IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 EAP8 發佈docker
What’s New in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 EAP8?api
Zlata Kalyuzhnaya 於2019 年 10 月 31 日發佈app
Posted on October 31, 2019 by Zlata Kalyuzhnayaide
IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 EAP 側重於對 IDE 的各個部分進行小的修復和改進。EAP8 附帶了對 Gradle 模塊中幾個迴歸修復,優化了服務工具窗口,修復了一些內存泄漏問題,改進了對SpringBoot 2.2 的支持,改進了 Docker 終端,引入了新的 Kubernetes 視圖,幷包含了來自 AndroidStudio3.5 的更改。快下載嚐鮮吧。工具
The new IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 EAP build focuses on small fixes and improvements to various parts of the IDE. The new build comes with fixes for several regressions in Gradle support, polishes the Services tool window, fixes memory leaks, improves support for SpringBoot 2.2, improves Docker terminal, introduces the new Kubernetes View, and includes changes from Android Studio 3.5. Give it a try.優化
您能夠在 release notes 中找到修復問題的完整列表。ui
You’ll find the full list of all the issues that have been addressed in our release notes.this
與往常同樣,IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 的 EAP 版本是無償使用的,但自打包日期起 30 天內過時。idea
As usual, the EAP builds for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate are free to use but expire 30 days from the build date.插件
更好的 Docker 終端
Better Docker terminal
咱們改進了 Docker 支持,如今 Docker 容器中的終端提供了與 IDE 中的嵌入式終端相同的功能。IDE 如今正確地向容器發送 resize 命令以響應終端的 resize。當命令很長時,以前 Docker 終端不是自動換行,而是覆蓋當前行。
We have refined our Docker support, and now the terminal inside a Docker container provides the same capabilities as the embedded terminal inside the IDE. The IDE now correctly sends resize commands to a container in response to terminal resize. Previously, on the long command, the Docker terminal didn’t start a new line but would overwrite the current line instead.
Kubernetes 視圖
Kubernetes View
咱們對 Kubernetes 的支持也有一些改進如今在服務工具窗口中,IDE 提供集羣瀏覽和 pod 日誌查看。
There are also some improvements to our Kubernetes support. Now in the Services tool window, the IDE provides cluster browsing and pod log viewing.
請注意,您須要首先安裝 Kubernetes 插件,此插件僅與 Intellij IDEA Ultimate 兼容。
Please note that you need to first install the Kubernetes plugin. This plugin is only compatible with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
此外,IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 的 EAP8 版本包含了 Android Studio 3.5 的全部更改。
Also, this EAP build of IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 includes all changes from Android Studio 3.5.
快試試新的版本吧,並在評論、問題跟蹤系統或 Twitter 上分享您的反饋。
Give the new build a try and share your feedback with us here in the comments, in our issue tracker, or on Twitter.
Happy Developing!