Zlata Kalyuzhnaya 發佈於 2019.10.23git
Posted on October 23, 2019 by Zlata Kalyuzhnaya web
咱們爲即將到來的 IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 提供了全新的 EAP 版本。快來看看都有哪些改進!app
We have a fresh EAP build for the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3. Come and have a look at the new improvements this new build has to offer! ide
Version Controlui
爲了解決一系列可用性問題,咱們刪除了 Checkout as 操做,併爲遠程分支引入了新的統一Checkout 操做,併爲遠程分支和本地分支引入了 New Branch from Selected 操做。this
To resolve a bunch of usability issues, we removed ‘Checkout as’ and introduced a new unified Checkout action for remote branches and the ‘New Branch from Selected’ action for both remote and local branches.idea
以前 IDE 有個 Checkout as 操做,該操做調用 git checkout -b localbranch remote / branch
命令,將 checkout
Previously the IDE had the ‘Checkout as’ action that set the checkout branch as a remote tracked branch, as it called the git checkout -b localbranch remote/branch command. 版本控制
But, it appears that the way it behaved was not what some users expected. A tracked branch is proposed as a default push target in the push dialog, and if a user decided to create a new branch, a feature branch, for example, from the start point of the selected release branch, usually the user would want to push this branch to a new remote branch, and not to the release branch.
「New Branch from Selected」 操做
‘New Branch from Selected’ action
爲了確保操做邏輯清晰,咱們引入了 「New Branch from Selected」 操做 - 該操做將建立一個新分支,但不設置跟蹤的遠程分支。
To ensure clarity, we’ve introduced ‘New Branch from Selected’ – this action creates a new branch but no tracking is set.
在本地和遠程分支均可以使用 「New Branch from Selected」 操做。
The ‘New Branch from Selected’ action is available for both local and remote branches.
統一遠程分支 Checkout 操做邏輯
Brand new unified Checkout action for remote branches
如今,當您在遠程分支上調用 Checkout
操做時,IDE 將靜默建立一個新的本地分支,將其 Checkout
Now when you invoke the Checkout action on a remote branch, the IDE will silently create a new local branch, check it out, and set tracking of the selected remote branch if there is no local branch with the same name.
若是存在具備相同名稱的本地分支,它會自動跟蹤遠程分支,但在 Checkout
期間不會丟失任何提交,IDE 將對本地分支進行 fast-forward
更新(將其靜默 rebase
到遠程分支),而後再進行 Checkout
In cases where there is a local branch with the same name, it tracks remote but no commits will be lost during the checkout, the IDE will do a fast-forward update of the local branch (silently reset it to remote), and check it out.
若是提交可能因爲重置而丟失,則 IDE 將顯示一個確認對話框,並提供不管如何重置或對本地分支執行 Checkout&Update 的選項。
If commits can be lost because of the reset, the IDE will show a confirmation dialog, and offer options to reset anyway or perform a Checkout & Update for the local branch.
IDE 還將顯示一個選項對話框,不管如何均可以對其進行重置,若是本地分支跟蹤另外一個遠程分支,則更改跟蹤或使用新名稱建立分支。
The IDE will also show an options dialog offering to reset it anyway, and change the tracking or create a branch with a new name if the local branch tracks another remote branch.
您能夠從 Branchs 彈出窗口或 Log 上下文菜單中調用遠程分支的 Checkout 操做。
You can invoke the Checkout action for remote branches either from the Branches popup or the Log context menu.
Better plugin management
即將發佈的 IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 將容許您安裝,卸載,啓用和禁用主題插件,無需從新啓動 IDE 即刻生效。
The upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 will allow you to install, uninstall, enable, and disable a theme plugin without restarting the IDE.
快捷鍵映射插件也不須要從新啓動 IDE 便可生效。
The keymap plugins also don’t need the IDE to be restarted anymore to work.
支持 Spring Boot 2.2
Spring Boot 2.2 support
即將推出的 IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 如今支持 Spring Boot 2.2,其中包括對@ConfigurationPropertiesScan
的支持。此外,也支持 application.yml 中的布爾值 on
和 off
The upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 now supports Spring Boot 2.2, which includes support for @ConfigurationPropertiesScan
. Also, ‘on’ and ‘off’ as boolean values in application.yml are supported as well.
More template languages can be injected
在即將到來的 IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 中,如今能夠在代碼中注入更多模板語言,特別是:Pug(ex-Jade)
和 Slim
。要將模板插入代碼中的某個位置,請按 Alt + Enter,選擇 Inject Language,而後從列表中選擇一種語言。
In the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3, it is now possible to inject more template languages into your code, specifically: Pug (ex-Jade), Handlebars, EJS, and Slim. To inject a template somewhere in your code, press Alt+Enter, select Inject Language, and then pick a language from the list.
請注意,您須要安裝相應插件才能得到在代碼中插入模板語言的支持。另外,只有 IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 支持上述模板語言。
Please note that you need to install the plugin that supports the template language that you are going to inject into your code. Also, all template languages are supported in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate only.
若是您在 IntelliJ IDEA 使用的模板語言不在上述列表中,請在咱們的問題管理系統中提出你的需求。
If you’re working with another template language in IntelliJ IDEA which is missing from the list above, please file a new issue in our tracker.
Try it!
從咱們的網站下載新的 IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 EAP 版本或使用 ToolBox 更新。
Download the new IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 EAP build from our website or update to it using the ToolBox App.
歡迎在咱們的問題管理系統,論壇和 Twitter 上反饋您遇到的問題。
As always, any and all feedback is very much welcome in our issue tracker, discussion forum, and on Twitter!
Happy developing!