName = "StepByStepSchools"; 15: ... 16: } 17: ... 18: [AdminFilter] 19: [HeaderFooterFilter] 20: public ActionResult SaveEmployee(Employee e, string BtnSubmit) 21: { 22: switch (BtnSubmit) 23: { 24: ...
5. 運行
本文主要介紹了ASP.NET MVC中頁眉頁腳的添加和Layout頁面的使用,並實現了用戶角色分配及Action Filter的使用,下一節中咱們將是最難和最有趣的一篇,請持續關注吧!
在學習了本節Layout頁面及用戶角色管理以後,你是否也躍躍欲試想要進行MVC開發?不妨試試 ComponentOne Studio ASP.NET MVC 這款輕量級控件,它與Visual Studio無縫集成,徹底與MVC6和ASP.NET 5.0兼容,將大幅提升工做效率.