void saddCommand(redisClient *c) { robj *set; int j, added = 0; /*查找集合,若是不存在建立新的集合*/ set = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]); if (set == NULL) { /* *建立集合,若是添加的元素能夠轉換爲longlong類型,則存儲格式採用intset數據結構,不然採用hash table數據結構進行存儲 */ set = setTypeCreate(c->argv[2]); dbAdd(c->db,c->argv[1],set); } else { if (set->type != REDIS_SET) { addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr); return; } } for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) { c->argv[j] = tryObjectEncoding(c->argv[j]); /*元素添加進集合中*/ if (setTypeAdd(set,c->argv[j])) added++; } if (added) { signalModifiedKey(c->db,c->argv[1]); notifyKeyspaceEvent(REDIS_NOTIFY_SET,"sadd",c->argv[1],c->db->id); } server.dirty += added; addReplyLongLong(c,added); } int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, robj *value) { long long llval; if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) { if (dictAdd(subject->ptr,value,NULL) == DICT_OK) { incrRefCount(value); return 1; } } else if (subject->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) { /*若是添加元素能夠轉換爲longlong類型,保存至intset中,不然須要轉換存儲結構爲hash table*/ if (isObjectRepresentableAsLongLong(value,&llval) == REDIS_OK) { uint8_t success = 0; subject->ptr = intsetAdd(subject->ptr,llval,&success); if (success) { /* 爲了防止intset過大,set_max_intset_entries值做爲一個閥值,佔用空間大於此值,則將存儲結構轉換爲hash table類型*/ if (intsetLen(subject->ptr) > server.set_max_intset_entries) setTypeConvert(subject,REDIS_ENCODING_HT); return 1; } } else { /* 轉換爲longlong失敗,須要轉換爲hash table*/ setTypeConvert(subject,REDIS_ENCODING_HT); /* 新元素添加至hash table中*/ redisAssertWithInfo(NULL,value,dictAdd(subject->ptr,value,NULL) == DICT_OK); incrRefCount(value); return 1; } } else { redisPanic("Unknown set encoding"); } return 0; }
sdiff求差集, sdiffstore求差集並保存結果, sunion求並集, sunionstore求並集並保存結果, 幾種運算過程都是經過sunionDiffGenericCommand函數進行,此處將幾個命令所有列出.數據結構
/*求並集*/ void sunionCommand(redisClient *c) { sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+1,c->argc-1,NULL,REDIS_OP_UNION); } /*求並集並保存結果*/ void sunionstoreCommand(redisClient *c) { sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+2,c->argc-2,c->argv[1],REDIS_OP_UNION); } /*求差集*/ void sdiffCommand(redisClient *c) { sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+1,c->argc-1,NULL,REDIS_OP_DIFF); } /*求差集並保存結果*/ void sdiffstoreCommand(redisClient *c) { sunionDiffGenericCommand(c,c->argv+2,c->argc-2,c->argv[1],REDIS_OP_DIFF); } /*通用的求差集和並集函數*/ void sunionDiffGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setkeys, int setnum, robj *dstkey, int op) { robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum); setTypeIterator *si; robj *ele, *dstset = NULL; int j, cardinality = 0; int diff_algo = 1; /*取出須要操做的集合*/ for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) { robj *setobj = dstkey ? lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setkeys[j]) : lookupKeyRead(c->db,setkeys[j]); if (!setobj) { sets[j] = NULL; continue; } if (checkType(c,setobj,REDIS_SET)) { zfree(sets); return; } sets[j] = setobj; } /* *依據待運算集合中元素數量,選擇計算差集算法, 其中算法1時間複雜度:O(N*M), N是第一個集合中元素個數, M是參與運算的集合數量. *算法2時間複雜度:O(N), N是全部集合中元素數量總和 */ if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && sets[0]) { long long algo_one_work = 0, algo_two_work = 0; for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) { if (sets[j] == NULL) continue; algo_one_work += setTypeSize(sets[0]); algo_two_work += setTypeSize(sets[j]); } /* *algo_one_work值即爲算法1中N*M, algo_two_work值即爲算法2中N. 考慮到若是參與運算集合爲intset時, 算法1的時間複雜度穩定性要好於算法2, *所以沒有直接比較二者大小選擇算法, 而是算法1理論時間複雜度一半大於算法2時, 才使用算法2 */ algo_one_work /= 2; diff_algo = (algo_one_work <= algo_two_work) ? 1 : 2; if (diff_algo == 1 && setnum > 1) { /*爲了提升算法1速度, 儘快找到重複元素, 對集合列表按照元素數量進行了降序排序*/ qsort(sets+1,setnum-1,sizeof(robj*), qsortCompareSetsByRevCardinality); } } /*建立一個臨時集合存放計算結果*/ dstset = createIntsetObject(); if (op == REDIS_OP_UNION) { /* 求並集很簡單了, 直接遍歷全部元素, 添加進dstset集合中便可*/ for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) { if (!sets[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */ si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[j]); while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) { if (setTypeAdd(dstset,ele)) cardinality++; decrRefCount(ele); } setTypeReleaseIterator(si); } } else if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && sets[0] && diff_algo == 1) { /* *算法1對集合1進行遍歷, 並判斷集合1中的元素是否在其餘集合中出現, 沒有出現則添加到dstset集合中, 做爲差集的一個元素 */ si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[0]); /* *循環外層對集合1進行遍歷, 內層對其餘參與運算的集合進行遍歷 */ while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) { for (j = 1; j < setnum; j++) { if (!sets[j]) continue; /* no key is an empty set. */ if (sets[j] == sets[0]) break; /* same set! */ if (setTypeIsMember(sets[j],ele)) break; } if (j == setnum) { /* 其餘集合中沒有找到該元素, 添加到差集集合中*/ setTypeAdd(dstset,ele); cardinality++; } decrRefCount(ele); } setTypeReleaseIterator(si); } else if (op == REDIS_OP_DIFF && sets[0] && diff_algo == 2) { /* *算法2將集合1中元素直接copy進dstset集合中, 經過遍歷其餘全部集合, 而後確認其餘集合中的元素沒有在dstset中出現, 出現則從dstset中刪除, 最終獲取差集 */ for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) { if (!sets[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */ si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[j]); while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) { if (j == 0) { /*集合1中元素添加進dstset中*/ if (setTypeAdd(dstset,ele)) cardinality++; } else { /*其餘集合中元素出如今dstset中,則刪除該元素*/ if (setTypeRemove(dstset,ele)) cardinality--; } decrRefCount(ele); } setTypeReleaseIterator(si); if (cardinality == 0) break; } } if (!dstkey) { /*運算結果不須要存儲,直接返回結果元素至客戶端*/ addReplyMultiBulkLen(c,cardinality); si = setTypeInitIterator(dstset); while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) { addReplyBulk(c,ele); decrRefCount(ele); } setTypeReleaseIterator(si); decrRefCount(dstset); } else { /* 須要存儲, 首先刪除原來可能已經存在dstkey的集合*/ int deleted = dbDelete(c->db,dstkey); if (setTypeSize(dstset) > 0) { dbAdd(c->db,dstkey,dstset); addReplyLongLong(c,setTypeSize(dstset)); notifyKeyspaceEvent(REDIS_NOTIFY_SET, op == REDIS_OP_UNION ? "sunionstore" : "sdiffstore", dstkey,c->db->id); } else { decrRefCount(dstset); addReply(c,shared.czero); if (deleted) notifyKeyspaceEvent(REDIS_NOTIFY_GENERIC,"del", dstkey,c->db->id); } signalModifiedKey(c->db,dstkey); server.dirty++; } zfree(sets); }
sinter求交集, sinterstore求交集並保存結果, 都是經過sinterGenericCommand函數進行相應的操做app
/*求交集*/ void sinterCommand(redisClient *c) { sinterGenericCommand(c,c->argv+1,c->argc-1,NULL); } /*求交集並保存結果*/ void sinterstoreCommand(redisClient *c) { sinterGenericCommand(c,c->argv+2,c->argc-2,c->argv[1]); } /*通用求交集函數*/ void sinterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj **setkeys, unsigned long setnum, robj *dstkey) { robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum); setTypeIterator *si; robj *eleobj, *dstset = NULL; int64_t intobj; void *replylen = NULL; unsigned long j, cardinality = 0; int encoding; /*遍歷全部key, 讀出全部傳入的全部集合*/ for (j = 0; j < setnum; j++) { robj *setobj = dstkey ? lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setkeys[j]) : lookupKeyRead(c->db,setkeys[j]); if (!setobj) { zfree(sets); if (dstkey) { if (dbDelete(c->db,dstkey)) { signalModifiedKey(c->db,dstkey); server.dirty++; } addReply(c,shared.czero); } else { addReply(c,shared.emptymultibulk); } return; } if (checkType(c,setobj,REDIS_SET)) { zfree(sets); return; } sets[j] = setobj; } /* 按照集合中元素數量升序排列, 提升後面算法性能, 儘快決定元素是不是交集元素*/ qsort(sets,setnum,sizeof(robj*),qsortCompareSetsByCardinality); /* The first thing we should output is the total number of elements... * since this is a multi-bulk write, but at this stage we don't know * the intersection set size, so we use a trick, append an empty object * to the output list and save the pointer to later modify it with the * right length */ if (!dstkey) { replylen = addDeferredMultiBulkLength(c); } else { /* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set * create this key with an empty set inside */ dstset = createIntsetObject(); } /* Iterate all the elements of the first (smallest) set, and test * the element against all the other sets, if at least one set does * not include the element it is discarded */ si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[0]); while((encoding = setTypeNext(si,&eleobj,&intobj)) != -1) { for (j = 1; j < setnum; j++) { if (sets[j] == sets[0]) continue; /* *依據不一樣的編碼進行相應的操做 */ if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) { /* 編碼均爲intset時,則直接進行查找 */ if (sets[j]->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET && !intsetFind((intset*)sets[j]->ptr,intobj)) { break; /* 編碼爲hash table時, 從新建立object進行比較 */ } else if (sets[j]->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) { eleobj = createStringObjectFromLongLong(intobj); if (!setTypeIsMember(sets[j],eleobj)) { decrRefCount(eleobj); break; } decrRefCount(eleobj); } } else if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) { /*待查集合爲intset, 則能夠直接安卓long類型進行查找, 不然只能object在hash table中查找*/ if (eleobj->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INT && sets[j]->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET && !intsetFind((intset*)sets[j]->ptr,(long)eleobj->ptr)) { break; } else if (!setTypeIsMember(sets[j],eleobj)) { break; } } } /* 查找到最後一個集合表示此元素在全部集合中均出現, 做爲交集結果 */ if (j == setnum) { if (!dstkey) { if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) addReplyBulk(c,eleobj); else addReplyBulkLongLong(c,intobj); cardinality++; } else { if (encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET) { eleobj = createStringObjectFromLongLong(intobj); setTypeAdd(dstset,eleobj); decrRefCount(eleobj); } else { setTypeAdd(dstset,eleobj); } } } } setTypeReleaseIterator(si); /*判斷是否須要存儲交集結果, 並進行相應操做*/ if (dstkey) { int deleted = dbDelete(c->db,dstkey); if (setTypeSize(dstset) > 0) { dbAdd(c->db,dstkey,dstset); addReplyLongLong(c,setTypeSize(dstset)); notifyKeyspaceEvent(REDIS_NOTIFY_SET,"sinterstore", dstkey,c->db->id); } else { decrRefCount(dstset); addReply(c,shared.czero); if (deleted) notifyKeyspaceEvent(REDIS_NOTIFY_GENERIC,"del", dstkey,c->db->id); } signalModifiedKey(c->db,dstkey); server.dirty++; } else { setDeferredMultiBulkLength(c,replylen,cardinality); } zfree(sets); }
集合的幾種操做都是比較耗時的, 使用時對於特別龐大的集合進行運算須要謹慎, 可能影響總體性能.ide