先看一下主函數= =函數
#include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "nrf.h" #include "simple_uart.h" #include "inv_mpu.h" #include "inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.h" #include "nrf_delay.h" #include "twi_master.h" #include "twi_master_config.h" #include "mpu6050.h" #include "nrf_gpio.h" #include "boards.h" //#define ENABLE_LOOPBACK_TEST /*!< if defined, then this example will be a loopback test, which means that TX should be connected to RX to get data loopback */ #define ERROR_PIN (LED_0) /*!< gpio pin number to show error if loopback is enabled */ #define MAX_TEST_DATA_BYTES (15U) /*!< max number of test bytes to be used for tx and rx */ int main(void) { char q[265]; float Yaw=0,Roll=0,Pitch=0; simple_uart_config(RTS_PIN_NUMBER, TX_PIN_NUMBER, CTS_PIN_NUMBER, RX_PIN_NUMBER, HWFC); twi_master_init(); //初始化iic if(mpu6050_init(0x68)) { simple_uart_putstring((const uint8_t *)" \n\r initsucceeded! "); } mpu_init(0); mpu_dmp_init(); while(1) { simple_uart_putstring((const uint8_t *)" \n\rStart: "); MPU_Get_Temperature(); MPU_Get_Accelerometer(); MPU_Get_Gyroscope(); mpu_dmp_get_data(&Pitch,&Roll,&Yaw); sprintf(q,"\n\r pitch:%f,roll:%f,yaw:%f",Pitch,Roll,Yaw); simple_uart_putstring((const uint8_t *)q); nrf_delay_ms(300); } }這裏獲得溫度,加速度,陀螺儀三個函數是改的原子的程序
void MPU_Get_Temperature(void) //讀出攝氏度 { uint8_t buf[2]; short raw; float temp; char t[256]; mpu6050_register_read(MPU_TEMP_OUTH_REG,buf,2); raw=((uint16_t)buf[0]<<8)|buf[1]; temp=36.53+((double)raw)/340; sprintf(t,"\n\r mpu_temp:%f",temp); simple_uart_putstring((const uint8_t *)t); } void MPU_Get_Gyroscope(void) { int16_t gyro[3]; uint8_t buf[6]; mpu6050_register_read(MPU_GYRO_XOUTH_REG,buf,6); char g[256]; gyro[0]=((uint16_t)buf[0]<<8)|buf[1]; gyro[1]=((uint16_t)buf[2]<<8)|buf[3]; gyro[2]=((uint16_t)buf[4]<<8)|buf[5]; memset(g,0,256); sprintf(g,"\n\r mpu_gyro:%d,%d,%d",gyro[0],gyro[1],gyro[2]); simple_uart_putstring((const uint8_t *)g); } void MPU_Get_Accelerometer(void) { int16_t acce[3]; uint8_t buf[6]; mpu6050_register_read(MPU_ACCEL_XOUTH_REG,buf,6); char a[256]; acce[0]=((uint16_t)buf[0]<<8)|buf[1]; acce[1]=((uint16_t)buf[2]<<8)|buf[3]; acce[2]=((uint16_t)buf[4]<<8)|buf[5]; memset(a,0,256); sprintf(a,"\n\r mpu_acce:%d,%d,%d",acce[0],acce[1],acce[2]); simple_uart_putstring((const uint8_t *)a); }
int mpu_init(struct int_param_s *int_param) { unsigned char data[6], rev; /* Reset device. */ data[0] = BIT_RESET; if (i2c_write(st.hw->addr, st.reg->pwr_mgmt_1, 1, data)) return -1; delay_ms(100); /* Wake up chip. */ data[0] = 0x00; if (i2c_write(st.hw->addr, st.reg->pwr_mgmt_1, 1, data)) return -1; /* Check product revision. */ if (i2c_read(st.hw->addr, st.reg->accel_offs, 6, data)) return -1; rev = ((data[5] & 0x01) << 2) | ((data[3] & 0x01) << 1) | (data[1] & 0x01); if (rev) { /* Congrats, these parts are better. */ if (rev == 1) st.chip_cfg.accel_half = 1; else if (rev == 2) st.chip_cfg.accel_half = 0; else { log_e("Unsupported software product rev %d.\n", rev); return -1; } } else { if (i2c_read(st.hw->addr, st.reg->prod_id, 1, data)) return -1; rev = data[0] & 0x0F; if (!rev) { log_e("Product ID read as 0 indicates device is either " "incompatible or an MPU3050.\n"); return -1; } else if (rev == 4) { log_i("Half sensitivity part found.\n"); st.chip_cfg.accel_half = 1; } else st.chip_cfg.accel_half = 0; } /* Set to invalid values to ensure no I2C writes are skipped. */ st.chip_cfg.sensors = 0xFF; st.chip_cfg.gyro_fsr = 0xFF; st.chip_cfg.accel_fsr = 0xFF; st.chip_cfg.lpf = 0xFF; st.chip_cfg.sample_rate = 0xFFFF; st.chip_cfg.fifo_enable = 0xFF; st.chip_cfg.bypass_mode = 0xFF;
/* mpu_set_sensors always preserves this setting. */ st.chip_cfg.clk_src = INV_CLK_PLL; /* Handled in next call to mpu_set_bypass. */ st.chip_cfg.active_low_int = 1; st.chip_cfg.latched_int = 0; st.chip_cfg.int_motion_only = 0; st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode = 0; memset(&st.chip_cfg.cache, 0, sizeof(st.chip_cfg.cache)); st.chip_cfg.dmp_on = 0; st.chip_cfg.dmp_loaded = 0; st.chip_cfg.dmp_sample_rate = 0; if (mpu_set_gyro_fsr(2000)) //陀螺儀2000DPS return -1; if (mpu_set_accel_fsr(2)) //加速度計2G return -1; if (mpu_set_lpf(42)) //DLPF42Hz return -1; if (mpu_set_sample_rate(50)) //FIFOrate50Hz return -1; if (mpu_configure_fifo(0)) return -1; if (int_param) reg_int_cb(int_param); /* Already disabled by setup_compass. */ if (mpu_set_bypass(0)) return -1; mpu_set_sensors(0); return 0; }
手指放在mpu6050芯片上 會看到溫度升高oop
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