繼這篇Blog 解決Nginx和Fpm-Php等內部多進程之間共享數據問題 發完後,進程間共享內存又遇到了新的問題 php
昨天晚上QP同窗上線後,早上看超時報表發現有一臺前端機器訪問QP超時,比其餘前端機器高出了幾個數量級,前端的機器都是同構的 html
難道是這臺機器系統不正常?查看系統狀態也沒有任何異常,統計了一下超時日誌,發現超時都發生在早上QP服務重啓的過程當中,正常狀況下服務重啓時,ClusterMap 會保證流量的正常分配 前端
難道是ClusterMap有問題?去ClusterMap Server端看了一下,一切正常 nginx
難道是訂閱者客戶端有問題嗎?隨便找了一臺正常的機器和有問題的這臺機器對比,查看下日誌也沒有發現問題,使用查詢工具檢查這兩臺機器訂閱者代理寫的共享內存,發現工具讀取共享內存返回的結果不一致,這就更奇怪了,都是相同的訂閱者,一臺機器有問題一臺沒問題 函數
難道Server端給他們的消息不一致?去Server端把訂閱者的機器列表都打了出來,發現了有問題的機器根本不在訂閱者列表裏面,說明這臺機器沒有訂閱,貌似有點線索了,我下線了一臺它訂閱的QP機器驗證,發現共享內部數據沒有更新,pstack一下這個進程,發現內部的更新線程一直在等鎖,致使共享內存數據一直沒法更新,gdb跟進去以後,_lock.data.nr_readers一直爲1,說明一直有一個讀進程佔着鎖致使寫進程沒法進入,遍歷了全部fpm-php的讀進程發現都沒有佔着鎖,這說明在讀進程在得到鎖後沒來得及釋放就掛掉了 工具
如今問題已經確認就是得到讀鎖後進程異常退出致使的,我寫個測試程序復現這個問題 性能
(! 2293)-> cat test/read_shared.cpp 測試
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemRead(const std::string& mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if (_mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path.c_str(), FILE_OPEN_WRITE) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData*)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (initSharedMemRead(argv[1]) != 0) return -1; int cnt = 100; while (cnt > 0) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, readers = %u\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__nr_readers); if (cnt == 190) { exit(0); } sleep(1); pthread_rwlock_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); -- cnt; usleep(100*1000); } delete _mmapFile; }
(! 2293)-> cat test/write_shared.cpp ui
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemWrite(const char* mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if ( _mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path, FILE_OPEN_WRITE, 1024) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData *)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); madvise(_sharedUpdateData, 1024, MADV_SEQUENTIAL); pthread_rwlockattr_t attr; memset(&attr, 0x0, sizeof(pthread_rwlockattr_t)); if (pthread_rwlockattr_init(&attr) != 0 || pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) != 0) { return -1; } pthread_rwlock_init( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock), &attr); _sharedUpdateData->_updateTime = autil::TimeUtility::currentTime(); _sharedUpdateData->_version = 0; return 0; } int main() { if (initSharedMemWrite("data.mmap") != 0) return -1; int cnt = 200; while (cnt > 0) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); ++ _sharedUpdateData->_version; fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, readers = %u\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__nr_readers); sleep(1); pthread_rwlock_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); -- cnt; usleep(100*1000); } delete _mmapFile; }
不管是讀進程仍是寫進程,獲取鎖後來不及釋放就掛掉都會有這樣的問題 this
設置鎖爲Robust鎖: pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np
The robustness attribute defines the behavior when the owner of a mutex dies. The value of robustness could be either PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST_NP or PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED_NP, which are defined by the header <pthread.h>. The default value of the robustness attribute is PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED_NP. When the owner of a mutex with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED_NP robustness attribute dies, all future calls to pthread_mutex_lock(3C) for this mutex will be blocked from progress in an unspecified manner.
修復非一致的Robust鎖: pthread_mutex_consistent_np
A consistent mutex becomes inconsistent and is unlocked if its owner dies while holding it, or if the process contain- ing the owner of the mutex unmaps the memory containing the mutex or performs one of the exec(2) functions. A subsequent owner of the mutex will acquire the mutex with pthread_mutex_lock(3C), which will return EOWNERDEAD to indicate that the acquired mutex is inconsistent. The pthread_mutex_consistent_np() function should be called while holding the mutex acquired by a previous call to pthread_mutex_lock() that returned EOWNERDEAD. Since the critical section protected by the mutex could have been left in an inconsistent state by the dead owner, the caller should make the mutex consistent only if it is able to make the critical section protected by the mutex con- sistent.
(! 2295)-> cat test/read_shared_mutex.cpp
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemRead(const std::string& mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if (_mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path.c_str(), FILE_OPEN_WRITE) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData*)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) return -1; if (initSharedMemRead(argv[1]) != 0) return -1; int cnt = 10000; int ret = 0; while (cnt > 0) { ret = pthread_mutex_lock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret == EOWNERDEAD) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", strerror(ret), _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); ret = pthread_mutex_consistent_np( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(ret)); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); continue; } } fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); sleep(5); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); usleep(500*1000); -- cnt; } fprintf(stdout, "go on\n"); delete _mmapFile; }
(! 2295)-> cat test/write_shared_mutex.cpp
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemWrite(const char* mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if ( _mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path, FILE_OPEN_WRITE, 1024) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData *)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); madvise(_sharedUpdateData, 1024, MADV_SEQUENTIAL); pthread_mutexattr_t attr; memset(&attr, 0x0, sizeof(pthread_mutexattr_t)); if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr) != 0 || pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) != 0) { return -1; } if (pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST_NP) != 0) { return -1; } pthread_mutex_init( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock), &attr); _sharedUpdateData->_version = 0; return 0; } int main() { if (initSharedMemWrite("data.mmap") != 0) return -1; int cnt = 200; int ret = 0; while (cnt > 0) { ret = pthread_mutex_lock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret == EOWNERDEAD) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", strerror(ret), _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); ret = pthread_mutex_consistent_np( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(ret)); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); continue; } } ++ _sharedUpdateData->_version; fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); usleep(1000*1000); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); -- cnt; usleep(500*1000); } delete _mmapFile; }
BTW:咱們都知道加鎖是有開銷的,不只僅是互斥致使的等待開銷,還有加鎖過程都是有系統調用到內核態的,這個過程開銷也很大,有一種互斥鎖叫Futex鎖(Fast User Mutex),Linux從2.5.7版本開始支持Futex,快速的用戶層面的互斥鎖,Fetux鎖有更好的性能,是用戶態和內核態混合使用的同步機制,若是沒有鎖競爭的時候,在用戶態就能夠判斷返回,不須要系統調用,