''' 複習購物車程序 內容 1. 啓動程序後讓用戶輸入工資而後打印商品列表 2. 容許用戶根據商品編號購買商品 3. 用戶選擇商品後,檢測餘額是否充足,夠則直接扣款,不夠提醒 4. 可隨時退出,退出時,打印已經購買的商品和餘額 # 假定用戶不會輸錯 ''' shop_list = [['哇哈哈',10],['洗衣液',20],['老白乾',30]] shop_car = [] money_left = 0 exit_shop = False # 提示用戶輸入工資 salary = int(input("please input your salary:")) while True: # 提示用戶商品列表 for i in range(0,len(shop_list)): print(i,shop_list[i][0],shop_list[i][1]) # 提示用戶選擇商品 num = int(input("choose the goods>>>")) shop_car.append(shop_list[num]) print("the goods in car>>",shop_car) while not exit_shop: # 計算商品總額 sum_goods = 0 for j in shop_car[:]: sum_goods += j[1] print("the sum if the goods:",sum_goods) # 檢查餘額 money_left = salary - sum_goods # 餘額不足刪除某件商品 if money_left < 0: print("you have no enough money") # 打印出已經在購物車的商品 for i in range(0,len(shop_car)): print(i,shop_car[i][0],shop_car[i][1]) clear_num = int(input("drop the goods>>")) shop_car.pop(clear_num) print(shop_car) # 餘額充足直接扣款 else: print("the money left>>>",money_left) exit_shop = True exit_shop = False choice = input("end press q>>>") if choice == 'q': print("------shop list------") for index,item in enumerate(shop_car): print(index,item) print("money left:",money_left) break