void TestSkyWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)this
QPainter painter(this);
float topMargin ;
float leftMargin;
float size;
float satelliteSize;
float fontSize;
float availableWidth = widgetSize.width ();
float availableHeight = widgetSize.height();
qreal x = widgetSize.center().x() + (qreal) availableWidth /2 * cos(-m_pieRotate*3.14159/180);
qreal y = widgetSize.center().y() + (qreal) availableWidth /2 * sin(-m_pieRotate*3.14159/180);
QConicalGradient gradient;
gradient.setAngle(m_pieRotate + 180); //漸變與旋轉方向剛好相反,以扇形相反的邊做爲漸變角度。
gradient.setColorAt(0.8,QColor(255,255,255,100)); //從漸變角度開始0.5 - 0.75爲扇形區域,因爲Int類型計算不精確,將範圍擴大到0.4-0.8
// painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255,10,100,100)));
for(int i = 0; i < m_points.count(); ++i)
int colorAlaph = m_pointsAlapha.at(i);
if( availableHeight/*height()*/ > availableWidth/*width()*/ )
size = widgetSize.width() * p_marginScale;
topMargin = ( widgetSize.width() - widgetSize.width() * p_marginScale +
widgetSize.height() - widgetSize.width() ) / 2.0;
leftMargin = ( widgetSize.width() - widgetSize.width() * p_marginScale ) / 2.0;
// widgetSize = QRect(0,(height() - width())/2 ,width(),width());
size = widgetSize.height() * p_marginScale;
leftMargin = ( widgetSize.height() - widgetSize.height() * p_marginScale +
widgetSize.width() - widgetSize.height()) / 2.0;
topMargin = ( widgetSize.height() - widgetSize.height() * p_marginScale ) / 2.0;
//widgetSize = QRect((width() - height())/2 ,0,height(),height());
satelliteSize = size * p_satScale;
//satelliteSize = widgetSize/*size*/ * p_satScale;
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, p_antialiased);
painter.translate( leftMargin, topMargin );
fontSize = size * p_fontScale;
QFont( "Arial",
static_cast< int >( fontSize ) ) );
// paint the circles
for( int i=0; i < p_ellipses; i++ )
float radius = size / 2.0 - i * ( size / ( 2.0 * p_ellipses ) );
painter.setPen( QPen( p_gridColor, p_gridWidth ) );
QPoint( size/2.0, size/2.0 ),
static_cast< int >( radius ),
static_cast< int >( radius ) );
if( p_withGridLabels )
painter.setPen( QPen( p_gridTextColor, p_gridWidth ) );
painter.drawText( QPoint( size/2.0 + p_textMargin, size/2.0 - ( radius + p_textMargin ) ),
QString("%1").arg( i * (90 / p_ellipses ) ) );
// paint the crosses
for( int i=0; i < p_crosses; i ++ )
QLineF line1;
QLineF line2;
float angle = static_cast<float>(i) * 90.0 / static_cast<float>(p_crosses);
line1.setP1( QPoint( size/2.0, size/2.0 ) );
line1.setLength( size/2.0 );
QRectF textRect( 0, 0, 4.0 * fontSize, fontSize + 2.0 );
for( int c = 0; c < 4; c++ )
line1.setAngle( angle + c*90.0 + 90.0 );
painter.setPen( QPen( p_gridColor, p_gridWidth ) );
painter.drawLine( line1 );
if( p_withGridLabels )
painter.setPen( QPen( p_gridTextColor, p_gridWidth ) );
line2 = QLineF( line1 );
line2.setLength( size/2.0 + 2.0 * fontSize );
textRect.moveCenter( line2.p2() );
if( i > 0 )
painter.drawText( textRect, Qt::AlignCenter, QString( "%1").arg( 360.0 - (c*90.0 ) - angle ) );
painter.drawText( textRect, Qt::AlignCenter, QString( "N") );
QBrush innerBrush = QBrush( Qt::SolidPattern );
//QBrush outerBrush = QBrush( );
foreach( auto s, satellites )
// skip invisible satellites
if( s.state & SatelliteState::Invisible || // the invisible flag is set
( !( s.state & SatelliteState::Visible ) & // neither visible nor half-visible
!( s.state & SatelliteState::HalfVisible ) ) ||
( s.state & (SatelliteState::Flashing/*|SatelliteState::Flashing1|SatelliteState::Flashing2*/) && flash ) // flashing flag is set and flash is active
float el_s = ( 90 - s.el ) * size / ( 2 * 90.0 );
QRectF labelRect( 0, 0, s.label.length() * satelliteSize, satelliteSize+2 );
QPoint satPos( size/2 + sin( s.az * 2 * MY_PI / 360.0 ) * el_s,
size/2 - cos( s.az * 2 * MY_PI / 360.0 ) * el_s );
// define the color's alpha value (0.3 or 1.0)
QColor innerColor = s.innerColor;
QColor outerColor = s.outerColor;
QColor fontColor = s.fontColor;
if( s.state & SatelliteState::Visible )
innerColor.setAlphaF( 1.0 );
outerColor.setAlphaF( 1.0 );
fontColor.setAlphaF( 1.0 );
innerColor.setAlphaF( 0.3 );
outerColor.setAlphaF( 0.3 );
fontColor.setAlphaF( 0.3 );
// paint the inner circle
innerBrush.setColor( innerColor );
painter.setBrush( innerBrush );
if( s.state & SatelliteState::Marked )
painter.setPen( QPen( outerColor, satelliteSize/4 ) );
painter.setPen( QPen( p_gridColor, 0 ) );
static_cast< int >( satelliteSize ),
static_cast< int >( satelliteSize ) );
// write the text
painter.setPen( QPen( fontColor, 1 ) );
QFont( "Arial",
static_cast< int >( satelliteSize ),
QFont::Bold ) );
labelRect.moveCenter( satPos );
painter.drawText( labelRect, Qt::AlignCenter, s.label );
void TestSkyWidget::insert(
int id,
float az,
float el,
const QString & label,
const QColor & outerColor,
const QColor & innerColor,
const QColor & fontColor,
SatelliteState state )
Satellite sat;
sat.label = label;
sat.az = az;
sat.el = el;
sat.state = state;
sat.innerColor = innerColor;
sat.outerColor = outerColor;
sat.fontColor = fontColor;
satellites.insert( id, sat );
void TestSkyWidget::remove( int id )
satellites.remove( id );
bool TestSkyWidget::contains( int id ) const
return satellites.contains( id );
QColor TestSkyWidget::innerColor( int id ) const
return satellites[ id ].innerColor;
QColor TestSkyWidget::outerColor( int id ) const
return satellites[ id ].outerColor;
QColor TestSkyWidget::fontColor( int id ) const
return satellites[ id ].fontColor;
void TestSkyWidget::setInnerColor( int id, const QColor & c )
satellites[ id ].innerColor = c;
void TestSkyWidget::setOuterColor( int id, const QColor & c )
satellites[ id ].outerColor = c;
void TestSkyWidget::setFontColor( int id, const QColor & c )
satellites[ id ].fontColor = c;
TestSkyWidget::SatelliteState TestSkyWidget::state( int id ) const
return satellites[ id ].state;
void TestSkyWidget::setState( int id, SatelliteState state )
satellites[ id ].state = state;
QString TestSkyWidget::label( int id ) const
return satellites[ id ].label;
void TestSkyWidget::setLabel( int id, const QString & label )
satellites[ id ].label = label;
float TestSkyWidget::azimuth( int id ) const
return satellites[ id ].az;
float TestSkyWidget::elevation( int id ) const
return satellites[ id ].el;
void TestSkyWidget::setAzimuth( int id, float az )
satellites[ id ].az = az;
void TestSkyWidget::setElevation( int id, float el )
satellites[ id ].el = el;
QList<int> TestSkyWidget::ids( void ) const
return satellites.keys();
TestSkyWidget::SatelliteState operator|
TestSkyWidget::SatelliteState lhs,
TestSkyWidget::SatelliteState rhs
return static_cast< TestSkyWidget::SatelliteState >
static_cast< quint8 >( lhs ) | static_cast< quint8 >( rhs )
void TestSkyWidget::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if(m_timerId == event->timerId())
m_pieRotate -= 10;
else if(m_pointTimerId == event->timerId())
for(int i = 0; i < m_points.count(); ++i)
int offsetX = rand()%widgetSize.width();
int offsetY = rand()%widgetSize.width();
int alapha = rand()%255;
m_points.replace(i,QPoint(offsetX,offsetY) + widgetSize.topLeft());
void TestSkyWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
if(width() > height())
widgetSize = QRect((width() - height())/1000 ,0,height(),height());
widgetSize = QRect(0,(height() - width())/1000 ,width(),width());